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Has the Guyanese microscope missed Moses Nagamootoo?



Dear Editor,
Moses Nagamootoo, as a public figure, must face the same scrutiny as every other politician.
The Guyanese public needs to be reminded of what transpired in the National Assembly on January 25, 2013.
Moses Nagamootoo, an executive member of the Alliance for Change (AFC), audaciously β€˜miss-spoke’ on his endorsement of the 2009 legislation for benefits to the former President Bharrat Jagdeo. He strenuously said to the honourable House and Members of Parliament that he did not support the bill.
Nagamootoo, being a public official and a decorated politician, may have won the trust of many people. After all, this is an executive member of the opposition with high presidential ambitions. This shows the true character of the AFC. One would expect an individual of such high caliber to not act to mislead the National Assembly and the Guyanese public.
In rebuttal, Legal Affairs Minister and Attorney General Anil Nandlall unveiled the records of the voting on the Presidential benefits legislation. Nandlall, in his exposition, elaborated on the names that voted for the bill:  among those read, β€œMoses Nagamootoo”.
This revelation was shocking. Are these the people we want to entrust our lives and country with? The answer is unequivocally β€œno” – an opposition legislator that cannot embrace and face his actions? How would that person address other delicate issues?
The repercussions of the revealed records left Nagamootoo astonished and speechless. He tried refuting his actions although these records were obtained from the clerk of the House.  As Minister Nandlall exclaimed, β€œWhen we speak and we catapult ourselves upon pedestals we must ensure the records support us.”
Thence to date, Nagamootoo’s claim that he did not support the bill is contrary to the records preserved in Parliament. Undoubtedly, Nagamootoo’s actions are in contravention of public trust and his credibility is questionable.  Does AFC’s codes of conduct permit deceit and lying?
In the interest of a better Guyana, I write with conviction to express the concerns of many Guyanese. I am requesting that the AFC and Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan re-examine the configuration that governs their codes of conduct.
Hence, I call on the leader of AFC to immediately address this departure from ethics. I objectively feel Nagamootoo has violated his oath as a Parliamentarian. Guyanese should be able to rely on their legislators to be trustworthy and speak with veracity.
Mahendra Hariraj


Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks


PNC's objective is to bring over 12 Percent of Indos and combine that with their 95 percent Afro base support to win a majority.


This has backfired on PNC Indian Moses who has so far failed in bringing over Indos to the PNC.


This spells disaster for the PNC as PNC Indian Moses has so far failed in his plan to con 12 Percent of Indos into voting PNC.


To date, we are seeing the PNC in full force while the AFC fail to attract Indos. This plan by PNC Indians Moses and Ramjattan has backfired so far. The PNC is headed to defeat once again.


Indians are no longer the majority of the voters.  They are merely the largest group.  So how does this racist scream by the PPP, now calling itself the "coolie party" and ranting that the APNU AFC isn't attracting enough Indians help the PPP.


The PPP had a large meeting in the middle of a dense urban area with over 100k blacks.  Less than 5% of the crowd was black.  Indeed the AFC attracts a higher % of Indians than does the PPP attract blacks.


I suggest that the PPP focus on its growing lack of diversity at a time when Indians are a SHRINKING part of the electorate!

Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

PNC has begun their harassment toward Indos (This might just be the beginning) :


1 hour ago

Some policemen rekindling party paramountcy

April 4, 2015 Guyana Chronicle

THE AFC+APNU coalition is chanting the mantra of forgetting the past but the past actions of the PNC is very much evident in Berbice and some members of the Guyana Police Force is bent on ensuring that the legacy of the PNC remains intact.


The commander in chief of the police is also the head of the PPP.

The head of police is from the PPP.

The PPP regime gave the police a massive pay increase just before the PPP coup.

So tell me, is it not clear that it is the PPP who is using the police to harass voters who want to switch to the AFC???

the PPP at work again.  I am willing to bet that this incident didn't happen.  Just racial panic at a time when Indians are less than 50% of the vote.


