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Former Member

Ok folks


We are seeing the line in the political sand being drawn out. Everyone has a right to defend his or her political views.


What I find very interesting is that PNC skeletons are slowing showing up. The likes of D2, redux, Carib etc now appear to be crawling out the the PNC closet. Again, it is their right, but the political lines are being drawn out.


What do you say good folks ?

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by yuji22:

D2 condemns Dr. Jagan and tries to imply that dictators like Burnham and Hoyte were good for Guyana.

I condemn him for his ignorant support of the soviet block, for adhering to that methodology to aid much of burnham's work. His communist ideology ignored race as a category in politics despite having it in his face from inception. Also, any business school will tell you that the culture in a group predicts the leaders that will come from it. We cannot say much for his leadership if it produced such prodigious thieves as Jagdeo and such mudheads as Ramotar.


You in your usual stupid and simplistic race whistling concludes on your own that I say anything about favorable about Burnham or Hoyte . You have to have your black boogiemen.


Another quote from PNC's apologist D2 regarding a request for an apology for PNC's wrongdoings and rigging of elections:


"That apology will be transferred to an apology for "exterminating" indians  having a "duglarization project" where rape of Indian women was the practice and where Indians alone suffered among another hundred other claims"




Notice that it is the likes of Carib, D2, redux etc who cannot engage in a civilized debate without initiating the race card. 


An apology from the PNC has nothing to with race but horrible wrongdoings during the Burnham and Hoyte dictatorship era. It is the very attitude of these PNC skeletons that scare Guyanese.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Another quote from PNC's apologist D2 regarding a request for an apology for PNC's wrongdoings and rigging of elections:


"That apology will be transferred to an apology for "exterminating" indians  having a "duglarization project" where rape of Indian women was the practice and where Indians alone suffered among another hundred other claims"



 Stupid man, it is about conflict resolution strategies and not you or the PPP's need for the victim iconography.  Why don't you get a good book on the subject and read it. Let me reiterate; conflict transformation in political disputes begins on even turf. It asks no one for apologies. It asks for problem definition and and examination of possible solutions.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Notice that it is the likes of Carib, D2, redux etc who cannot engage in a civilized debate without initiating the race card. 


An apology from the PNC has nothing to with race but horrible wrongdoings during the Burnham and Hoyte dictatorship era. It is the very attitude of these PNC skeletons that scare Guyanese.

Where have you ever engaged in a debate? That would mean an aptitude for argumentation and the logical cobbling together of facts in sequence. You can only do what you do above...endless declarative statements about this or that.

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Listen Dunce D2,


You have finally exposed your PNC agenda. It is your right to do so but it is my right to expose your endorsement of Dictators like Burnham and Hoyte. You are not only Part 1 but you are also Part 2. and your wormwood kind are the poison in our stew. The PNC agenda is to remove the PPP and that is fine by me. I am assured they have articulated no strategy that is different from their ongoing crony friends and family capitalism. There is no parsing that. I do not know that I endorsed burnham except in you usual depraved mind.


Last edited by Former Member
Yuji ....Bhai like yuh ready fuh expose de weevil in TK Dhall......Some people do not care they will make excuse for tha Duttyness.....and want abee cook and eat TK Split peas with the weevil and would tell abee it is Black Pepper or Gheera......TK is free to enjoy De Black pepper.... THE PNC DO NOT KNOW BETTER. THEY TEK TK AND HIS INFESTED SPLITPEAS AND STORE THEM IN CONGRESS PLACE........SO WE GET MORE WEEVIL UNTOP OF WEEVIL......AND SING "ALL AH-WE AH-WAN FAMILY".
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Yuji ....Bhai like yuh ready fuh expose de weevil in TK Dhall......Some people do not care they will make excuse for tha Duttyness.....and want abee cook and eat TK Split peas with the weevil and would tell abee it is Black Pepper or Gheera......TK is free to enjoy De Black pepper.... THE PNC DO NOT KNOW BETTER. THEY TEK TK AND HIS INFESTED SPLITPEAS AND STORE THEM IN CONGRESS PLACE........SO WE GET MORE WEEVIL UNTOP OF WEEVIL......AND SING "ALL AH-WE AH-WAN FAMILY".

