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PNC/R preaches unity in diversity

Dec 01, 2017 News, https://www.kaieteurnewsonline...-unity-in-diversity/

-as Youman Nabi is observed

“We need to recommit ourselves to the achievement of the ideals of a truly multi-cultural, multi-ethnic and multi-religious society where there is unity in diversity.”

This was the message amplified by the People’s National Congress/Reform [PNC/R] to mark Youman Nabi.

The PNC/R not only extended Youman Nabi Greetings to the Muslim brothers and sisters, but to all Guyanese.

Youman Nabi or Mawlid al-Nabi or Eid-e-Milad, fixed at the 12th day of the month of Rabi al-Awwal in the Muslim calendar, is a celebration of the Birth Anniversary of the Holy Prophet Muhammad, the founder of Islam. The day is marked by sermons, recitation of litanies, honouring of religious dignitaries, gift giving, and a feast.

According to the PNC/R, “The occasion also serves as a reminder that whatever trials and tribulations we face, the prophet of God faced even greater and yet he never allowed anger and hatred to determine his actions.”

As such the political party underscored that “We, in Guyana, can benefit from the legacy by using it as an instrument, not only for promoting understanding among our various ethnic, religious and social groups, but also, and more importantly, for bringing a healing towel to dilemmas and challenges which affect our nation.”

HEHEHE  Mo Fiah Slo Fiah!!!! Unity Village maybe those Bastards talkin bout. They are the complete opposite to promoting unity. The GADAHA painting everything green and all the Govt Dept looking like Ghana NOT Guyana!!!


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