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Guyana Elections 2020: Surrogates of evil

Kaieteur News – Dr. Thomas Singh of the University of Guyana called me one day during the election rigging. He had a question about international relations. He wanted my take on the consistent rejection by the ABC-EU countries of the assertion by APNU+AFC that it won the 2020 election.
My response was not just simple but extremely so. I told Thomas that to understand the reaction of the representatives of the ABC-EU countries and former CARICOM prime ministers, Bruce Golding and Owen Arthur, he had to be at the Ashmin Building to see how the worst form of election tampering was taking place right in front of the eyes of the world.
I added that these diplomats were not only shocked but traumatized. They never saw such election vulgarities in their respective diplomatic career in the countries they were posted. As for Golding and Arthur; they contested elections in their respective countries (Jamaica and Barbados), won and lost and won and lost again and the process was clean and satisfactory, therefore they just were psychologically immobilized at what Mingo and Lowenfield were doing. I ended my conversation with Dr. Thomas by saying there was only one explanation for the attitude of the West to the election result – they were not prepared to stay silent on the horrific descent into human vulgarity that they saw.
Outgoing Canadian High Commissioner, Lilian Chatterjee, has provided more details about the Draculean circus that took place in the Ashmin Building on March 4, 5 and 6. Some of the details were not aired before and her expressions and delineations need to be widely publicized. Before we come to her descriptions and interpretations, a word about her nationality which is relevant to the recording of Guyanese history.
Ms. Chatterjee is not Guyanese and though she says she loves Guyana and its people, there is no reason why she should approach Guyanese history the way we, Guyanese do. After all, she is a serving diplomat and in discussing Guyana, she feels compelled to use diplomatic discreetness. In relating what happened in the five months of election fraud, Ms. Chatterjee chose not to be specific about a particular unacceptable person in this county. It is up to us, Guyanese to fill in the blanks so Guyanese history can include these important details.
Here is what the envoy wrote, “…one of the GECOM Commissioners claimed that I had barged in to the (GECOM) meeting which I had not done. There were others; the American Ambassador was right beside me and saw what I did. They decided to come up with a false narrative about my involvement….”
That GECOM Commissioner Desmond Trotman is the manager of the WPA’s head office and a member of the four-member executive of the WPA. Let history record his name which I repeat, Desmond Trotman. In a long, misleading letter in this newspaper, he accused Ms. Chatterjee of barging into the meeting to which he objected.
He went on to add in that letter that as a GECOM Commissioner that action and his other actions would have been applauded by Walter Rodney, and those who have survived him and are alive. He cited Drs. Maurice Odle, Clive Thomas, Rupert Roopnaraine, Nigel Westmaas as well as Guyanese icons Eusi Kwayana and Moses Bhagwan. In other words, they would have approved of rigged elections. None of these so-called Rodneyites have rejected Trotman’s premise. What a bunch of worn out and faded bed sheets.
Here is the interesting part of Ms. Chatterjee’s exposure. She said, “Keith Lowenfield arrived and I said to him, ‘they have not resumed the count, they are waiting for you.’ He rushed past me, went into his office and shut the door…he came out 10 minutes later saying there was a bomb threat and we all have to evacuate…how was it that there would be a bomb when the police were there. It would mean that the police allowed the bomb to come in…we never left because we know there was no need to….”
What the diplomat described about Lowenfield’s behaviour and the police complicity (my word) warrants investigation of the just retired former commissioner of police, Leslie James. When you read the ordeal of what went on in the Ashmin Building in the words of Ms. Chatterjee, then you have to judge harshly the APNU+AFC kings and queens and their surrogates who were willingly to destroy this country through the acceptance of rigged elections so their type of politicians could be in power forever. These APNU+AFC monsters and their surrogates of evil must be forever ostracized by the decent people of this troubled land.

(The views expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of this newspaper.)

Burnham was a poor General.  He never taught them how to steal an election.  The diplomats were not only shocked but also traumatized to see what Mingo and Lowenfield were doing. How can you trust the PNC to have a dialogue with them?


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