What is the PPPs plan?  They aren't going to gte 100% of the Indian vote.  Indications are that Indians are less enthused by this election than are PNC supporters.  So how does this focus on a need to generate Indian angst help them?  Do they think that Harper is going to get any votes of her own?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Mr.T:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

PNC has begun their harassment toward Indos (This might just be the beginning) :


1 hour ago

Some policemen rekindling party paramountcy

April 4, 2015 Guyana Chronicle

THE AFC+APNU coalition is chanting the mantra of forgetting the past but the past actions of the PNC is very much evident in Berbice and some members of the Guyana Police Force is bent on ensuring that the legacy of the PNC remains intact.


The commander in chief of the police is also the head of the PPP.

The head of police is from the PPP.

The PPP regime gave the police a massive pay increase just before the PPP coup.

So tell me, is it not clear that it is the PPP who is using the police to harass voters who want to switch to the AFC???

the PPP at work again.  I am willing to bet that this incident didn't happen.  Just racial panic at a time when Indians are less than 50% of the vote.


What is the PPPs plan?  They aren't going to gte 100% of the Indian vote.  Indications are that Indians are less enthused by this election than are PNC supporters.  So how does this focus on a need to generate Indian angst help them?  Do they think that Harper is going to get any votes of her own?

You racist


Like all of your PNC racist friends, any act of harassment of Indos is false. Go back into your run down apartment and stop supporting the harassment of Indos.


You are a true PNC supporter who like the ones today and back in the PNC dictatorship era will NEVER own up to your horrible deeds.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks


PNC's objective is to bring over 12 Percent of Indos and combine that with their 95 percent Afro base support to win a majority.


This has backfired on PNC Indian Moses who has so far failed in bringing over Indos to the PNC.


This spells disaster for the PNC as PNC Indian Moses has so far failed in his plan to con 12 Percent of Indos into voting PNC.


To date, we are seeing the PNC in full force while the AFC fail to attract Indos. This plan by PNC Indians Moses and Ramjattan has backfired so far. The PNC is headed to defeat once again.


Indians are no longer the majority of the voters.  They are merely the largest group.  So how does this racist scream by the PPP, now calling itself the "coolie party" and ranting that the APNU AFC isn't attracting enough Indians help the PPP.


The PPP had a large meeting in the middle of a dense urban area with over 100k blacks.  Less than 5% of the crowd was black.  Indeed the AFC attracts a higher % of Indians than does the PPP attract blacks.


I suggest that the PPP focus on its growing lack of diversity at a time when Indians are a SHRINKING part of the electorate!

You racist


Stop telling the PPP and Indos what to do.They know what's best for themselves. You never experienced the racism suffered under 28 years of PNC dictatorship because you were PNC.


You are praying for your beloved PNC to return and oppress Indos for another 28 years.



Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Let the PPP folks believe Moses is not attracting all voters.


That's good for us, until we tally the votes on May 11.


That Moses really drive fear in the PPP.  They can't get over it.

They are sleepless in Freedom House.

Why do you think yuji and cobra are so enraged.  Legions of Indians sporting PNC colors has them apoplectic.  The notion that so many Indians would flee the PPP plantation has the PPP frantic.  No wonder they are running off to India to import new Indians!

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks


PNC's objective is to bring over 12 Percent of Indos and combine that with their 95 percent Afro base support to win a majority.


This has backfired on PNC Indian Moses who has so far failed in bringing over Indos to the PNC.


This spells disaster for the PNC as PNC Indian Moses has so far failed in his plan to con 12 Percent of Indos into voting PNC.


To date, we are seeing the PNC in full force while the AFC fail to attract Indos. This plan by PNC Indians Moses and Ramjattan has backfired so far. The PNC is headed to defeat once again.


The AFC had potential, sadly they lost most of their support when they decided to merge with APNU. 

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks


PNC's objective is to bring over 12 Percent of Indos and combine that with their 95 percent Afro base support to win a majority.


This has backfired on PNC Indian Moses who has so far failed in bringing over Indos to the PNC.


This spells disaster for the PNC as PNC Indian Moses has so far failed in his plan to con 12 Percent of Indos into voting PNC.


To date, we are seeing the PNC in full force while the AFC fail to attract Indos. This plan by PNC Indians Moses and Ramjattan has backfired so far. The PNC is headed to defeat once again.


The AFC had potential, sadly they lost most of their support when they decided to merge with APNU. 

