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PM defends parliament adjournment


Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo today defended the adjournment of Parliament to May 4th.

A release from the PM’s office follows:

First Vice President and Prime Minister, The Honourable Moses Nagamootoo, today said that he was perturbed by the expression of “shock” being reportedly experienced by the Opposition People’s Progressive Party over the adjournment of the National Assembly to May 4th. Prime Minister Nagamootoo, who is also the Leader of Government Business in the House said that the Opposition knows fully well that no sittings would be advised before Local Government Elections and during the Easter and Pagwah holidays.

Additionally, there is an ongoing capacity building programme among the parliamentarians of Guyana, Canada and the United Kingdom for which several seminars have been scheduled overseas during the month of April.

The Speaker of the National Assembly, the Clerk and Deputy Clerk, Clerks of Committees and other key parliamentary officers are due to travel to the United Kingdom for such events.

Nevertheless, Prime Minister Nagamootoo explained that the Assembly could have been convened in the absence of the Speaker had the Opposition named and nominated a person for the post of Deputy Speaker. The PPP rejected convention and chose to frustrate the work of the National Assembly while feigning shock over the adjournment which could have been avoided had the party felt compelled to occupy the seat of Deputy Speaker.

The adjournment to May 4, is therefore not unreasonable in the prevailing circumstances. It is most disingenuous therefore for the PPP Opposition to seek to lecture the government on lapse in sessions, especially when it is taken into consideration that when it strangled Parliament for nine continuous months between July 2014 and April 2015 by proroguing Parliament then dissolving the House when the PPP was faced with a no confidence motion.

Prime Minister proffered that the PPP’s should be most concerned about its own cavalier attitude towards Parliament, which it has so far shown a significant amount of disrespect for, first by boycotting then by refusing to nominate a Deputy Speaker then by staging four walkouts within 5 months.

Prime Minister Nagamootoo said that he has explained the six week adjournment to the Opposition Chief Whip Ms. Gail Teixeira after the March 10 sitting as he felt that the Opposition would have had notice of the capacity building events thought the Parliamentary Management Committee and Guyana Brnach of the Commonwea

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PPP Opposition to seek to lecture the government on lapse in sessions, especially when it is taken into consideration that when it strangled Parliament fornine continuous months between July 2014 and April 2015 by proroguing Parliament then dissolving the House when the PPP was faced with a no confidence motion.


It was ok when the PPP strangled Parliament for nine months,now they bawling suddenly awoken for the slumber.


Last edited by Django
Django posted:

PPP Opposition to seek to lecture the government on lapse in sessions, especially when it is taken into consideration that when it strangled Parliament fornine continuous months between July 2014 and April 2015 by proroguing Parliament then dissolving the House when the PPP was faced with a no confidence motion.


It was ok when the PPP strangled Parliament for nine months,now they bawling suddenly awoken for the slumber.


The PPP was forced to prorogue parliament due to the then opposition total intent to disrupt government, which they eventually got their wishes of an early election. Now they are in and the new NORM is for 50% raise we work less. What do you expect Nagga to say? "it's a good thing"  ********           Additionally, there is an ongoing capacity building programme among the parliamentarians of Guyana, Canada and the United Kingdom for which several seminars have been scheduled overseas during the month of April.*********THIS CAPACITY BUILDING PROGRAMME , IS ANOTHER WORD FOR TRAINING THE INCOMPETENT.


"Additionally, there is an ongoing capacity building programme among the parliamentarians of Guyana, Canada and the United Kingdom for which several seminars have been scheduled overseas during the month of April."

Anyone knows what this Capacity Building Program is?

ksazma posted:

"Additionally, there is an ongoing capacity building programme among the parliamentarians of Guyana, Canada and the United Kingdom for which several seminars have been scheduled overseas during the month of April."

Anyone knows what this Capacity Building Program is?

It refers to the Parliamentary Officers' Study Programme. Details: "The Parliament of Canada has always made a concerted effort to share its parliamentary expertise and experience with representatives of other parliaments. In particular, it has maintained a focus on ensuring that this information is extended as much as possible to visiting parliamentary officials.

The Parliamentary Officers’ Study Program (formerly known as the Canadian Parliamentary Cooperation Seminar) is designed as an opportunity for senior parliamentary staff from foreign legislatures and Canadian jurisdictions to learn about the functioning of the Parliament of Canada and, in turn, to reflect on their own practices.

The Program involves the three partners of the Parliament of Canada: the Senate; the House of Commons; and the Library of Parliament. Together, they offer participants the opportunity to observe, discuss and exchange views with senior Canadian parliamentary officials on the various procedural, administrative and research services provided to parliamentarians.

The program is normally offered twice a year, in the spring and fall, over the course of nine working days. Held in either English or French, it comprises presentations, question and answer periods, opportunities to network, as well as site visits."


Django posted:

PPP Opposition to seek to lecture the government on lapse in sessions, especially when it is taken into consideration that when it strangled Parliament fornine continuous months between July 2014 and April 2015 by proroguing Parliament then dissolving the House when the PPP was faced with a no confidence motion.


It was ok when the PPP strangled Parliament for nine months,now they bawling suddenly awoken for the slumber.


The PPP is a bunch of sicko two face people.


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