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PNCR still committed to national unity -Granger

Posted By Staff Writer On October 5, 2013 @ 5:07 am In Local News | 


PNCR Leader David Granger yesterday said while the economic, political and social situation in Guyana has changed over the years, the need for national unity persists and the party is committed to achieving this goal.

“We have avoided the adoption of superficial solutions which do not involve the masses of our people and which do not resolve the deep-seated prejudices which impede national unity,” Granger said in a statement to mark the party’s 56th anniversary, while noting that the PNCR has never ceased to pursue the ideal of national unity.

Granger also recalled the guidance of PNC founder-leader and late president Forbes Burnham, who in his address at the Second Biennial Congress of the party, on August 12, 1977, said: “Some of our friends, as well as enemies, speak and shout about the need for national unity. The need for national unity is axiomatic and cannot be questioned. Where the differences of opinion arise, they do so in respect of the means of achieving such unity on a class basis.”

Granger also recalled that Burnham had warned that “an understanding or compromise between leaders is no guarantee of unity amongst the rank and file unless there is a serious and honest attempt to spread the message of unity further down. Each group, almost as a condition of support, will look at its leaders to further its own narrow cause, no matter how unreasonable it may be in the context of national cause and interests.”

While some circumstances have changed over the last 56 years, the need for national unity still persists, Granger said, while noting that it is against this background that the PNCR has taken the opportunity to join a partnership which seeks to adopt the best “means of achieving” national unity by combining its efforts with others.

According to Granger, the party’s efforts to eradicate discrimination and to erect infrastructure on which a unified nation can be built are among its most historical achievements. “The PNCR recognises the historical damage that racial hatred and political prejudice have wrought. The PNCR respects the rights of every ethnic, religious and social group,” he said.

He affirmed that on the occasion of this milestone anniversary, the party renews its commitment to continue to work to overcome the remaining obstacles to national unity. He added that the party, especially through APNU, remains willing to work with any agency, organisation, party or individual to foster unity in Guyana.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:


And your point is?

Clearly you went to sunday school you dunce!

Dont shout you come off like a wife abuser Mr Sase Singh. Is you a wife abuser? 

Originally Posted by Cobra:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:


And your point is?

Granger committed to national disunity. Guyana is blacklisted because of him.

FACT 16: PPP had anti money laundry law for 14 year. No laundry dealer put to jail. No finance intelligent unit put in place. PPP no pass anti money laundry and terrorism law when PPP had Parliament MAJORITY. 


Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:


And your point is?

Clearly you went to sunday school you dunce!

Dont shout you come off like a wife abuser Mr Sase Singh. Is you a wife abuser? 

Ms JB one of Mr. Tyrone Kemraj jumbies really want to be my concubine but I do not lie with fleas.  She pretends to know me but I DO not want to know her.  LOL


Let me make it clear, I do not know any Mr. Sase Singh.  I however, do read his excellent and insightful letters and wished more of him was in Guyana politics.


But my beach life is consuming too much of my time here in the sunny Caribbean to worry about Guyana and arrogant idiots like JB ak TK.


If you Mr. Tyrone Kemraj have a bone with Mr. Singh, please take it up with him, do not pollute my space since as you can see, I unlike Tyrone and his five jumbies, rarely post on GNI.  GNI is not my life unlike you who have to have 5 handles to post all day, all night your dumb and racist and anti-Indian thoughts as you sell out your sould to the PNC.


It clearly appears that you Tryone is a vindictive, BITTER, FAILED and jealous and unhappy fellow that is deeply unhappy with Mr. Singh resigning from the AFC and rejecting the APNU / PNC.  I saw his letter the other day which is a total rejection of the PNC and Hammie.


Final analysis, if there is anyone who has Mr. Singh email, PLEASE post it here so that this anti man wife abuser and bisexual Mr Tyrone Kemraj who is in love with Kawme but use the same sh!t dick on his wife, can contact Mr. Singh and stop polluting my space.

Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:
Originally Posted by JB:
Originally Posted by Brian Teekah:


And your point is?

Clearly you went to sunday school you dunce!

Dont shout you come off like a wife abuser Mr Sase Singh. Is you a wife abuser? 

Ms JB one of Mr. Tyrone Kemraj jumbies really want to be my concubine but I do not lie with fleas.  She pretends to know me but I DO not want to know her.  LOL


Let me make it clear, I do not know any Mr. Sase Singh.  I however, do read his excellent and insightful letters and wished more of him was in Guyana politics.


But my beach life is consuming too much of my time here in the sunny Caribbean to worry about Guyana and arrogant idiots like JB ak TK.


If you Mr. Tyrone Kemraj have a bone with Mr. Singh, please take it up with him, do not pollute my space since as you can see, I unlike Tyrone and his five jumbies, rarely post on GNI.  GNI is not my life unlike you who have to have 5 handles to post all day, all night your dumb and racist and anti-Indian thoughts as you sell out your sould to the PNC.


It clearly appears that you Tryone is a vindictive, BITTER, FAILED and jealous and unhappy fellow that is deeply unhappy with Mr. Singh resigning from the AFC and rejecting the APNU / PNC.  I saw his letter the other day which is a total rejection of the PNC and Hammie.


Final analysis, if there is anyone who has Mr. Singh email, PLEASE post it here so that this anti man wife abuser and bisexual Mr Tyrone Kemraj who is in love with Kawme but use the same sh!t dick on his wife, can contact Mr. Singh and stop polluting my space.


LOL LOL LOL  We know who you have problem with. You keep up the envy of Mr TK. I tell you 100 time me is not Mr TK and you always accusing me on this board. Go beat you wife now. 


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