Split peas come back Guyana. You miss that? 

Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Yuji ....Bhai like yuh ready fuh expose de weevil in TK Dhall......Some people do not care they will make excuse for tha Duttyness.....and want abee cook and eat TK Split peas with the weevil and would tell abee it is Black Pepper or Gheera......TK is free to enjoy De Black pepper.... THE PNC DO NOT KNOW BETTER. THEY TEK TK AND HIS INFESTED SPLITPEAS AND STORE THEM IN CONGRESS PLACE........SO WE GET MORE WEEVIL UNTOP OF WEEVIL......AND SING "ALL AH-WE AH-WAN FAMILY".

Split peas come back Guyana. You miss that? 

OK forget TK let us CLEAR THINGS UP...
all credits belong to Jagan & the PPP who forced PNC to Revoke the Ban on Indian Foods (Flour, Split Peas & Aloo)......
NOW....... TK want tell us PNC love Indians that is why PNC BAN POPULAR INDIAN FOODS......AND WANTED THEM TO WEAR DISHEKI.........
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Yuji ....Bhai like yuh ready fuh expose de weevil in TK Dhall......Some people do not care they will make excuse for tha Duttyness.....and want abee cook and eat TK Split peas with the weevil and would tell abee it is Black Pepper or Gheera......TK is free to enjoy De Black pepper.... THE PNC DO NOT KNOW BETTER. THEY TEK TK AND HIS INFESTED SPLITPEAS AND STORE THEM IN CONGRESS PLACE........SO WE GET MORE WEEVIL UNTOP OF WEEVIL......AND SING "ALL AH-WE AH-WAN FAMILY".

Split peas come back Guyana. You miss that? 

OK forget TK let us CLEAR THINGS UP...
all credits belong to Jagan & the PPP who forced PNC to Revoke the Ban on Indian Foods (Flour, Split Peas & Aloo)......
NOW....... TK want tell us PNC love Indians that is why PNC BAN POPULAR INDIAN FOODS......AND WANTED THEM TO WEAR DISHEKI.........


Sir that is you view. Mr Jagan did not force anybody to bring back split peas and flour. You free to believe what you want. Mr Harripaul and other people say different. 

Originally Posted by Jalil:

sewer grade race baiting . . . who on this bb embraces this abjectness and ignorance from jalil?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:

sewer grade race baiting . . . who on this bb embraces this abjectness and ignorance from jalil?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:
TK what yuh expext Haripaul to tell you.....he had to wear Disheki too like Odo & Dessie.

Is Mr TK jumble still messing up your dream and mine? You see me JB as Mr TK? Reply to Mr Malcolm Harripaul. Show you have a 8 inch penis by attacking what they write. Stop inventing straw man jumbie to make you self feel big and bad. 

Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks


We are seeing the line in the political sand being drawn out. Everyone has a right to defend his or her political views.


What I find very interesting is that PNC skeletons are slowing showing up. The likes of D2, redux, Carib etc now appear to be crawling out the the PNC closet. Again, it is their right, but the political lines are being drawn out.


What do you say good folks ?

yuji, in another thread I opined that changing one's views is not necessarily a crime, nor is it immoral. There's an overused phrase that goes thus: the only constant is change.

In concrete terms, over the past decade or more, a number of GNI members has lost faith in the PPP and are seeking other political anchors. Myself included, with my clear and honest declaration that I'm supporting the AFC presently.

Recognizing that a person has a sovereign right to choose political parties, I respect the choices of all GNI members. If someone here likes the PNC, I have no problem with that.

As far as I understand Stormborn's comments, he hasn't said he supports the PNC's programs and policies. He has defended certain individuals whom he knows, who are now with the PNC/APNU, but we would be in error to conclude that Stormborn is now PNC himself.

