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Opposition intensifying agitation for local govt elections

City Constabulary's Assistant Superintendent Gordon Langevine

DEMERARA WAVES, SEPTEMBER 16 --- Several persons, who turned up at the Georgetown City Hall to attend an inter-faith service and public meeting, were Tuesday morning prevented froim entering the compound.

They included former Guyana Defence Force (GDF) Colonel London and other functionaries and supporters of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU).

Senior City Constabulary Assistant Superintendent Gordon Langevine declined to say why the gates around City Hall have been locked and persons were being prevented from entering the compound. Officers and constabled manned the gate that was reinforced by a police barrier. Langevine and City Councillor Eon Andrews engaged in a brief shouting match over the refusal to allow London entry. "A Colonel is a colonel anywhere. Don't disrespect my officer," said Andrews, a former soldier.

The City Constabulary apparently asked the Guyana Police Force to be on standby to provide assistance. Three senior officers from A Division stood a short distance away and kept a watchful eye on the group of persons.

Tuesday's standoff came one day after Opposition Leader David Granger's ultimatum to President Donald Ramotar for the naming of a date for Local Government Elections last held in 1994. Granger earlier Tuesday told Demerara Waves Online News that protests would be part of a concerted set of actions by the opposition to force government to hold local government elections.


Shadow Local Government Minister, Ronald Bulkan told the gathering from City Hall Compound that "Local government election is not a favour. It is an obligation, not an option," he said.


At one stage, the crowd of about 100 persons became incensed when Acting Town Clerk, Carol Sooba went downstairs, walked across to the Constabulary's headquarters and then passed the speakers, including the Mayor and Deputy Mayor, on her way to the rear of the compound.



But Granger assured that Guyanese should not be fearful of protests because advocates of the long-overdue polls would not be engaging in any illegal activity.


Protest in general is never about illegal activities. Why even mention it? This reminds me of former Mayor, David Dinkens of NY thanked the rioters for not rioting What am I missing?

Originally Posted by Cobra:


But Granger assured that Guyanese should not be fearful of protests because advocates of the long-overdue polls would not be engaging in any illegal activity.


Protest in general is never about illegal activities. Why even mention it? This reminds me of former Mayor, David Dinkens of NY thanked the rioters for not rioting What am I missing?

You are missing a lot of things serpent, this is almost too easy.

Originally Posted by Cobra:


But Granger assured that Guyanese should not be fearful of protests because advocates of the long-overdue polls would not be engaging in any illegal activity.


Protest in general is never about illegal activities. Why even mention it? This reminds me of former Mayor, David Dinkens of NY thanked the rioters for not rioting What am I missing?

 you saying the protest in linden was not illegal,why rohee give the police orders to kill the protesters.oh you stupid snake  

Originally Posted by Cobra:


But Granger assured that Guyanese should not be fearful of protests because advocates of the long-overdue polls would not be engaging in any illegal activity.


Protest in general is never about illegal activities. Why even mention it? This reminds me of former Mayor, David Dinkens of NY thanked the rioters for not rioting What am I missing?

You know you people are real stupid. Jagan dead and gone, you are free to use ur brains. Suh use man.


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