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Originally Posted by Mars:
It would not surprise me if one day it was revealed that the PPP murdered Teekah for being a traitor.

The PPP party during the leadership of Cheddi and Janet Jagan did not kill Vincent Teekah.  Mrs. Jagan was very angry that Teekah left the PPP party. So angry that it stayed with her to the very end of her life.  Nevertheless, she continued to ask about his killing several times in Parliament and in other political venues.


Laurie Lewis was the intelligence chief for Burnham for many years.  This was a man that Burnham fully trusted with his life.  Most likely Teekah was killed because he would not have gone along with the murder of Rodney and would have either quit the party and  have gone to the media (his buddy Ricky Singh). It was a risk that the powers that be at that time just could not take.

Last edited by Prashad
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Special Report on the Rodney Commission of Inquiry by Shaun Michael Samaroo

Laurie Lewis wrote, mailed Teekah death threat

- Crime Chief Leslie James tells Rodney Commission
- Confidential Special Branch Memo identifies Laurie Lewis’ handwriting

PPP were aware of the move against Rodney.  But the act was done by the PNC.


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