In my humble opinion, we can support any political party and still carry on a decent debate in GNI political forum without resorting to name calling like "skeletons", "dunces", etc.


Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks


We are seeing the line in the political sand being drawn out. Everyone has a right to defend his or her political views.


What I find very interesting is that PNC skeletons are slowing showing up. The likes of D2, redux, Carib etc now appear to be crawling out the the PNC closet. Again, it is their right, but the political lines are being drawn out.


What do you say good folks ?

yuji, in another thread I opined that changing one's views is not necessarily a crime, nor is it immoral. There's an overused phrase that goes thus: the only constant is change.

In concrete terms, over the past decade or more, a number of GNI members has lost faith in the PPP and are seeking other political anchors. Myself included, with my clear and honest declaration that I'm supporting the AFC presently.

Recognizing that a person has a sovereign right to choose political parties, I respect the choices of all GNI members. If someone here likes the PNC, I have no problem with that.

As far as I understand Stormborn's comments, he hasn't said he supports the PNC's programs and policies. He has defended certain individuals whom he knows, who are now with the PNC/APNU, but we would be in error to conclude that Stormborn is now PNC himself.

In my humble opinion, we can support any political party and still carry on a decent debate in GNI political forum without resorting to name calling like "skeletons", "dunces", etc.





I actually made it clear in my post that posters are free to support a party of their choice. Please note that D2 first called me a stupid man as he always tries to degrade posters. I returned fire with fire and called him a dunce. It is all fair in politics.


I am of the firm opinion that there are political skeletons in the PNC as much as the PPP has skeletons in their closet.


I am also of the firm opinion that the PNC owes Guyanese an apology for their wrongdoings, this has nothing to do with race. TK, D2, redux, carib etc are free to supper their beloved PNC and it is my right to call them out. It is also my political right.

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks


We are seeing the line in the political sand being drawn out. Everyone has a right to defend his or her political views.


What I find very interesting is that PNC skeletons are slowing showing up. The likes of D2, redux, Carib etc now appear to be crawling out the the PNC closet. Again, it is their right, but the political lines are being drawn out.


What do you say good folks ?

yuji, in another thread I opined that changing one's views is not necessarily a crime, nor is it immoral. There's an overused phrase that goes thus: the only constant is change.

In concrete terms, over the past decade or more, a number of GNI members has lost faith in the PPP and are seeking other political anchors. Myself included, with my clear and honest declaration that I'm supporting the AFC presently.

Recognizing that a person has a sovereign right to choose political parties, I respect the choices of all GNI members. If someone here likes the PNC, I have no problem with that.

As far as I understand Stormborn's comments, he hasn't said he supports the PNC's programs and policies. He has defended certain individuals whom he knows, who are now with the PNC/APNU, but we would be in error to conclude that Stormborn is now PNC himself.

In my humble opinion, we can support any political party and still carry on a decent debate in GNI political forum without resorting to name calling like "skeletons", "dunces", etc.


Gailbaka is 100% Correct...... TK and Stormie are oceans apart and I can say in no way shape or form .....Stormie should be lumped or rolled up in one with TK's Beloved PNC.
Further....... like with Kwame ......we are not denying TK's his Right to choose or love anything or anyone.
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks


We are seeing the line in the political sand being drawn out. Everyone has a right to defend his or her political views.


What I find very interesting is that PNC skeletons are slowing showing up. The likes of D2, redux, Carib etc now appear to be crawling out the the PNC closet. Again, it is their right, but the political lines are being drawn out.


What do you say good folks ?

yuji, in another thread I opined that changing one's views is not necessarily a crime, nor is it immoral. There's an overused phrase that goes thus: the only constant is change.

In concrete terms, over the past decade or more, a number of GNI members has lost faith in the PPP and are seeking other political anchors. Myself included, with my clear and honest declaration that I'm supporting the AFC presently.

Recognizing that a person has a sovereign right to choose political parties, I respect the choices of all GNI members. If someone here likes the PNC, I have no problem with that.

