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Originally Posted by ABIDHA:


This is sad when no body nah piss pun PNC/AFC Guyana. Them neemakaram want to bring down Guyana to a pile of shyte like this. Nehru, you want to go back to pile of shyte? Take a close look at what APUN & AFC would like to introduce to Guyanese again if they get their way. AFC proved they are more black by burning down a school in Linden and put 800 children on the street. APNU wants to invoke Burnham ideology and bring back voodoo to make Indian into an African tribe. Not only did they took away our dhall and aloo, they took away our ancestral language in school. 


During the PNC days, things were rough. Granted. But there were a measure of safety. You could walk down the street and not be bothered too much, save for a lil choke n rob here and there and a few break and entering now and again. Back then, when you call the police they came. However, nowadays it's a different story. You run the risk of getting shot for little or no reason. Back then, the M&CC were in full swing. garbage was being disposed of every day. the incinerator on princess street worked unlike now. This is not to give the PNC any props, just a comparrison.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:



This is sad when no body nah piss pun PNC/AFC Guyana. Them neemakaram want to bring down Guyana to a pile of shyte like this. Nehru, you want to go back to pile of shyte? Take a close look at what APUN & AFC would like to introduce to Guyanese again if they get their way. AFC proved they are more black by burning down a school in Linden and put 800 children on the street. APNU wants to invoke Burnham ideology and bring back voodoo to make Indian into an African tribe. Not only did they took away our dhall and aloo, they took away our ancestral language in school. 

You are not only a moron but a helluva racist jackass. 


There are some who conviently forget that The Republic of Guyana is a multi ethnic country. In their warped minds, they see only race. These are the same people who cry for racial equality yet lack the knowledge as to what this really means. But don't be  disheartened by their vain posts. It gives a clear indication of who and what they are.

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by ABIDHA:


This is sad when no body nah piss pun PNC/AFC Guyana. Them neemakaram want to bring down Guyana to a pile of shyte like this. Nehru, you want to go back to pile of shyte? Take a close look at what APUN & AFC would like to introduce to Guyanese again if they get their way. AFC proved they are more black by burning down a school in Linden and put 800 children on the street. APNU wants to invoke Burnham ideology and bring back voodoo to make Indian into an African tribe. Not only did they took away our dhall and aloo, they took away our ancestral language in school. 

Pajama Pants, the first time you ever posted on this board some 6 years ago you were posting a lot of racist crap. The same persists above. Who took your language again and what language was that? I do hope you have taken the time to learn it since that time if it is so important ( whatever it is) and pass it on to your children. I used to go to Hindi nite school and I was an Anglican.Every mandir had Hindi at night when I was growing up and most of us had at least one almost proficient speaker in the house. Plus we all lived in the movies. It was never in the schools per the British so Burnham did not take it out. That is pure simple minded agitprop.


From your name your ancestral religion does not have much on voodoo. I suggest you read up on the belief system of Madrassi and that of Voodoo  and resist the urge to  cast aspersions. Both are fully developed religious practices with profound philosophical basis for their existence.   Your perceptions as to what it is ie simple crude black magic is way off the mark.


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