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PNCR prepares for Local Government elections

April 14, 2014, Source


PNCR prepares for Local Government elections

PNCR Leader, Brig. David Granger addressing the members meeting at Paradise Primary School on Sunday.


THE People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), on Sunday last, held a General Members meeting at the Paradise Primary School. The focus of the Town-Hall style meeting was to prepare Party members for Local Government elections, according to a statement yesterday from the PNCR.


Speakers included APNU Local Government Elections Campaign Director, Mr. Winston Felix, MP; Party Chairman, Mr. Basil Williams, MP; and Party Leader, Brigadier David Granger, MP. The Party members present were informed of the PNCR’s plans for local government elections. Party Leader, Brigadier Granger reminded members that the Party would be contesting the elections under the banner of A Partnership for National Unity. Party members were urged to ensure that every eligible person within their various constituencies take advantage of the current 6th cycle of registration and get registered.

Campaign Director, Mr. Felix, told members that their door-to-door mobilisation had to be intensified and suitable candidates identified from the various constituencies to contest at both the Proportional Representation and the First-Past-the-Post. He also outlined the qualifications necessary to be a councillor for a Local Authority Area.

“In a lively interactive question and answer period that followed, members asked a wide range of questions of regional and national interest,” the PNCR stated.

“The Members of Parliament present also took the opportunity to discuss with the Party members the work of APNU in the National Assembly,” the party said, adding that “much time was spent discussing the 2014 Budget”.

PPP prepared, ready for elections

- Rohee says extensive discussions on this was held during party’s ‘CC’ meeting on Saturday

By Vanessa Narine, April 14, 2014, Source


PPP prepared, ready for elections

From left, PPP Executive Secretary Mr Zulfikar Mustapha, PPP General Secretary Mr Clement Rohee and PPP Member Mr Bryan Allicock at yesterday’s news conference at Freedom House. (Adrian Narine photo)


THE Central Committee of the ruling People’s Progressive Party (PPP) met, last Saturday, at Freedom House and General Secretary Clement Rohee, who chaired the meeting, reported that extensive discussions took place also on local government and national elections.


The Party’s preparedness to face the electorate whenever elections are called was also discussed, he told a press conference yesterday at the party’s Freedom House headquarters in Robb Street, Georgetown.

According to him, during the caucus, much emphasis was placed on strengthening the party, both organisationally and ideologically, in order to respond, effectively, to the challenges on the ground.

One of them, he said, is the disposition of the combined Opposition, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) and the Alliance For Change (AFC).

Rohee said: “The meeting condemned the combined Opposition parliamentary parties for continuing attempts to derail the development agenda of the PPP/C Administration by the indiscriminate cuts in budgetary allocations to the Ministries of Amerindian Affairs, Health, Public Works and other Government agencies.”

To date, the cuts affected the Specialty Hospital ($910M); upgrading of Regional and District Hospitals, including Port Kaituma, Kwakwani, Linden, Bartica, Eye Surgery Operating Room at Linden, etc, ($360M); ambulances, All Terrain Vehicles (ATV) and boats ($42M); surgical equipment and instruments ($32M); the Amerindian Development Fund ($1.1B); other Amerindian Programmes and tractors, etc, ($40M); the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) modernisation and expansion ($6.6B); Civil Aviation ($50M) and Hinterland Airstrips ($185M).

The PPP General Secretary said: “The need for greater Party unity and for the Party to close ranks in light of destabilisation attempts by Opposition elements, aided and abetted by a hostile Opposition was emphasised.”


He added that, among the other issues addressed by the Central Committee was the role and militancy of the women and youth arms of the Party, the Women’s Progressive Organisation (WPO) and the Progressive Youth Organisation (PYO) and broad guidelines and directions given on the way forward.

“The meeting was highly critical of the Opposition media, in particular the Kaieteur News for its unrelenting attacks against the PPP and the PPP/C Government,” Rohee revealed.

He stated, too, that the Central Committee was high in praise for the current Administration led by President Donald Ramotar for the substantial gains made, in terms of economic growth and enhancing the living standards of the Guyanese people in the face of a hostile Parliamentary Opposition and a less than favourable external environment.

Rohee said the meeting heard presentations from himself and President Ramotar, which set the tone and provided the broad framework for the discussions and deliberations.

“…the Central Committee lauded the PPP/C Administration for presenting yet another pro-people budget to the National Assembly and for the emphasis the Budget placed on health, education and social sector development as a whole.”

The General Secretary said the meeting ended on a high note of optimism, with all members pledging their unstinting loyalty and commitment to the cause of the Party and current Administration.


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