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PNC would love to shut down the country to grab power


Written by T. KING, Friday, 09 August 2013 20:50, Source - Guyana Chronicle


YOU do not have to discover a plot or plots to know the opposition PNC would love to shut down the country in order to grab power from the elected Government since 1992. (Reference made to the Chronicle’s page one story published yesterday under the caption: ‘With fingers pointing at Opposition politicians, activists...GOV’T EXPOSES SINISTER PLOT TO DESTABILISE COUNTRY.


Take a serious look at the names of these people that showed up at the ACDA meeting - David Granger, Aubrey Norton, Sharma Solomon, Carl Greenidge, Hamilton Green, David Hinds, Nigel Hughes, Lincoln Lewis and Mark Benschop.


Where are all the other social activists such as Freddie Kissoon, Tarron Khemraj, Sasenarine Singh, Mike Persaud, Anand Persaud, Glenn Lall and politicians such as Ramjattan, Nagamoottoo, Roopnaraine and a whole host of others, who lately seem to have all become social activists for the ‘black people’ cause.


All along I had been saying that ACDA is a political wing of the PNC like that of Red Thread, no matter how they try their best to deny it.


One would hope that the Canadian, American and British Ambassadors are keeping tabs on these Opposition-led developments or are they in cahoots with the Opposition PNC to put them back to rule Guyanese again, since they all had lots to say the other day about local government elections and other things.


According to reports received at the Ministry of Home Affairs, the conference participants heard presentations from persons above-mentioned.

According to the said reports, the presentations were laced with racial hostility towards the Government of the day, self-flagellation, attacks against the Guyana Police Force and the PPP/C Administration. Above all, the conference formulated a series of protest actions aimed at creating public disorder and disharmony in the country.

This democratically elected government by now must know when these Opposition protests start East Indians are mostly beaten, robbed and sexually molested and their business looted and torched.

How many times must history repeat itself before the PPP/C government asks the UN to get involved?

This democratically elected government knows its hands are tied when it comes to the army and police.

Those in the army and police vote overwhelmingly for the Opposition PNC and at times of protest, riots and looting and burning do very little to stop it.

Does the PPP/C government not know of ‘Kit and Kin’ in the army and police when it comes to not protecting East Indians in Guyana?

One more thing, and that is no Opposition leader or leaders were/are ever held responsible for atrocities caused during Opposition protests and marches where East Indians were/are beaten, robbed, sexually molested, businesses looted and burned.
The PNC’s favourite line "criminal elements infiltrated our peaceful protest."

The PNC must be made to learn one thing the hard way and that is, if they ever want to rule Guyana and Guyanese again, they must do it at the polls in free, fair,transparent and intimidation- free elections.

No more street protests, no more excuses about being victimised, marginalised, disenfranchised and discriminated against.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Interesting views, TK.

Hey DG, isn't that what CBJ did calling that big sugar strike in the last 70's.  It was politically motivated to force a National Patriotic Front Govt.  The PNC playing the same game today.

Originally Posted by warrior:

i guess you racist collie donot want the black people to honor their own culture now you guys plan to take them back to slavery

According to Caribj, Burnham was the new slave "massa".  Indians gave Afros more freedom and good life than at anytime under the PNC.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by warrior:

i guess you racist collie donot want the black people to honor their own culture now you guys plan to take them back to slavery

According to Caribj, Burnham was the new slave "massa".  Indians gave Afros more freedom and good life that at anytime under the PNC.

indians give Afros more freedom that statment in itself is discrimating

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Afro-Guyanese were freed around 1832 and workers from India became indentured labourers - another form of slavery - from about the late 1830's to 1917.

what your point the ppp is the new slave master 

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Written by T. KING, Friday, 09 August 2013 20:50, Source - Guyana Chronicle


YOU do not have to discover a plot or plots to know the opposition PNC would love to shut down the country in order to grab power from the elected Government since 1992. (Reference made to the Chronicle’s page one story published yesterday under the caption: ‘With fingers pointing at Opposition politicians, activists...GOV’T EXPOSES SINISTER PLOT TO DESTABILISE COUNTRY . . .

irony of his opening paragraph lost on the hustling PPP race pyromaniac "T. King" . . . never a shortage of space when it comes to plumbing the darkest depths of his evil little mind in the taxpayer funded pages of the PPP Chronicle; this time with a timely assist from GNI's own Demerara_Guy, matches in trembling hand and open gasoline can at the ready


this is the kind of 'soldiering' that gets you 'elected' to the PPP Central Committee nowadays

Originally Posted by warrior:

i guess you racist collie donot want the black people to honor their own culture now you guys plan to take them back to slavery

Where can I can I get a few of them?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by warrior:

i guess you racist collie donot want the black people to honor their own culture now you guys plan to take them back to slavery

According to Caribj, Burnham was the new slave "massa".  Indians gave Afros more freedom and good life than at anytime under the PNC.

