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PNC led coalition is now the problem, not solution anymore

Dear Editor,

Why is Eusi Kwayana residing in American peace and comfort – and way past his retirement age – now in media inquiry in the SN 10-29-15 whether the PPP/C Government kept the PNC/R and AFC opposition abreast of Guyana’s foreign relations?

For Kwayana to be sleepless at night to focus on the PPP/C’s 23 years of foreign policy record must be irksome. This is hardly a gooby full to douge and create diversion from the stinging rebuke Guyanese are daily heaping on the APNU+AFC’s pay increase. Kwayana must stop distorting history by revisionism to suit his agenda.

The 1953 empowered PPP was no “unity” government “of the descendants of enslaved and indentureds” as he wrote. They were not joined together as a coalition government of fragmented units all uniting from their many separate policies, or separate objectives or by mutual agreements as if in compartmentalized combination of “unity”. Absolutely not!

Realistically the 1950s PPP Government was most accurately and honestly a completely “unified” PPP Government fighting for total independence. Slave descendants and indentured descendants were individually integrated into the PPP from the inception with much more inclusivity and diversity. PPP stalwarts Janet Jagan, HJM Hubbard, Jack Kellshall and Claude Christian were Caucasians, weren’t they?

Kwayana betrays more than he intended and which he can no longer hide anymore. Unless he secretly led or was privy to pre or post 1953 race separation chatter in the PPP, which he kept well hidden until he pounced, he can only be viewed as devious and hypocritical. It should be asked whether he was wrong about his earlier amity – if any – of racial harmony fraternizing daily with his many close Buxton Indian friendships. They all ate from the same pot.

At what stage, and importantly why did he become a sprouting Afro-centric flowering bud – a long sleeping single cell publicly non-existent and most dormant only to blossom later? Was he a kicking and screaming about-turn Burnhamite body snatcher specimen, reluctantly infected?

Where is Guyana headed in 2015 with such a prominent paraded loss of Guyana’s majority Black leadership’s collective conscience since Dr Walter Rodney’s assassination? Why would such a huge self awarded pay increase from the Treasury of a country’s economy, grinding to a halt, not cause any wider outrage? That Dr Clive Thomas is silent is no surprise. The PNC led coalition is no longer the solution, they are the problem.

Creating and leading diversion to take the heat away from his fellow acolytes now in public looting of the national Treasury is hardly the right geriatric rescue endeavour for any aged politician. But nice try.

What else is not right with Kwayana’s letter in the SN 10-29-15? It only puts sharper focus on the valid perception that he is really not here with us anymore. Kwayana is way past his retirement age. Minding grandchildren, telling them anancy stories and enjoying a good backyard San Diego pork cook-up should be it – with anyone of such advanced age.

The ousted PPP/C was cheated at the 2015 General Elections, again. But no protest letter, understandably, came from the overseas-based bwana (sir). No reaction from him about the APNU (PNC) led Government’s shameless conferral of Guyana’s second highest medal to Mayor Hamilton Green who Kwayana in the 1970s filed corruption charges against. No surprises here at all.

Kwayana remains a living relic of Guyana’s 20th Century pains and our forever race worries which have kept our progress so long anchored. Time to move on, bwana (sir), like President Nelson Mandela who retired from politics before he passed away. Give it a rest please, and enjoy old age.

With overwhelming Guyanese rancour about the massive APNU/AFC led coalition’s 50 per cent pay increase Kwayana’s latest disconnect screams he is completely out of touch. Such a massive pay increases by his fellow acolytes does not matter, nor bother him to address it?

If Kwayana is demonstrating symbolic racial solidarity with kith and kin against righteousness, it can only signal imminent and repeated Afro-PNC paramountcy as a clear and present danger with David Granger as President.

It was Kwayana who once reminded that: “the PNC is a symbol of Black hope”. He attacked the PNC’s pledge to support whichever party won the 1961 elections to lead our country to independence. The PPP won and the PNC reneged on its pledge. Kwayana was adamantly opposed to any freedom under the PPP and Dr Cheddi Jagan as Prime Minister.

With Dr Thomas’s aggressive support they opposed Dr Jagan as the 1992 Presidential candidate to their own demise. For that matter no earth-shattering foreign policy crises occurred during the entire PPP/C 1992-2015 period in Government. Those years required no “critical support” of the PNC or AFC opposition.

The PPP/C engaged Venezuela’s PetroCaribe programme and by so doing got an excellent socialist rice deal. Guyana’s economy thrived. It kept the peace and ensured our territorial integrity remained intact.

But it’s public knowledge the Money Laundering Bill with negative international ramifications was repeatedly blocked by the one-seat post-2011 majority opposition.

Did the “loyal” opposition needed to be kept abreast of their damage to Guyana’s financial security when they engaged in Cuban style blockading recalcitrance? All took place in broad daylight. Take it easy man, please.

Parliamentary Questions to the PPP/C’s three Foreign Ministers (Clement Rohee, Rudy Insanally and Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett) were the norm anytime of the day.

Which media houses failed anytime to publish Kwayana’s letters (like they now deny mine) which rebuked the PPP/C Government for their foreign policy failings during their 23 years in Government? Wasn’t that the right time when he should have spoken up? Why now? What’s the motive at this midnight hour?

Kwayana’s refocusing SN 10-20-15 letter of inquiry of the PPP/C’s foreign policy could mean he finds the lack of faith of the force disturbing. This is no misfire but intentional diversion. Consistently preoccupied with embellishing his role in Guyana’s history, he touts that: “This month in 1953, British troops landed in the then British Guiana to dismiss an elected unity (sic) government of the descendants of enslaved and indentured.”

By his omission of all five patriots’ names who were detained after the 1953 dismissal of the PPP Government, Kwayana’s cunning effectively masks Forbes Burnham prominently missing in action.

History has proven that the PNC and their leaders were secretly in cahoots with the usual foreign suspects. Kwayana himself was no exception considering his cosy Annandale sponsorship by Colonial Secretary Duncan Sandys who torpedoed the PPP. Foreign emissaries secretly urged Burnham to seize the PPP which he initially did but which did not fully succeed until 1957.

In 1964 the foreign forces installed Burnham as Prime Minister of Guyana simply by imposition of PR.

The PNC led Guyana to independence symbolically picking the Wismar Indian massacre date of 26 May. Dr Jagan, as usual, gave “critical support” by signing off on Sandys will.

Moses Nagamootoo, like so many others, only does what he was trained to do when he was in the PPP. As Prime Minister he will be jumping up and dining on the 50th Anniversary of Independence celebrations next year. Now all becomes clearer as the truth marches. History repeats itself with the PNC again in charge.

Sultan Mohamed

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