I think it is a game well played. I did not care for it at first because I did not think they can pull it off and the union would allow the kleptocrats to return to office with a free hand.I did not think it would not work because I believe the APNU would be poor managers. I simply thought the PPP were too good at insulating their corrupt practices.


Apparently, the Union is    moving on nicely and will do the impossible, kick the PPP from office.. I therefore cheer them on. The AFC and APNU can not outmatch the PPP on crookedness.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks


PNC's objective is to bring over 12 Percent of Indos and combine that with their 95 percent Afro base support to win a majority.


This has backfired on PNC Indian Moses who has so far failed in bringing over Indos to the PNC.


This spells disaster for the PNC as PNC Indian Moses has so far failed in his plan to con 12 Percent of Indos into voting PNC.


To date, we are seeing the PNC in full force while the AFC fail to attract Indos. This plan by PNC Indians Moses and Ramjattan has backfired so far. The PNC is headed to defeat once again.


The AFC had potential, sadly they lost most of their support when they decided to merge with APNU. 

This is the harsh reality for the AFC.


Indo supporters will not hand over their mothers and daughters to a 95 Percent Afro based PNC party.


Few Dirty Indians like Moses and Rumjhaat will do so and it is their right to sell their mothers and daughters to the PNC.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks


PNC's objective is to bring over 12 Percent of Indos and combine that with their 95 percent Afro base support to win a majority.


This has backfired on PNC Indian Moses who has so far failed in bringing over Indos to the PNC.


This spells disaster for the PNC as PNC Indian Moses has so far failed in his plan to con 12 Percent of Indos into voting PNC.


To date, we are seeing the PNC in full force while the AFC fail to attract Indos. This plan by PNC Indians Moses and Ramjattan has backfired so far. The PNC is headed to defeat once again.


Continue dreaming.  Essequibo bury the PPP cork. Even when Burnham was in power he never got so much support and he used to pay the Krullie to support him.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks


PNC's objective is to bring over 12 Percent of Indos and combine that with their 95 percent Afro base support to win a majority.


This has backfired on PNC Indian Moses who has so far failed in bringing over Indos to the PNC.


This spells disaster for the PNC as PNC Indian Moses has so far failed in his plan to con 12 Percent of Indos into voting PNC.


To date, we are seeing the PNC in full force while the AFC fail to attract Indos. This plan by PNC Indians Moses and Ramjattan has backfired so far. The PNC is headed to defeat once again.


Continue dreaming.  Essequibo bury the PPP cork. Even when Burnham was in power he never got so much support and he used to pay the Krullie to support him.


The AFC can fetch a 95 Percent Afro crowd around.


The reality is that Dirty Indians Moses and Rumjhaat will not be able to hand over 12 Percent of Indos to their Congo Masters.


Dirty Indians Moses and Rumjhaat are free to hand over their own family members to the PNC.



Being East Indian

does not automatically

make me PPP

Posted on November 30, 2013December 2, 2013 by sarabharrat


My identity is my own.


I do not appreciate

being branded politically

because of my skin colour.


Last time around,

I stood at a rally screaming

in favour of the AFC.


Who knows

where I’ll be next time around.


Maybe no place close

to any of the madness

that happens here in



Because quite frankly,

I’m tired of racist politics and

I’m tired of believing in the

shallow brand of change

some people market.

Last edited by Former Member

Being East Indian

does not automatically

make me PPP


It seems that the only way to get things done here in Canecutopia is to get up and make change happen yourself.


While there are a few among us who soldier on against the odds, sadly, the majority of my brethren are spineless souls.

Anita Jaikaran's photo.

Sad story.

But true story.

Very true story.

Last edited by Former Member

Being East Indian

does not automatically

make me a PPP Lapcloth....

... organisations to support the β€œRacism. It stops with me” campaign


Anita Jaikaran's photo.

How is a young

East Indian woman

like myself

seasoned politically?



(and I can only speak from my own experience)

it seems that tradition

dictates politics here

in beautiful Guyana.


You see,

within my own cultural community

I vividly remember adults

trying to instill in me

a deep respect for the PPP.



Basically, what they teach us


is that PPP power

means East Indian power




East Indian power

is the only way we can survive.


