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Home > TOP STORY > Moses Nagamootoo urges Lindeners ‘to kick back ass’ –Opposition now employs drones in it’s arsenal
: APNU+AFC Presidential and Prime Ministerial Candidates Brigadier [rtd) David Granger and Moses Nagamootoo greet supporters
: APNU+AFC Presidential and Prime Ministerial Candidates Brigadier (rtd) David Granger and Moses Nagamootoo greet supporters

Moses Nagamootoo urges Lindeners ‘to kick back ass’ –Opposition now employs drones in it’s arsenal


“IT is time to kick their…,” and the crowd enthusiastically responded,“Asses!” much to the delight of A Partnership for National Unity and Alliance For Change (APNU+AFC)’s Prime Ministerial candidate,Moses Nagamootoo.The occasion was the alliance’s Unity Rally held in Linden last Friday evening. Delivering an address that pushed an agenda of ‘ass-kicking’, in obvious reference to former President, Dr. Bharrat Jagdeo’s fiery speech last Sunday at the Babu John memorial service for the Late Dr Cheddi Jagan, Nagamootoo, in a retaliatory manner, sought to indirectly urge the people of Linden to do likewise.

An opposition controlled drone hovers above the APNU+AFC Rally

An opposition controlled drone hovers above the APNU+AFC Rally

Among the things he said was that Jagdeo himself deserved to have his rear end kicked. “The people in this country deserve to kick his ass,” Nagamootoo said. And for what? For allegedly presiding over a series of ‘failed’ projects during his term in office.
One of the projects at reference, Nagamootoo said, was the proposed Specialty Hospital.
“They brought people here to build a Specialty Hospital, and Ramjattan told him the man is a scamp that they brought to build this hospital; Ramotar himself had to admit that the man was a fraudster,” Nagamootoo said, adding:
“But the thing is: The man got away with $900M of our money… “We should now kick his…” At which prompting the crowd promptly replied: “Ass.”

Just recently at its annual memorial gathering at the Babu John cremation site of the late Party Founders, Dr Cheddi Jagan and his wife, Janet, the former President in his address to the gathering turned to his successor, President Donald Ramotar and said, “Donald, you are a democratic man; sometimes we need to administer something else and kick some asses too.”
The remark was made in the context of Jagdeo stressing that the Opposition’s stance over the last three years has “stymied every plan that the Government has put forward” and as such, the current President should have “administer something else and kick some asses too”.

Former PNC Leader, Robert Corbin surfaced over the weekend and is observed in conversation with party Chairman Basil Williams

Former PNC Leader, Robert Corbin surfaced over the weekend and is observed in conversation with party Chairman Basil Williams

No sooner had he said so than the opposition immediately toook it out of context by using the phrase to gain political mileage through their speeches in the public domain in an attempt to stain the credibility of the former president.
However, after realizing that his statement was taken out of context, Jadgeo at a press conference held at Freedom House last week sought to clear the air by advising: “Whatever you have to do to change this country and to ensure a better life for our people, anything… The methods are justified,” adding that his ‘kick ass’ comment was

Recently sacked Magistratge, Geeta Chandan-Edmond and her husband, Joel Edmond at the rally having endorsed the coalition

Recently sacked Magistratge, Geeta Chandan-Edmond and her husband, Joel Edmond at the rally having endorsed the coalition

symbolic of the stance of tough attitude.
Further taking the political Opposition to task, Jagdeo said they lack solid policies and plans for the country and whatever plans that have been offered thus far are inconsistent.







Replies sorted oldest to newest

Moses did not attack Indos.  Moses attacked the Kleptocrats who brought people to build a hospital and they absconded with money and declared bankruptcy.  Seems like that was the PPP's economic plan.  Do no work; get free money.


When the Coalition gets into power, they should not only kick their ass; they should kick their ass, then jail their ass at the Marriott II (a special jail we will build for them). 


Yuji, it's the PPP that has sold out the Indian working poor.  PPP Jagdeoites now watching out for their new, parasitic, contractor/business class bourgeoisie friends, not the poor Indian or Black people.


PPP killed sugar, killing rice, and planning to kill fishing in Berbice (giving Chinese fishing rights).



Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Moses did not attack Indos.  Moses attacked the Kleptocrats who brought people to build a hospital and they absconded with money and declared bankruptcy.  Seems like that was the PPP's economic plan.  Do no work; get free money.


When the Coalition gets into power, they should not only kick their ass; they should kick their ass, then jail their ass at the Marriott II (a special jail we will build for them). 


Yuji, it's the PPP that has sold out the Indian working poor.  PPP Jagdeoites now watching out for their new, parasitic, contractor/business class bourgeoisie friends, not the poor Indian or Black people.


PPP killed sugar, killing rice, and planning to kill fishing in Berbice (giving Chinese fishing rights).




Moses is a crab dawg who is now selling out Indos. He is a low life crab dawg and Neemakharam. 



Moses, all by himself, has more integrity, more morality, more love in his hearts for all Guyanese, than the whole cabinet put together.


Name which Minister is clean and honest.

Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Moses, all by himself, has more integrity, more morality, more love in his hearts for all Guyanese, than the whole cabinet put together.


Name which Minister is clean and honest.

Praising Neemakharam and Traitor Moses is like putting lipstick on a pig.


A recent column from Mr. Seeram on Moses Nagamootoo being a candidate for president as “ambition” shows how very little he knows Bro. Moses.