As far as I understand Stormborn's comments, he hasn't said he supports the PNC's programs and policies. He has defended certain individuals whom he knows, who are now with the PNC/APNU, but we would be in error to conclude that Stormborn is now PNC himself.

In my humble opinion, we can support any political party and still carry on a decent debate in GNI political forum without resorting to name calling like "skeletons", "dunces", etc.





I actually made it clear in my post that posters are free to support a party of their choice. Please note that D2 first called me a stupid man as he always tries to degrade posters. I returned fire with fire and called him a dunce. It is all fair in politics.


I am of the firm opinion that there are political skeletons in the PNC as much as the PPP has skeletons in their closet.


I am also of the firm opinion that the PNC owes Guyanese an apology for their wrongdoings, this has nothing to do with race. TK, D2, redux, carib etc are free to supper their beloved PNC and it is my right to call them out. It is also my political right.

By calling D2 a dunce, you are proving his point that you are a stupid man. Wise men don't need the use of labels. How many Indo votes will the PNC gain by agreeing to your request to say sorry to the Indian populace?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks


We are seeing the line in the political sand being drawn out. Everyone has a right to defend his or her political views.


What I find very interesting is that PNC skeletons are slowing showing up. The likes of D2, redux, Carib etc now appear to be crawling out the the PNC closet. Again, it is their right, but the political lines are being drawn out.


What do you say good folks ?

yuji, in another thread I opined that changing one's views is not necessarily a crime, nor is it immoral. There's an overused phrase that goes thus: the only constant is change.

In concrete terms, over the past decade or more, a number of GNI members has lost faith in the PPP and are seeking other political anchors. Myself included, with my clear and honest declaration that I'm supporting the AFC presently.

Recognizing that a person has a sovereign right to choose political parties, I respect the choices of all GNI members. If someone here likes the PNC, I have no problem with that.

As far as I understand Stormborn's comments, he hasn't said he supports the PNC's programs and policies. He has defended certain individuals whom he knows, who are now with the PNC/APNU, but we would be in error to conclude that Stormborn is now PNC himself.

In my humble opinion, we can support any political party and still carry on a decent debate in GNI political forum without resorting to name calling like "skeletons", "dunces", etc.





I actually made it clear in my post that posters are free to support a party of their choice. Please note that D2 first called me a stupid man as he always tries to degrade posters. I returned fire with fire and called him a dunce. It is all fair in politics.


I am of the firm opinion that there are political skeletons in the PNC as much as the PPP has skeletons in their closet.


I am also of the firm opinion that the PNC owes Guyanese an apology for their wrongdoings, this has nothing to do with race. TK, D2, redux, carib etc are free to supper their beloved PNC and it is my right to call them out. It is also my political right.

By calling D2 a dunce, you are proving his point that you are a stupid man. Wise men don't need the use of labels. How many Indo votes will the PNC gain by agreeing to your request to say sorry to the Indian populace?

Mits, we have to disagree here. 


The PNC must apologize for their wrongdoings, this has nothing to do with race or votes but what is right. I intend to speak out against wrongdoings and I will speak out against wrongdoings be it PPP or PNC.


The healing process will start with an apology from the PNC to ALL Guyanese.

Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks


We are seeing the line in the political sand being drawn out. Everyone has a right to defend his or her political views.


What I find very interesting is that PNC skeletons are slowing showing up. The likes of D2, redux, Carib etc now appear to be crawling out the the PNC closet. Again, it is their right, but the political lines are being drawn out.


What do you say good folks ?

yuji, in another thread I opined that changing one's views is not necessarily a crime, nor is it immoral. There's an overused phrase that goes thus: the only constant is change.

In concrete terms, over the past decade or more, a number of GNI members has lost faith in the PPP and are seeking other political anchors. Myself included, with my clear and honest declaration that I'm supporting the AFC presently.

Recognizing that a person has a sovereign right to choose political parties, I respect the choices of all GNI members. If someone here likes the PNC, I have no problem with that.

