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Former Member

NOTE: This letter appeared in the Kaieteur News today and was written by a PNC member who complained of being threatened by a leaning party member to not vote for Aubrey Norton at the upcoming party congress.

I am seriously concerned that the upcoming election in the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) will be neither free nor fair. I have good reason for thinking this way. As in previous elections, the playing field leading up to this all-important vote for the party’s leader is by no means level. People are genuinely fearful. Many are beginning to feel frustrated.
Just imagine, PNCR members are being threatened by a highly influential party official (name provided) that if they support Mr Aubrey Norton for leader of the party they will all be dismissed. Yes, dismissed. This sort of thing has happened before – as recently as the last Congress – and it is happening again!
This practice is widespread. In discussions with other scrutineers, it was revealed that members of the Party have been threatened in Linden, Berbice, Essequibo and the East Coast. Party members have been called and spoken to in a condescending and intimidating manner by this individual.
After the last Congress all scrutineers who supported Mr Carl Greenidge were sacked. No decent-minded or honest party member would deny or doubt this. I know, because one of those sacked was my good friend, though we are from two different regions. This situation is scandalous.
Bullying of PNCR Delegates must stop. The PNCR cannot criticize the government for instilling fear in the nation and then they are doing the same thing to their own. The members should be allowed to make their own choice as to who should lead the party. I was at the last Congress. Many persons who wanted to vote for Mr Greenidge were abused and forced to leave the Congress. It was uninhibited indecency to say the least.
On this occasion, many persons have not renewed their membership because of the open bullyism that was led by the same individual mentioned above, at the Congress.
As I grow older, I have begun to pay keener attention to things that I would otherwise have overlooked because of loyalty. I will no longer accept being intimidated and stifled because I have a differing opinion of who is suitably qualified to lead my party, and because those in the hierarchy see persons at my level as small, insignificant beings.
Looking at me, and the way some of them think, I’m quite certain that many of them wouldn’t believe I could express myself like this. Be it the security guard, domestic worker, cook or street vendor, somebody needs to stand up against this selfish aggression. For me, the bottom line is that the PNCR needs a change in this regard. All eligible members should be able to go to an election free from fear and to elect who they want to be their leader.  Do they deserve anything less?

Displeased Party Member
(Name and address provided)

Replies sorted oldest to newest

[] – Opposition Leader and Leader of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNC/R), David Granger is self-assured that he will return as leader of the Party when its membership convene for the 18th Biennial Congress on July 25 – 27. He also made it clear that he is confident in the process...




SAME old  PNC...Same old PNC..

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Cobra:

Only Burnham was that confidence. I didn't know another one took his place. 

Squeeze the dry mango, you PPP chaps got nothing to blog abaout.




PPP still is a tiefing party with too many tiefs inside.

Originally Posted by Conscience:

[] – Opposition Leader and Leader of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNC/R), David Granger is self-assured that he will return as leader of the Party when its membership convene for the 18th Biennial Congress on July 25 – 27. He also made it clear that he is confident in the process...




SAME old  PNC...Same old PNC..

If the PNC folks complain about possible fraud...the PPP members did not even count. We got a couple of crooks as Presidents on account of being hand picked by the PPP inner sanctum amounting to less than 15. In the first instance only JJ hand implant that crook Jagdeo. You folks have as much ground to argue fairness as the fox in the hen house arguing  that the hens are not plump enough.


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