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PNC in power will be just as bad for Guyana as the PPP

May 12, 2009 | By | Filed Under Letters 
As a matter of fact, the McDougal Report indicated Indians will not vote for the PNC because they are afraid the PNC will do what the PPP is currently doing: marginalising one group at the expense of another and settling old racial political scores.
New leadership will not change historical perceptions overnight. Neither the PPP nor PNC will allow the AFC to win an election.
The answer is a resounding no. Change is needed.
Mothers, regardless of race religion or creed, need to vote for the aspirations they have for their families. This should be their resolve for the next election.
If they do so, neither the PPP nor PNC can win the next elections. Rather a Civil Society led group of decent people and trusted politicians will be given a chance.
Eric Phillips

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The PPP will never change unless East Indians make a credible commitment to ditch that party. East Indians will not make a credible commitment to ditch the PPP if the PNC leadership refuses to reach out to East Indians. African Guyanese will never threaten the PNC if the AFC fails to make a credible commitment to reach out to them. Now which political party stands a wonderful chance to benefit in such a scenario? 

Originally Posted by Mahen:

So those dumbo who on this blog who think East Indians will vote for the PNC/APNU or any cook up rice with the PNC in it clear does not understand Guyanese politics.







Their is no one denying what you stated except the PPP. Even the PNC now admits Indians will not vote for them. Those dumbos you think exist on this site never existed.


That being said the PNC is well on their way to being back in office. By mere fact indians are on a relentless second migration while black people are more committed to the place means the PNC chances increases in inverse proportion to this.


Further, the PPP has been oppressively, corrupt and their means to capturing the state has  always been as you so completely illustrate, fear mongering of  that the PNC are the worse of all evils. At this point the reality is that the PPP has out-eviled the PNC by the full measure of a mile. That will not change you or any Indian. Everyone seem to prefer their own mangy dog


East Indians were afraid of the PNC pre-1992 but today the COOLIE man is not afraid of the PNC any more.


So  that fear line is an old school line of minds who does not have a clue of Guyana politics.


Ask the question who is the biggest gansta man in Guyana today - kuli men;


who is the biggest gold smugglers in Guyana today with an army of AK-47 - kuli man (the muslim gang)


who control and aromory of ak 47 in Guyana today -  kuli men


who have the top brass of the police and GDF like paid house slaves today -  KULI man.



who have the fire power to blow the Fine man gang if they ever raise their head up again - kuli man.


So what these ignars are preaching here today?  Fear.


The only people who fear anything are those with no money and connections and they got nuff Guyanese in that group from all races.


Actual the people who have to live in most fear today is the Amerindians.


Wake up this is 2013 not 1992.

Originally Posted by Mahen:

East Indians were afraid of the PNC pre-1992 but today the COOLIE man is not afraid of the PNC any more.


So  that fear line is an old school line of minds who does not have a clue of Guyana politics.


Ask the question who is the biggest gansta man in Guyana today - kuli men;


who is the biggest gold smugglers in Guyana today with an army of AK-47 - kuli man (the muslim gang)


who control and aromory of ak 47 in Guyana today -  kuli men


who have the top brass of the police and GDF like paid house slaves today -  KULI man.



who have the fire power to blow the Fine man gang if they ever raise their head up again - kuli man.


So what these ignars are preaching here today?  Fear.


The only people who fear anything are those with no money and connections and they got nuff Guyanese in that group from all races.


Actual the people who have to live in most fear today is the Amerindians.


Wake up this is 2013 not 1992.


Let us assume you are correct...which I have no reason to doubt. Why are the East Indian masses fearful of the PNC if all the guys are with PPP Inc elites? 


The road is long and it will take over a decade to peal the youths away from the PNC and PPP.


We talk about all this new dispensation from the 2011 elections.


But observe carefully.


What % voted for the racist party - PNC + PPP - 89%.


Yes, we must be happy that 11% voted for a new direction.  But when will 42% vote (plurality) for a new direction.


That is at least a decade from now.


