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The PNC/R can change its name, that wouldn’t fool the Guyanese.

Written by Kinda Velloza-Monkhouse.
Sunday, 02 October 2011 23:30

THERE’S an old saying, “a wolf in sheep clothing, is still a wolf”, so APNU is still PNC/R, AFC, whatever they really are. I don’t understand why the name changing and the collaborations, the Guyanese people are totally aware of who these people are and are in no way going to be fooled regardless of a name change.

I mean like really, am I, as a Guyanese citizen, supposed to say, oh yeah this is a new party let me give them a try? I think not, not when the faces and manifestos and promises remain the same.

What puzzles me is the fact that APNU, no wait I meant PNC/R, only surfaces and tries to fill the minds of Guyanese with nothing but empty promises during the campaign period for national elections. Where was the PNC/R during the five years? What are they doing or symbolising for the Guyanese people? In times when they are supposed to be representing the citizens who are in favour of them, they are walking out of parliament, refusing to vote on bills and staging sit outs. Now tell me if the PNC/R, I meant APNU, was not representing the people in their time of need, why should they be given a chance to run the country, when they have already shown their side of randomness?
Their attitude in parliament shows their immaturity; why would the opposition leaders walk out of parliament, when they can remain and put up a fight for the changes they so believe in, these actions clearly show where the mentality of the opposition is at.

I am sorry, but myself and the majority of the Guyanese populace will continue to support the PPP/C, because over the years, they have showed stability, they have made significant contributions to Guyana, and I know when given the chance come November, they will continue to do so.

The Guyanese people are becoming smarter and smarter, and no name change or collaboration can fool us into believing that a wolf in sheep’s clothing is no longer a wolf.

Source: Chronicle

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally posted by Inqubus:
stupid coolie like these will keep PPP in powre forever.

Yeah, yeah yeah . . . Yaaaawn!

Fortunately, we are quite aware that the REAL reason you post your anti-Indian shittings is to discredit OPPOSITION to the PPP regime.
Originally posted by redux:
Originally posted by Inqubus:
stupid coolie like these will keep PPP in powre forever.

Yeah, yeah yeah . . . Yaaaawn!

Fortunately, we are quite aware that the REAL reason you post your anti-Indian shittings is to discredit OPPOSITION to the PPP regime.

I agree...Inqubus is ah closet PPP Big Grin
Originally posted by Inqubus:
stupid coolie like these will keep PPP in powre forever.

What's wrong with keeping the PPP in power forever? If the will of the people is to give the PPP five more years in office so be it. Your remark against coolie people is a racial slur.
Bhai, Dont pay attention to that White-mouth, barefoot, dry coconut eating IDIOT!!1
Originally posted by Cobra:
Originally posted by Inqubus:
stupid coolie like these will keep PPP in powre forever.

What's wrong with keeping the PPP in power forever? If the will of the people is to give the PPP five more years in office so be it. Your remark against coolie people is a racial slur.
Originally posted by Nehru:
Bhai, Dont pay attention to that White-mouth, barefoot, dry coconut eating IDIOT!!1
Originally posted by Cobra:
Originally posted by Inqubus:
stupid coolie like these will keep PPP in powre forever.

What's wrong with keeping the PPP in power forever? If the will of the people is to give the PPP five more years in office so be it. Your remark against coolie people is a racial slur.
send kwame and tap son on them
Originally posted by redux:
Inqubus havin' an excellent turn as the cabal's divide & rule set-up man on GNI.

Look how dem PPP bais chowing down pun de red meat . . .

hahahhahhaaaha aye redux knows how to stir the shyte up boy.

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