Moses is not a fly by night politician; he is a tried and tested leader and has been a warrior for the working class. Moses was there for us when we needed him most. At a time when being associated with the PPP meant unemployment, starvation and suffering at the hands of the PNC, Moses was there for us. At a time when your life was in danger from House of Israel thugs and PNC terrorists, Moses was there for us.  There are many in the PPP cabinet now with no history of working class struggle or standing up for the masses.  What did people like the famous Chatree, Ashni, Sam, Jagdeo, Manickchand, Jennifer, Norman, Juan, Carolyn, and Robeson, know about working class struggle or fighting in the trenches for the people.  In thick and thin, Moses was there with Jagan and the working poor.


I remember when news would come to Berbice from Georgetown (not many phones in those days) that Moses was beaten again or harassed by the PNC mafia, Moses’ mother, the kind-hearted Auntie Chunoo from Whim would cry and say, “Me no know wha Moses ah kill he self behind Jagan.”  But that was Moses. He was willing to risk his life and family interests for the working people.


Moses is not and never was an opportunist.  When Chandisingh, Teekah, Harilall and others crossed the floor, Moses stayed with Jagan and the suffering masses.  He and others “stood in the Gap” for the nation until democracy was restored in 1992.


I remember in the 1973 elections, it was Moses on election night battling it out with the PNC people exposing the rigging of the elections by the Army.


When the PPP (Jaganite) begin to lose its way with the death of the Jagans, and started to depart from the ideals of Jagan, it was Moses (and Ramjattan) who blew the whistle, and eventually left the PPP (Jagdeoite), when it was no longer possible to change the now bourgeois, parasitic PPP.


Moses is a decent person, with a long record of defending the people.  The PPP are terrified of him because, Moses has credibility and knows how to handle the Jagdeoite crowd.  With Moses as part of the AFC team of Bro. Khemraj, Nigel and Trotman and others, they have brought the now corrupt PPP to its knees.


Seeram is a smart man and should know better than trying to vilify Bro. Moses, one of Berbice’s pride and joy.



At Babu John two weeks ago, Bharrat Jagdeo urged Donald Ramotar to "kick some asses."

At Linden last Saturday, Moses Nagamootoo used Jagdeo's own words to his audience.

Personally, I think Nagamootoo should not have stepped down to Jagdeo's uncultured and crass level to make his point. Moses is a seasoned politician as well as an outstanding communicator and he is most capable of better terms of expression.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Is the PNC now preparing to attack and intimidate PPP voters ?

Jagdeo was saying that Ramotar should kick ass.  Nagamotoo uses his SAME words against him.


Arent you not ashamed to be such an idiot?

Indian folks will never react on Jagdeo statement to kick ass. Afros are more inclined to make Moses kick ass statement a reality. A few beers and a bucket fried chicken will do magic .
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Is the PNC now preparing to attack and intimidate PPP voters ?

Jagdeo was saying that Ramotar should kick ass.  Nagamotoo uses his SAME words against him.


Arent you not ashamed to be such an idiot?

He is very proud.


Sugar workers strike all the time.  Black Bush was burning tires a few weeks ago; rice farmers still protesting in Essequibo this week. Albion protested and one man was shot dead by the police.

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Indian folks will never react on Jagdeo statement to kick ass. Afros are more inclined to make Moses kick ass statement a reality. A few beers and a bucket fried chicken will do magic .

you should know about black people kicking your ass

Originally Posted by Cobra:
According to our history, indians have always been the victims of blacks. Do your homework and stop babble.

I did my homework and found out that in 1964 loads of PYO boys beat up black women and kids.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
According to our history, indians have always been the victims of blacks. Do your homework and stop babble.

I did my homework and found out that in 1964 loads of PYO boys beat up black women and kids.

And the Black men stood by and watched..  How stupid do you think we are.

The Black police beatup on Indian men with the help of the British army who also attacked Indians had the red  flag (Jhandi) in their yard.  I've seen that happened and I have seen black men clapped when the army did it.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Jay Bharrat:

Moses did not attack Indos.  Moses attacked the Kleptocrats who brought people to build a hospital and they absconded with money and declared bankruptcy.  Seems like that was the PPP's economic plan.  Do no work; get free money.


When the Coalition gets into power, they should not only kick their ass; they should kick their ass, then jail their ass at the Marriott II (a special jail we will build for them). 


Yuji, it's the PPP that has sold out the Indian working poor.  PPP Jagdeoites now watching out for their new, parasitic, contractor/business class bourgeoisie friends, not the poor Indian or Black people.


PPP killed sugar, killing rice, and planning to kill fishing in Berbice (giving Chinese fishing rights).




Moses is a crab dawg who is now selling out Indos. He is a low life crab dawg and Neemakharam. 


He is advocating violence on the PPP supporters. Some of the AFC/PNC supporters might take this literally and go kick some PPP supporters in the ass. 

Originally Posted by Ramakant-P:
Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by Cobra:
According to our history, indians have always been the victims of blacks. Do your homework and stop babble.

I did my homework and found out that in 1964 loads of PYO boys beat up black women and kids.

And the Black men stood by and watched.. 

Your own PPP historian, Odeen Ishmael, cites the fact that in 1964 BOTH Indians and Africans attacked each other.  Scream at him for being such a traitor because he doesn't peddle a lie that Indians are the sole victims of racism in Guyana.

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:

He is advocating violence on the PPP supporters. Some of the AFC/PNC supporters might take this literally and go kick some PPP supporters in the ass. 

Jagdeo screamed "kick ass" and a black anti PPP protestor was slaughtered by the PPP goon squad.


Evidently your anxieties come from the fact that it is only the PPP currently engaging in political violence, making your Indo KKK racist rant look stupid.


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