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No financial statements to verify lotto fund spending since 2015


Auditor General Deodat Sharma has declared that the expenditure of hundreds of millions of dollars by the Guyana Lotteries Commission cannot be verified given the absence of financial statements for the years 2015 to 2017.

The 2017 Auditor General’s report, which was presented to the National Assembly last month, noted that the last set of audited accounts was for the year 2013 and at the time of the current report, the Audit Office was awaiting the signed financial statement for the year 2014 to finalise the audit. “However, financial statements were not presented for audit for the years 2015 to 2017,” the report highlighted.

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The APNU+AFC should start cleaning up their mess by rectifying wrongs/mistakes in the Auditor General's reports. PPP lost support in 2015 partly because of the Auditor General's disclosures. APNU+AFC had capitalized on those official reports in their election campaign. "Time for Change", they trumpeted. But now we have same old, same old. 


"The 2017 Auditor General’s report, which was presented to the National Assembly last month, noted that the last set of audited accounts was for the year 2013 and at the time of the current report, the Audit Office was awaiting the signed financial statement for the year 2014 to finalise the audit. “However, financial statements were not presented for audit for the years 2015 to 2017,” the report highlighted.

It explained that the Government of Guyana and Canadian Bank Note Ltd (CBN) entered into an agreement establishing a Government Lottery, which was organised and conducted under the provisions of the Government Lotteries Act. Under this agreement, CBN is to pay Licence fees equivalent to 24% of gross revenue.

The Guyana Lotteries Commission, which was established in August, 1996 by a Cabinet Decision, manages the receivable licence fees and ensures that amounts spent are within the national sector and in accordance with the guidelines for access to the lottery funding, the report said.

The Lotteries Commission continued to receive proceeds from the Lottery, which were used to make payments approved by Cabinet, it said, while adding that the Commission is subject to separate financial reporting and auditing.

Further, it was explained that according to the Receipts and Disbursements Statement of the Ministry of Finance, for 2017, the Ministry budgeted $500 million for Lottery Receipts under the category of Miscellaneous Revenue and amounts totalling of $334 million were transferred from the Commission’s bank account to the Consolidated Fund.

Similarly, for 2016 $200 million was budgeted, while amounts totalling $600 million were transferred to the Consolidated Fund. It was noted that while the Ministry of Finance has been budgeting for Lottery Receipts, the net receipts are received at the end of the year.

According to report, amounts totalling $145.578 million and $234.787 million were recorded as having been spent for 2017 and 2016, respectively.

The report pointed out that in the absence of audited financial statements for the years 2015 to 2017, it was not possible to “verify the completeness, accuracy and validity of the revenue and expenditure for the Guyana Lottery Commission for those years.”

It was also noted that a special investigation was conducted by Special Organised Crime Unit (SOCU) into the Lotto Fund.

The Finance Ministry, in response, indicated that the Finance Secretary would write the current Chairman of the Lotteries Commission requesting the signing of the financial statement for 2014.


The above are details of 

PNC Thievery/corruption

Last edited by Django

Bai Django, you see how quick you are to defend the PNC? You took great pains to bold and highlight some of your observations about the PNC. PNC can do no wrong for you. They are like your first born.

skeldon_man posted:

Bai Django, you see how quick you are to defend the PNC? You took great pains to bold and highlight some of your observations about the PNC. PNC can do no wrong for you. They are like your first born.

You noticed nuh!  I thought it was amusing!

Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Bai Django, you see how quick you are to defend the PNC? You took great pains to bold and highlight some of your observations about the PNC. PNC can do no wrong for you. They are like your first born.

You noticed nuh!  I thought it was amusing!

Not defending, just seeking the truth.

Django don't like half baked stories from either side of the fence.

Last edited by Django
skeldon_man posted:

Bai Django, you see how quick you are to defend the PNC? You took great pains to bold and highlight some of your observations about the PNC. PNC can do no wrong for you. They are like your first born.

He sounds like Nuff who's from Connecticut also.   

Leonora posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Bai Django, you see how quick you are to defend the PNC? You took great pains to bold and highlight some of your observations about the PNC. PNC can do no wrong for you. They are like your first born.

He sounds like Nuff who's from Connecticut also.   

Naah more north in Massachusetts.


Sugar workers still forgotten – They were fired, now they cannot get their severance

Enough is enough. Pay the sugar workers their severance, without any further delays. Visiting many of the communities with closed sugar estates, workers without jobs and their families asked if there is any news about their severance and when they would be paid. We are justifiably ashamed that firefighters stole people’s belongings during a recent crash-landing event. It is equally disgraceful that our country is robbing sugar workers of their severance. The violation of the labour laws, depriving these sugar workers of all they have, is highway robbery.
I will never tire calling out the A Partnership for National Unity/Alliance For Change (APNU/AFC) for ignoring and punishing poor sugar workers. I cannot and no decent Guyanese can forgive APNU/AFC for ripping away the jobs of poor sugar workers; people whose family depended on these jobs. That brutality is further compounded by the refusal to obey the law and pay the workers who were terminated their severance. For some of these workers, it has been more than two years, for others it has been a year, since APNU fired them and now, adding salt to the wounds, denying them their severance.

Nehru posted:
Baseman posted:
skeldon_man posted:

Bai Django, you see how quick you are to defend the PNC? You took great pains to bold and highlight some of your observations about the PNC. PNC can do no wrong for you. They are like your first born.

You noticed nuh!  I thought it was amusing!

Shameless PRICK!! People like dat cant be trusted with a Jill. I would not touch such Parasites with a 100 yd Pole in fear of an infection!! I will be more comfortable in the sewer!!!

No one needs to be near by arrogant folks of your type, there is space for everyone on this planet.

Let's see the double standard on GNI, you seem to have a free ride with the name calling.

Ray posted:

Nehru has been suspended

Some time ago it was suggested that the moderators make themselves more visible on GNI and suspensions might be reduced.  This seems to be working from the dog show, we had with previous moderators.

But a biased atmosphere is perceived on GNI  regarding warning and suspending some posters.  It is degrading to our Guyanese culture  when non-Guyanese read this site with vulgarism. Because true  friendship is not allowing  friends to degrade others. 

If a fair way is reveled of dealing with all posters equally, this site will grow with more people feeling comfortable to post here, including non-Guyanese.

But this choice is entire dependent on the administration, whose character might be revealed by what they allow to take place on GNI.    


Last edited by Tola

It is because of this thievery and corruption the AFC and the PNC were only able to capture 39% of the popular votes in the recently held local government elections.  Please note that these serious charges of theft and corruption are coming from the press not controlled by government nor the opposition.  

Billy Ram Balgobin
Baseman posted:
Ray posted:

Nehru has been suspended

Why?  Nehru always bin stay suh.  He harmless and means no harm!

Because of Mits, they're showing fairness. Poor Nehru is always mouthing off and means no harm to anyone.


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