As far as I understand Stormborn's comments, he hasn't said he supports the PNC's programs and policies. He has defended certain individuals whom he knows, who are now with the PNC/APNU, but we would be in error to conclude that Stormborn is now PNC himself.

In my humble opinion, we can support any political party and still carry on a decent debate in GNI political forum without resorting to name calling like "skeletons", "dunces", etc.





I actually made it clear in my post that posters are free to support a party of their choice. Please note that D2 first called me a stupid man as he always tries to degrade posters. I returned fire with fire and called him a dunce. It is all fair in politics.


I am of the firm opinion that there are political skeletons in the PNC as much as the PPP has skeletons in their closet.


I am also of the firm opinion that the PNC owes Guyanese an apology for their wrongdoings, this has nothing to do with race. TK, D2, redux, carib etc are free to supper their beloved PNC and it is my right to call them out. It is also my political right.

By calling D2 a dunce, you are proving his point that you are a stupid man. Wise men don't need the use of labels. How many Indo votes will the PNC gain by agreeing to your request to say sorry to the Indian populace?

Mits, we have to disagree here. 


The PNC must apologize for their wrongdoings, this has nothing to do with race or votes but what is right. I intend to speak out against wrongdoings and I will speak out against wrongdoings be it PPP or PNC.


The healing process will start with an apology from the PNC to ALL Guyanese.

What if that apology is conditional that the PPP/C must apologize also?

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks


We are seeing the line in the political sand being drawn out. Everyone has a right to defend his or her political views.


What I find very interesting is that PNC skeletons are slowing showing up. The likes of D2, redux, Carib etc now appear to be crawling out the the PNC closet. Again, it is their right, but the political lines are being drawn out.


What do you say good folks ?

yuji, in another thread I opined that changing one's views is not necessarily a crime, nor is it immoral. There's an overused phrase that goes thus: the only constant is change.

In concrete terms, over the past decade or more, a number of GNI members has lost faith in the PPP and are seeking other political anchors. Myself included, with my clear and honest declaration that I'm supporting the AFC presently.

Recognizing that a person has a sovereign right to choose political parties, I respect the choices of all GNI members. If someone here likes the PNC, I have no problem with that.

As far as I understand Stormborn's comments, he hasn't said he supports the PNC's programs and policies. He has defended certain individuals whom he knows, who are now with the PNC/APNU, but we would be in error to conclude that Stormborn is now PNC himself.

In my humble opinion, we can support any political party and still carry on a decent debate in GNI political forum without resorting to name calling like "skeletons", "dunces", etc.





I actually made it clear in my post that posters are free to support a party of their choice. Please note that D2 first called me a stupid man as he always tries to degrade posters. I returned fire with fire and called him a dunce. It is all fair in politics.


I am of the firm opinion that there are political skeletons in the PNC as much as the PPP has skeletons in their closet.


I am also of the firm opinion that the PNC owes Guyanese an apology for their wrongdoings, this has nothing to do with race. TK, D2, redux, carib etc are free to supper their beloved PNC and it is my right to call them out. It is also my political right.

By calling D2 a dunce, you are proving his point that you are a stupid man. Wise men don't need the use of labels. How many Indo votes will the PNC gain by agreeing to your request to say sorry to the Indian populace?

Mits, we have to disagree here. 


The PNC must apologize for their wrongdoings, this has nothing to do with race or votes but what is right. I intend to speak out against wrongdoings and I will speak out against wrongdoings be it PPP or PNC.


The healing process will start with an apology from the PNC to ALL Guyanese.

What if that apology is conditional that the PPP/C must apologize also?

Mits....the PPP should apologize for their Crimes and Corruption too....nothing is wrong with that......BUT WHAT IS WRONG IS TK INSISTING NOW THAT THE PNC HAS NOTHING TO APOLOGIZE FOR.
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks


We are seeing the line in the political sand being drawn out. Everyone has a right to defend his or her political views.


What I find very interesting is that PNC skeletons are slowing showing up. The likes of D2, redux, Carib etc now appear to be crawling out the the PNC closet. Again, it is their right, but the political lines are being drawn out.