If Prez Ramu make all the right moves on Amailia, curtail the corruption and create the jobs, then we can easily extend that process to a quarter of a century.


Prez Ramu said he need another 6 months to properly understand his job and then he will KICK BJ out.


Once that happen, look carefully the corruption will be attacked.


All them PPP tiefs are already billionaires, why tief more?



Originally Posted by Mahen:

East Indians were afraid of the PNC pre-1992 but today the COOLIE man is not afraid of the PNC any more.


So  that fear line is an old school line of minds who does not have a clue of Guyana politics.


Ask the question who is the biggest gansta man in Guyana today - kuli men;


who is the biggest gold smugglers in Guyana today with an army of AK-47 - kuli man (the muslim gang)


who control and aromory of ak 47 in Guyana today -  kuli men


who have the top brass of the police and GDF like paid house slaves today -  KULI man.



who have the fire power to blow the Fine man gang if they ever raise their head up again - kuli man.


So what these ignars are preaching here today?  Fear.


The only people who fear anything are those with no money and connections and they got nuff Guyanese in that group from all races.


Actual the people who have to live in most fear today is the Amerindians.


Wake up this is 2013 not 1992.

 It is not a matter of who is the most evil or not or who is more oppressed or not. It is about resolving the conflict. We must begin by assuming all are guiltless but equally prone to evil. The task is to restrain the evil not to restrain  supposed inclinations of any particular race.


If the AFC is to survive, it has to do exactly what it is doing today.


Work with the PNC when they are in the right and then work with the PPP when they are in the right.




The good news is they are climbing.


If the Moses & Hughes ticket give them 25% in 2015, the Hughes & Ramjattan ticket will give them the plurality in 2020 which mean that finally the constitution will be changed forever.


Politics is not for those in a hurry.



Nigel Hughes is NO PNC.  Hi father fought the PNC and Burnham in the 70's.  He is from a family that seek justice and value people for their character, not the colour of their skin.


There are man racist in all the political parties but very rarely does a nation get their Cheddi Jagans, their Walter Rodneys, their Moses Nagamootoos, their Nigel Hughes.


Very rarely.  We must protect them and preserve them.  Two dead and gone, we must protect the other two.  All of Guyana.

I see a almost toe in the water approach by the PNC on acknowledging the race divide. One would hope they take the plunge and start the quest for solutions. Imagine the terror in FH if the PNC acknowledge its wrong doings in the past, acknowledge that it needs to reach out to Indians and calls for genuine dialogue with Indians to make it truly a national party!
Originally Posted by Mahen:

If the AFC is to survive, it has to do exactly what it is doing today.


Work with the PNC when they are in the right and then work with the PPP when they are in the right.




The good news is they are climbing.


If the Moses & Hughes ticket give them 25% in 2015, the Hughes & Ramjattan ticket will give them the plurality in 2020 which mean that finally the constitution will be changed forever.


Politics is not for those in a hurry.


Indeed, the AFC gains nothing by aligning with one or the other. In fact they lose relevance.


One cannot be patience with evil. I would never have seen an accountable government in our nation for my entire life and I am getting long in the ears and teeth. Evil should not have so long a shelf life. That has to be corrected.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by Mahen:

If the AFC is to survive, it has to do exactly what it is doing today.


Work with the PNC when they are in the right and then work with the PPP when they are in the right.




The good news is they are climbing.


If the Moses & Hughes ticket give them 25% in 2015, the Hughes & Ramjattan ticket will give them the plurality in 2020 which mean that finally the constitution will be changed forever.


Politics is not for those in a hurry.


Indeed, the AFC gains nothing by aligning with one or the other. In fact they lose relevance.


One cannot be patience with evil. I would never have seen an accountable government in our nation for my entire life and I am getting long in the ears and teeth. Evil should not have so long a shelf life. That has to be corrected.

Stormy  - HOW?


You got to realise that rupernarine and granga are continuing to do back room deals with the evil forces.  The AFC with its 11% is pushing against 89%.


That is a tall order.


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