(and I’m sure other young East Indians,

if they have the courage, can attest to this)


Sara Bharrat.


... at teaching kids and adults how to recognise racism when they see it


Being East Indian


does not automatically


make me support

the PPP Evil


Posted on November 30, 2013December 2, 2013 by sarabharrat




Originally Posted by yuji22:

Moses and Rumjhaat are now attempting to sell Indos to the PNC to dance with Vulgarity to please their PNC Congo Masters.

I need to help you out here.  You think "Congo" is an insult.  It isnt as many Afro Guyanese do have ancestry from the Congo basin.

Do you think calling you "Uttar Pradesh" is an insult?

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Moses and Rumjhaat are now attempting to sell Indos to the PNC to dance with Vulgarity to please their PNC Congo Masters.

I need to help you out here.  You think "Congo" is an insult.  It isnt as many Afro Guyanese do have ancestry from the Congo basin.

Do you think calling you "Uttar Pradesh" is an insult?

Congo man, I could care less about what you say.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Moses and Rumjhaat are now attempting to sell Indos to the PNC to dance with Vulgarity to please their PNC Congo Masters.

I need to help you out here.  You think "Congo" is an insult.  It isnt as many Afro Guyanese do have ancestry from the Congo basin.

Do you think calling you "Uttar Pradesh" is an insult?

Congo man, I could care less about what you say.

I am proud to be possibly a "Congo" man.


No worries though as the fact that you think that "Congo" is an insult indicates how racist you are.  Continue.  You are helping APNU AFC tremendously as even the PPP top brass, now regret their blatant display of racism, and are trying to rein in their bigoted pitbulls like you.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

So did you like the number of Indos at the Essequibo rally that Moses brought over?


Freedom House must be hyperventillating! Such mixed crowds must give them high blood pressure.

As I said before the more Indians wear PNC colors (as if to make a point) the more stupid the PPP gets.  Look at cobra and yuji and ramakant, pouring racist bile out of their mouths.  Poor Shaitaan is embarrassed as he loves to pretend as if the only reason why racism exists in Guyana is because of the PNC.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

So did you like the number of Indos at the Essequibo rally that Moses brought over?


Freedom House must be hyperventillating! Such mixed crowds must give them high blood pressure.

As I said before the more Indians wear PNC colors (as if to make a point) the more stupid the PPP gets.  Look at cobra and yuji and ramakant, pouring racist bile out of their mouths.  Poor Shaitaan is embarrassed as he loves to pretend as if the only reason why racism exists in Guyana is because of the PNC.


Listen Congo man, Moses has failed to deliver 12 Percent of Indos to his Congo Masters.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

So did you like the number of Indos at the Essequibo rally that Moses brought over?


Freedom House must be hyperventillating! Such mixed crowds must give them high blood pressure.

As I said before the more Indians wear PNC colors (as if to make a point) the more stupid the PPP gets.  Look at cobra and yuji and ramakant, pouring racist bile out of their mouths.  Poor Shaitaan is embarrassed as he loves to pretend as if the only reason why racism exists in Guyana is because of the PNC.


Listen Congo man, Moses has failed to deliver 12 Percent of Indos to his Congo Masters.

Yuh right he only deliver 11%......

so how da help you?


Kwame say he gon give yuh 100%

Yuji will da help yuh Backside?

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Has the Guyanese microscope missed Moses Nagamootoo?



Dear Editor,
Moses Nagamootoo, as a public figure, must face the same scrutiny as every other politician.g?
In the interest of a better Guyana, I write with conviction to express the concerns of many Guyanese. I am requesting that the AFC and Mr. Khemraj Ramjattan re-examine the configuration that governs their codes of conduct.
Hence, I call on the leader of AFC to immediately address this departure from ethics. I objectively feel Nagamootoo has violated his oath as a Parliamentarian. Guyanese should be able to rely on their legislators to be trustworthy and speak with veracity.
Mahendra Hariraj


From all angles these PPP zombies emerging?  But it will not make a difference.  They done dead!


Guyana's future belongs to the LIVING and the APNU+AFC is alive.


Gwan from the place DEAD DICK PPPP Zombie Hariraj.


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