What do you say good folks ?

yuji, in another thread I opined that changing one's views is not necessarily a crime, nor is it immoral. There's an overused phrase that goes thus: the only constant is change.

In concrete terms, over the past decade or more, a number of GNI members has lost faith in the PPP and are seeking other political anchors. Myself included, with my clear and honest declaration that I'm supporting the AFC presently.

Recognizing that a person has a sovereign right to choose political parties, I respect the choices of all GNI members. If someone here likes the PNC, I have no problem with that.

As far as I understand Stormborn's comments, he hasn't said he supports the PNC's programs and policies. He has defended certain individuals whom he knows, who are now with the PNC/APNU, but we would be in error to conclude that Stormborn is now PNC himself.

In my humble opinion, we can support any political party and still carry on a decent debate in GNI political forum without resorting to name calling like "skeletons", "dunces", etc.





I actually made it clear in my post that posters are free to support a party of their choice. Please note that D2 first called me a stupid man as he always tries to degrade posters. I returned fire with fire and called him a dunce. It is all fair in politics.


I am of the firm opinion that there are political skeletons in the PNC as much as the PPP has skeletons in their closet.


I am also of the firm opinion that the PNC owes Guyanese an apology for their wrongdoings, this has nothing to do with race. TK, D2, redux, carib etc are free to supper their beloved PNC and it is my right to call them out. It is also my political right.

By calling D2 a dunce, you are proving his point that you are a stupid man. Wise men don't need the use of labels. How many Indo votes will the PNC gain by agreeing to your request to say sorry to the Indian populace?

Mits, we have to disagree here. 


The PNC must apologize for their wrongdoings, this has nothing to do with race or votes but what is right. I intend to speak out against wrongdoings and I will speak out against wrongdoings be it PPP or PNC.


The healing process will start with an apology from the PNC to ALL Guyanese.

What if that apology is conditional that the PPP/C must apologize also?

Mits....the PPP should apologize for their Crimes and Corruption too....nothing is wrong with that......BUT WHAT IS WRONG IS TK INSISTING NOW THAT THE PNC HAS NOTHING TO APOLOGIZE FOR.

this is funny the ppp is asking the pnc to apologize to the indo guyanese for the crime they commit and the ppp have one of the master mind in freedom house.this man admit he beat people with wood on behalf of the pnc and he is a member of parlament for the all the GNI PPP ******* SHOULD SHUT THEIR STINK MOUTH 

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Yuji ....Bhai like yuh ready fuh expose de weevil in TK Dhall......Some people do not care they will make excuse for tha Duttyness.....and want abee cook and eat TK Split peas with the weevil and would tell abee it is Black Pepper or Gheera......TK is free to enjoy De Black pepper.... THE PNC DO NOT KNOW BETTER. THEY TEK TK AND HIS INFESTED SPLITPEAS AND STORE THEM IN CONGRESS PLACE........SO WE GET MORE WEEVIL UNTOP OF WEEVIL......AND SING "ALL AH-WE AH-WAN FAMILY".

Split peas come back Guyana. You miss that? 

OK forget TK let us CLEAR THINGS UP...
all credits belong to Jagan & the PPP who forced PNC to Revoke the Ban on Indian Foods (Flour, Split Peas & Aloo)......
NOW....... TK want tell us PNC love Indians that is why PNC BAN POPULAR INDIAN FOODS......AND WANTED THEM TO WEAR DISHEKI.........

Something to think about.  I remember when Hoyte turn up at Camp Street temple, he was not wear a dhotie. Actual the pandit there referred to him as similar to Lord Rama.




That is the kind of ignorance TK want to continue. 


