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Former Member

Housing sector in Guyana headed for collaspe  – Former Housing Minister

The obvious downturn in the construction sector and the suffering endured by the hardware stores in Guyana is as a

Former Housing Minister, Irfaan Ali

Former Housing Minister, Irfaan Ali

result of the negativity and criticisms of the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change Government, says former Housing Minister, Irfaan Ali.

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Originally Posted by Mars:
Originally Posted by redux:

sumbady please pull up Irfaat Sheik of Araby pulheeze

This tough Indo will kick the PNC KoKOBeah choke and rob in their place. We stand for our own. May Allah and Krsna give him the strength to go toe to toe with the PNC KoKOBeah.


We stand behind our own as much as the PNC KoKoBeah stand behind theirs.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

My understanding is the afc/apnu are incompetent and have no vision to move the country forward. While in opposition the claim to have solutions which they failed to reveal prior to being elected. Looks like the Guyanese public bought a pig in a bag. 


It is very scary looking forward. 


Remember, rice and sugar are now dead under the PNC. The price of gold has plummeted.


PNC has NO Plan for the future and even if they implement any plans, it will take three to four years to take hold.


Businesses have no interest to invest whatsoever. This is a disaster and depression of the economy waiting to happen. PNC is asleep at the switch while all of this happens.


Instead of giving hefty salary increases to their Members, they should have implemented a bonus increase based on performance. 


I am shaking my head and wondering, who is in charge of the AFC/PNC ? Is it Harmon who is useless or is it President Granger ?


Local Elections are coming up. Let us see what happens next.


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