Caribj never said anything about the Indians giving blacks anything.  Indeed its the damage that blacks suffered under Burnham is what has left us so disunited, distrustful of each other, and economical vulnerable and therefore susceptible to the racism of the PPP and Indo elites.


Indeed the PPP now feels entitled top select who the leadership of Gtwn, even as they refuse to pay their bills to the City Council, and to insist that local govt elections be held.


The PPP is having a huge hissy fit because the PNC is refusing to allow them to build an extravagant EIGHT JETWAY white elephant.  I see no such outrage at the fact that we have not had local govt elections for almost 20 years and so almost the local governing apparatus in most jurisdictions has collapsed, giving the PPP carte blanche to put their own people in.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:

Afro-Guyanese were freed around 1832 and workers from India became indentured labourers - another form of slavery - from about the late 1830's to 1917.

If you do not know Guyanese history please do not display your ignorance.  It was the strikes of the 1840s which gave the planters an incentive to bring in indentured workers and also migrant workers from Bdos to undermine the efforts of Guyanese blacks to fight for better working conditions.


Indeed its not without irony that when Indian indentures began to fight for better working conditions, both Guyanese and Bajan blacks were used as strike breakers.  This being a tool as recently as 1964.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by warrior:

i guess you racist collie donot want the black people to honor their own culture now you guys plan to take them back to slavery

According to Caribj, Burnham was the new slave "massa".  Indians gave Afros more freedom and good life than at anytime under the PNC.

Caribj never said anything about the Indians giving blacks anything.  Indeed its the damage that blacks suffered under Burnham is what has left us so disunited, distrustful of each other, and economical vulnerable and therefore susceptible to the racism of the PPP and Indo elites.


So if your are so disunited why, except 2006, Afros voted 99% the party of LFSB.  I wonder what you look like "united".


Caribj, don't cuss Burnham, he gave blacks any and everything, and they screwed it up royally.  The only thing left for him to do was carve us up and feed us to you.

Originally Posted by baseman:

So if your are so disunited why, except 2006, Afros voted 99% the party of LFSB.  I wonder what you look like "united".


Caribj, don't cuss Burnham, he gave blacks any and everything, and they screwed it up royally.  The only thing left for him to do was carve us up and feed us to you.

OK so Burnham never used to rig elections so we can then agree taht they won in 1973, made significant inraods into the Corentyne, and yes, Georgetown people showed up to vote in their thousands.  And I do not mean only those who came in buses after the polls closed, going from polling station to polling station.


Baseman help me here though.  If 99% of blacks supported Burnham then why did he have to rig the elections in Gtwn which was even more AfroGuyanese then than it is now?


You were stuck in some remote country village so didnt hear the loud laughter at the "No Big Ting" skits and radio program when blacks laughed loudly at every anti Burnham ski that Robinson could come up with...especially when somebody said that "Burnham must ban he lip"...this in frustration of the shortages and the need to buy food on the black market from vendors returning from the Caribbean.


And yes Walter Rodney, David Hinds, Andiaye and all the others were big time Burnham supporters.


Especially Walter Rodney.  And its a blatant lie that Burnham harrassed the thousands of blacks who went to hear Rodney.  Why would he when every word out of Rodneys mouth was praise for Burnham.


And of course the House of Israel respected the rights of the PPP to experess their views, didnt harrass any one from the Stabroek News and the Catholic Standard.


I mean if you think that 99% of blacks voted for Burnham, when every one else say that only 15% of the people ion Gtwn even showed up to vote and clearly not all who did voted PNC then you must believe all the lies from Burnham.

Originally Posted by caribny:
Originally Posted by baseman:

So if your are so disunited why, except 2006, Afros voted 99% the party of LFSB.  I wonder what you look like "united".


Caribj, don't cuss Burnham, he gave blacks any and everything, and they screwed it up royally.  The only thing left for him to do was carve us up and feed us to you.

Baseman help me here though.  If 99% of blacks supported Burnham then why did he have to rig the elections in Gtwn which was even more AfroGuyanese then than it is now?


Banna, I knew one of the guys (defected to WPA) who marked fake ballots in Plaisance and he said they marked in Afro dominated areas because they wanted to concede some PPP strongholds to lessen critics from the international community.


You don't need to hide, it's no shame, Guyanese vote race and regardless how well or how bad Burnham was to Afros or Indos, 99% of Blacks will vote for a Black party.