Originally Posted by Jalil:
....the PPP should apologize for their Crimes and Corruption too....nothing is wrong with that......BUT WHAT IS WRONG IS TK INSISTING NOW THAT THE PNC HAS NOTHING TO APOLOGIZE FOR.

the stink smell of a barefaced LIE dripping from the abscessed gums of this jalil skunk that anyone with ANY HONOR should be ashamed of


pls cite and show where punk . . . i must have missed it

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Yuji ....Bhai like yuh ready fuh expose de weevil in TK Dhall......Some people do not care they will make excuse for tha Duttyness.....and want abee cook and eat TK Split peas with the weevil and would tell abee it is Black Pepper or Gheera......TK is free to enjoy De Black pepper.... THE PNC DO NOT KNOW BETTER. THEY TEK TK AND HIS INFESTED SPLITPEAS AND STORE THEM IN CONGRESS PLACE........SO WE GET MORE WEEVIL UNTOP OF WEEVIL......AND SING "ALL AH-WE AH-WAN FAMILY".

Split peas come back Guyana. You miss that? 

OK forget TK let us CLEAR THINGS UP...
all credits belong to Jagan & the PPP who forced PNC to Revoke the Ban on Indian Foods (Flour, Split Peas & Aloo)......
NOW....... TK want tell us PNC love Indians that is why PNC BAN POPULAR INDIAN FOODS......AND WANTED THEM TO WEAR DISHEKI.........

Something to think about.  I remember when Hoyte turn up at Camp Street temple, he was not wear a dhotie. Actual the pandit there referred to him as similar to Lord Rama.




That is the kind of ignorance TK want to continue. 


Hey Hey Hey

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by Jalil: 
. . . NOW....... TK want tell us PNC love Indians that is why PNC BAN POPULAR INDIAN FOODS......AND WANTED THEM TO WEAR DISHEKI.........

Something to think about.  I remember when Hoyte turn up at Camp Street temple, he was not wear a dhotie. Actual the pandit there referred to him as similar to Lord Rama. . . .

so, this is the kind of low-minded racist filth alyuh 2 proud to wallow in, eh?

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Listen Dunce D2,


You have finally exposed your PNC agenda. It is your right to do so but it is my right to expose your endorsement of Dictators like Burnham and Hoyte. You are not only Part 1 but you are also Part 2. and your wormwood kind are the poison in our stew. The PNC agenda is to remove the PPP and that is fine by me. I am assured they have articulated no strategy that is different from their ongoing crony friends and family capitalism. There is no parsing that. I do not know that I endorsed burnham except in you usual depraved mind.


Ow, you all mek way for Storm Born, he got wan PHD from Patrice Lumumba, he is no simpleton.



Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Mars:
When did fluor, potatoes and split peas become Indian Foods?
Since Burnham and TK Party (the PNC) ban those items to deny Indians the Right to choose freely what they prefer to Buy, Cook, Eat & Enjoy.

I guess you've never heard of flour being used to make bread and pastries, potatoes for stews, fries and mashed potatoes and split peas for cookup rice and soup. 


The reality is that all Guyanese suffered from shortages of those commodities, not only Indians.

Originally Posted by Jalil:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks


We are seeing the line in the political sand being drawn out. Everyone has a right to defend his or her political views.


What I find very interesting is that PNC skeletons are slowing showing up. The likes of D2, redux, Carib etc now appear to be crawling out the the PNC closet. Again, it is their right, but the political lines are being drawn out.


What do you say good folks ?

yuji, in another thread I opined that changing one's views is not necessarily a crime, nor is it immoral. There's an overused phrase that goes thus: the only constant is change.

In concrete terms, over the past decade or more, a number of GNI members has lost faith in the PPP and are seeking other political anchors. Myself included, with my clear and honest declaration that I'm supporting the AFC presently.

Recognizing that a person has a sovereign right to choose political parties, I respect the choices of all GNI members. If someone here likes the PNC, I have no problem with that.

As far as I understand Stormborn's comments, he hasn't said he supports the PNC's programs and policies. He has defended certain individuals whom he knows, who are now with the PNC/APNU, but we would be in error to conclude that Stormborn is now PNC himself.

In my humble opinion, we can support any political party and still carry on a decent debate in GNI political forum without resorting to name calling like "skeletons", "dunces", etc.





