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Former Member

Milking non-issue for sympathy votes

Dear Editor,
I have noted the People’s National Congress (PNC) press release of Jan 11, 2020, about an informational flyer I shared via my personal Facebook account. I have shared many things on my Facebook page, including Joseph Harmon’s vile and racist attack on the PPP/C’s Prime Ministerial Candidate, Brigadier Mark Phillips. Sharing of interesting, thought-provoking and those that broach taboo subjects are the bread and butter of social media platforms.
I wish to state categorically that I have not produced the flyer in question. Further, I have clarified that having seen the contents of the flyer, it may have been crudely worded but it has achieved the effect of bringing the issue of a presidential candidate’s health as a campaign issue to the fore. A norm in democracies; some countries even mandate medical examination and public scrutiny of health records.
I understand that the PNC is alien to the concepts of parliamentary democracy but it is out of sheer desperation and in an attempt to divert attention from their abysmal performance in office; the poor turnout at its rallies and the rejection it is facing from Guyanese ahead of the March 2, 2020 elections, that the senior partner of the APNU/AFC coalition has resorted to milking this non-issue with the hope of attracting sympathy votes.
I welcome the introduction of important issues such as candidates’ physical and mental health into our fledgeling democracy. Mr Granger could not lead the APNU/AFC in a short one-kilometre walk to present their electoral lists on Friday; he (Granger) is asking to be re-elected after five disastrous years where our economy suffered from his poor leadership and massive squandermania of his geriatric cabal.
I look forward to seeing the health record of Mr Granger released for public scrutiny in the near future.

Edward Layne

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"Mr Granger could not lead the APNU/AFC in a short one-kilometre walk to present their electoral lists on Friday; he (Granger) is asking to be re-elected after five disastrous years where our economy suffered from his poor leadership and massive squandermania of his geriatric cabal."


Dem going to run and hid.

Imagine that Chap granger can't even walk one Kilometre and wants to run for President again despite being voted down by a NCV. He wants to become like his hero Burnham. 

These PNC dinosaur fossils must go !!!

Last edited by Former Member

These are valid questions. Why should people vote for a dinosaur fossil with health issues. The American media questioned Bernie’s health record. This is normal practice and fools like yourself can’t deal with the facts. 


Not necessary to pick on Granger's wellness as an elections campaign issue. His dismal presidential record alone can sink his chances for reelection. His failure to attract significant foreign & local investment as the  PPP/C administrations did. His failure to curtail serious crimes. His failure to provide meaningful jobs to youths. His dismemberment of GuySuCo leading to retrenchment of thousands of sugar workers. And so on.


While those are facts about his haplessness, we cannot underscore the fact that he is also unhealthy and unfit to run for a second term given the that his PM Ramjattan has given us his right to become president if granger dies. There is a great deal of uncertainty. Americans expressed concern about Bernie’s health and rightfully so given the enormity of the task of being president. It is of great concern that he is not capable of walking one kilometre.

I respectfully disagree that his health should not be of concern to voters. 

Last edited by Former Member
Gilbakka posted:

Not necessary to pick on Granger's wellness as an elections campaign issue. His dismal presidential record alone can sink his chances for reelection. His failure to attract significant foreign & local investment as the  PPP/C administrations did. His failure to curtail serious crimes. His failure to provide meaningful jobs to youths. His dismemberment of GuySuCo leading to retrenchment of thousands of sugar workers. And so on.

To a point we should not pick. However, health is an issue.  It’s a valid concern.  What’s unusual here, when running, people take the #2 as the successor should something happen.

Here the lead candidate has a potential terminal conditions and the #2 will not be the successor.  So what backup choices are you offering.

Baseman posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Not necessary to pick on Granger's wellness as an elections campaign issue. His dismal presidential record alone can sink his chances for reelection. His failure to attract significant foreign & local investment as the  PPP/C administrations did. His failure to curtail serious crimes. His failure to provide meaningful jobs to youths. His dismemberment of GuySuCo leading to retrenchment of thousands of sugar workers. And so on.