Originally Posted by baseman:

Banna, I knew one of the guys (defected to WPA) who marked fake ballots in Plaisance and he said they marked in Afro dominated areas because they wanted to concede some PPP strongholds to lessen critics from the international community . . .

ahmmm, baseman . . . u do realize that u are (here) fundamentally undermining your '99%' argument and conceding caribny's point


but i understand the difficulty stringing all dem lil pieces of ignar together while trying to sound informed/intelligent and all . . .


btw, the "defected to WPA" edit was priceless . . . har de har har har har har har harrr

If the PNC(now APNU) hadn't destroyed our private sector in the 70's and 80's it'd be able to invest in the Amaila Falls Hydro Project like Carl Greenidge now implores it to

Its possible if the private sector in Guyana was not destroyed in the 70 's and 80!s , it might have been possible today to have some financially mature companies in Guyana with the capital to invest in the hydro, unfortunate most companies in Guyana are still in their adolescence , unlike the companies in the Caribbean which have been allow to foster and grow over the pass 50 years while our own private sector was destroyed!! That's why we need foreign direct investment to grow our economy and create jobs for our young people.


taken from Gerry Goviea


Banna, I knew one of the guys (defected to WPA) who marked fake ballots in Plaisance and he said they marked in Afro dominated areas because they wanted to concede some PPP strongholds to lessen critics from the international community.


You don't need to hide, it's no shame, Guyanese vote race and regardless how well or how bad Burnham was to Afros or Indos, 99% of Blacks will vote for a Black party.

You can engage in your anti African bigotry if you like while you were hiding in some country village, pretending to be an expert.


FACT.  The reason why every sensible person knows that the 1973 election was rigged was because the polling stations in Georgetown were empty.  Gtwn in 1973 was an overwhelimingly African/mixed city.


FACT.  Those of us who lived near to polling stations saw buses with large numbers of people entering AFTER they were closed, wiping off their fingers and then driven to another polling stations.  Some simpletons even boasted that they voted 22 times.  Observers estimated that a scant 15% of the registered voters actually cast their votes. 


Remember that voter turnout in Guyana was traditionally 90%, so a sharp drop indicates that blacks did NOT support the PNC and were not going to vote for the PPP, because many would ahve had sharp memories from 9 years before when many were attacked, or feared attack by PYO operativ es.


FACT.  The PNC was LESS popular among blacks by 1980 than it was in 1973, because by that time their incompetence had led to widespread OPEN malnutrition among kids. White corner, yellowing hair, etc, because cheap food (rice and flour) were in short supply, and so the poor were getting by on very little.


Baseman you demand and have a right to demand that African and mixed Guyanese listen to the East Indian (and should also listen to the Amerindian narrative.  I demand that East Indians are equally obligated to listen to the African (and also Amerindian) narrative.


I do not make such demands on Amerindians as they are a small minority, severely impoverished and marginalized, and therefore lack the ability to impact that East Indians, Africans (and Afro identified mixed people) have, on themselves and on Guyanese overall.


So baseman you have no more right to scream that Africans have it goiod under the PPP as I have to make similar claims that Indians did good under the PNC, as some blacks do by the way.  I am not Indian.  I do not have access to internal conversation among Indians, and therefore cannot opine about what Indians endured, especially after 1973. 


You are not black, and do not have access to the internal narrative amongst blacks so you are totally unqualified to state what blackls endure.


What we each need to respect is the fact that even though most Africans/mixed are not satisfied with the PNC they vote for them out of fear of complete PPP domination.  This is the same as the fact that many Indians, despair of the PPP and its crony corruption, yet vote for them out of fear of the PNC.

Originally Posted by Conscience:
If the PNC(now APNU) hadn't destroyed our private sector in the 70's and 80's it'd be able to invest in the Amaila Falls Hydro Project like Carl Greenidge now implores it to

Its possible if the private sector in Guyana was not destroyed in the 70 's and 80!s , it might have been possible today to have some financially mature companies in Guyana with the capital to invest in the hydro, unfortunate most companies in Guyana are still in their adolescence , unlike the companies in the Caribbean which have been allow to foster and grow over the pass 50 years while our own private sector was destroyed!! That's why we need foreign direct investment to grow our economy and create jobs for our young people.


taken from Gerry Goviea

Gerry is a soup licker and some make allegations as to activities which he might be engaged in, and which I will not state for liability reasons.


He is not an objective source to justify anything, but a member of that PPP crony capitalist class.  He will gladly celebrate the PPP forcing Guyana to massively increase its debt obligations on poorly implemented and failing projects out of his own narrow interests. 


The scandal of Fip Motilall and Amaila suggests that Guyanese have a legitimate reason to doubt the PPP on this project and to demand third party verifications of this project's viability.  Indeed the AFC made such demands until it became known that the Hughes were feasting on Amaila, so had to reverse their previous position out of embarrassment.


Guyanese voted to ensure that the PPP is a minority party becausde they felt that its power has to be checked.  It is a concern to many that the PPP will put Guyana into severe indebtedness by implementing poorly conceived aimed at ensuring that its cronies make tremendous profits, without regard to the fcat that if the projects are nbot viable Guyana will have to service debt, not out of the revenues generated, but out of other sources.


Guyana was already left severely indebted by the previous regime, and it looks as if the PPP has a similar goal.


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