I actually made it clear in my post that posters are free to support a party of their choice. Please note that D2 first called me a stupid man as he always tries to degrade posters. I returned fire with fire and called him a dunce. It is all fair in politics.


I am of the firm opinion that there are political skeletons in the PNC as much as the PPP has skeletons in their closet.


I am also of the firm opinion that the PNC owes Guyanese an apology for their wrongdoings, this has nothing to do with race. TK, D2, redux, carib etc are free to supper their beloved PNC and it is my right to call them out. It is also my political right.

By calling D2 a dunce, you are proving his point that you are a stupid man. Wise men don't need the use of labels. How many Indo votes will the PNC gain by agreeing to your request to say sorry to the Indian populace?

Mits, we have to disagree here. 


The PNC must apologize for their wrongdoings, this has nothing to do with race or votes but what is right. I intend to speak out against wrongdoings and I will speak out against wrongdoings be it PPP or PNC.


The healing process will start with an apology from the PNC to ALL Guyanese.

What if that apology is conditional that the PPP/C must apologize also?

Mits....the PPP should apologize for their Crimes and Corruption too....nothing is wrong with that......BUT WHAT IS WRONG IS TK INSISTING NOW THAT THE PNC HAS NOTHING TO APOLOGIZE FOR.



Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by yuji22:
Originally Posted by Gilbakka:
Originally Posted by yuji22:

Ok folks


We are seeing the line in the political sand being drawn out. Everyone has a right to defend his or her political views.


What I find very interesting is that PNC skeletons are slowing showing up. The likes of D2, redux, Carib etc now appear to be crawling out the the PNC closet. Again, it is their right, but the political lines are being drawn out.


What do you say good folks ?

yuji, in another thread I opined that changing one's views is not necessarily a crime, nor is it immoral. There's an overused phrase that goes thus: the only constant is change.

In concrete terms, over the past decade or more, a number of GNI members has lost faith in the PPP and are seeking other political anchors. Myself included, with my clear and honest declaration that I'm supporting the AFC presently.

Recognizing that a person has a sovereign right to choose political parties, I respect the choices of all GNI members. If someone here likes the PNC, I have no problem with that.

As far as I understand Stormborn's comments, he hasn't said he supports the PNC's programs and policies. He has defended certain individuals whom he knows, who are now with the PNC/APNU, but we would be in error to conclude that Stormborn is now PNC himself.

In my humble opinion, we can support any political party and still carry on a decent debate in GNI political forum without resorting to name calling like "skeletons", "dunces", etc.





I actually made it clear in my post that posters are free to support a party of their choice. Please note that D2 first called me a stupid man as he always tries to degrade posters. I returned fire with fire and called him a dunce. It is all fair in politics.


I am of the firm opinion that there are political skeletons in the PNC as much as the PPP has skeletons in their closet.


I am also of the firm opinion that the PNC owes Guyanese an apology for their wrongdoings, this has nothing to do with race. TK, D2, redux, carib etc are free to supper their beloved PNC and it is my right to call them out. It is also my political right.

By calling D2 a dunce, you are proving his point that you are a stupid man. Wise men don't need the use of labels. How many Indo votes will the PNC gain by agreeing to your request to say sorry to the Indian populace?

Mits, we have to disagree here. 


The PNC must apologize for their wrongdoings, this has nothing to do with race or votes but what is right. I intend to speak out against wrongdoings and I will speak out against wrongdoings be it PPP or PNC.


The healing process will start with an apology from the PNC to ALL Guyanese.

What if that apology is conditional that the PPP/C must apologize also?


Then let us have a truth commission like they did in South Africa and we can all move on. This is the way forward for Guyana. 

Yuji if we get a Truth Commission what will we do with TK????......... He think he know everything, he get all de answers....he think he is a Genius or Pedigree............Granger say One House of Israel Thug Philip Bynoe....... was exchanged for TK & two more + 6 Jumbee........ According to Granger....TK is a Loyal PNC Soldier....and no Soldier is left behind.

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