To a point we should not pick. However, health is an issue.  It’s a valid concern.  What’s unusual here, when running, people take the #2 as the successor should something happen.

Here the lead candidate has a potential terminal conditions and the #2 will not be the successor.  So what backup choices are you offering.

Stranger even is that voters at the next elections wouldn't even know who will replace Granger should he just drop dead. Transparency is not a quality in abundance in the Coalition. Actually, it is grossly lacking.

Baseman posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Not necessary to pick on Granger's wellness as an elections campaign issue. His dismal presidential record alone can sink his chances for reelection. His failure to attract significant foreign & local investment as the  PPP/C administrations did. His failure to curtail serious crimes. His failure to provide meaningful jobs to youths. His dismemberment of GuySuCo leading to retrenchment of thousands of sugar workers. And so on.

To a point we should not pick. However, health is an issue.  It’s a valid concern.  What’s unusual here, when running, people take the #2 as the successor should something happen.

Here the lead candidate has a potential terminal conditions and the #2 will not be the successor.  So what backup choices are you offering.

Badal wants a woman backup. Granger can choose Volda. Ramjattan signed himself out of presidential succession.


He wants to make sure neither Nagamootoo nor Ramjattan become the President when he meets his mighty maker.  That’s why we saw the song and dance performance in naming the PM candidate. What an irony that would have been should a former PPP man become the President of Guyana with the PNC party. Burnham would be turning in his grave.

Bibi Haniffa
Gilbakka posted:
Baseman posted:
Gilbakka posted:

Not necessary to pick on Granger's wellness as an elections campaign issue. His dismal presidential record alone can sink his chances for reelection. His failure to attract significant foreign & local investment as the  PPP/C administrations did. His failure to curtail serious crimes. His failure to provide meaningful jobs to youths. His dismemberment of GuySuCo leading to retrenchment of thousands of sugar workers. And so on.

To a point we should not pick. However, health is an issue.  It’s a valid concern.  What’s unusual here, when running, people take the #2 as the successor should something happen.

Here the lead candidate has a potential terminal conditions and the #2 will not be the successor.  So what backup choices are you offering.

Badal wants a woman backup. Granger can choose Volda. Ramjattan signed himself out of presidential succession.

Dawn Hastings.  Kill two birds with one stone and pull the Amerindian vote.

Bibi Haniffa

Let the people see the revised  Accord. What is there to hide?? 

The new Accord strengthen the position of the PNC,  establish a black party just use the coalition to get elected.  To each their own . These past few years is evident. 


From inception Granger wanted a diehard, Afro PNC to be the successor upon his death. He spent most of his first year getting rid of any and all things PPP. He reminding Afro-Guyanese that Burnham exists and Jagan is unknown. 

Last edited by Former Member
Prince posted:

From inception Granger wanted a diehard, Afro PNC to be the successor upon his death. He spent most of his first year getting rid of any and all things PPP. He reminding Afro-Guyanese that Burnham exists and Jagan is unknown. 

Jargon would like a man like Jranjer.  Jargon always put Afros ahead of his people.

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:

Ramjattan is an ugly stupid p ussy

I never thought the day would come when you call it "ugly."  Banna, like you getting old or what?

Hopefully I don’t think so about Melania’s. 😀

Prashad posted:
Prince posted:

From inception Granger wanted a diehard, Afro PNC to be the successor upon his death. He spent most of his first year getting rid of any and all things PPP. He reminding Afro-Guyanese that Burnham exists and Jagan is unknown. 

Jargon would like a man like Jranjer.  Jargon always put Afros ahead of his people.

Prash, I can recommend remedial spelling lessons if you so desire.

Gilbakka posted:
Prashad posted:
Prince posted:

From inception Granger wanted a diehard, Afro PNC to be the successor upon his death. He spent most of his first year getting rid of any and all things PPP. He reminding Afro-Guyanese that Burnham exists and Jagan is unknown. 

Jargon would like a man like Jranjer.  Jargon always put Afros ahead of his people.

Prash, I can recommend remedial spelling lessons if you so desire.

He is SSDD(same shit different day). I wonder if any projectile in the military hit him near the head.


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