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PNC’s Aubrey Norton, others arrested for “Shut down GT” protest

People’s National Congress (PNC), Member, Aubrey Norton, and other persons were arrested this morning as protesters staged a demonstration at the Square of the Revolution, Georgetown.

The PNC since last week, has been calling on persons to come out and join the protest called, “Time to Shut down GT”.

Sources have confirmed that Norton and others were arrested.

In a livestream of the event, police were seen at the junction of Brickdam and Vlissengen Road, telling protestors to remain at the Square of the Revolution and to not go any further.

Demonstrators are protesting “force vaccination, high cost of living and dictatorship”.

BREAKING: PNCR’s Aubrey Norton, 17 others arrested

in News, Politics Monday, 13 September 2021, 11:31 0 Comments, Last Updated on Monday, 13 September 2021, 11:59 by Denis Chabrol, Source -

Executive member of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) Aubrey Norton and at least 17 others were Monday morning arrested.

He and  16 others were taken to the Brickdam Police Station during the course of the morning and early afternoon in a bus and detention van.

Mr. Norton said, “I don’t know why they arrested me. I was on Regent Street. The procession was coming on Vlissengen Road and the police they came and just arrested me.

He said eight other persons were arrested previously and he was placed in the same bus and taken to the Brickdam Police Station.

Mr. Norton said police have not given him a reason for the arrest, only saying that they had to await the arrival of the Commander.

Several supporters gathered outside the Brickdam Police Station in solidarity with those arrested. Two vehicles arrived with several persons and then departed again.

Monday’s arrest coincides with a call to shut down Georgetown-Guyana’s commercial and administrative capital- to protest vaccination measures and other concerns.

About three weeks ago, Working People’s Alliance member Kidackie Amsterd and other persons were arrested under similar circumstances.

They were subsequently charged and released on bail.


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