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Former Member

Leonora Cop attempts suicide

November 4, 2015 9:23 am Category: Crime A+ / A-
Richard Macbeth

Richard Macbeth

[] – Police Officer, Richard Macbeth of the Leonora Police Station, West Coast Demerara is now a patient at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) after he attempted to kill himself.


The 31 – year – old of Eccles, East Bank Demerara, reportedly admitted to ingesting a poisonous substance and was rushed to the emergency room on Tuesday evening (November 03).

It is not yet clear why the man attempted suicide, however iNews understands that he was depressed over a recent family issue.

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Everyone, from local citizen, police and professions are committing suicide in Guyana. I am not asking the PNC experts to give reasons for this epidemic. It's time we take a closer look at the situation. If this officer attempted suicide due to recent family issues, it may have to do with not earning enough money. If th take a bribe and get caught, he may lose his job. If he is not earning enough to feed his family and put a roof over his head, that's another problem. If he has children, he can't afford to send them to school. If you're a police officer, your wife would think highly of you and expect you to bring home more money. Well, this can take a toll out of any professional to do the unthinkable. 


Two young people took their own lives two days ago in the most peace and quiet setting. No reasons, no motives, no more problem to anyone. It seem like they were happy to go in peace with no attached burden to their family. 


Our government is not taking steps to do anything to avoid suicide and give encouragement to young people to live and work. He is busy losing criminals and sending them to school. When coolies dies is one less problem for this government. When you don't die from the hands of bandits, the next alternative is to take your own life. 

Last edited by Former Member
Originally Posted by Red Wine:

Everyone, from local citizen, police and professions are committing suicide in Guyana. I am not asking the PNC experts to give reasons for this epidemic. It's time we take a closer look at the situation. If this officer attempted suicide due to recent family issues, it may have to do not earning enough money. If the take a bribe and get caught, he my lose his job. If he is not earning enough to feed his family and put a roof over his head, that another problem. If he has children, he can't afford to send them to school. If you're a police officer, your would think highly of you and expect you to bring home more money. Well, this can take a toll out of any professional to do the unthinkable. 


Two young people took their own lives two days ago in the most peace and quiet setting. No reasons, no motives, no more problem to anyone. It seem like they were happy to go in peace with no attached burden to their family. 


Our government is not taking steps to do anything to avoid suicide and give encouragement to young people to live and work. He is busy losing criminals and sending them to school. When coolies dies is one less problem for this government. When you don't die from the hands of bandits, the next alternative is to take your own life. 

shut the hell up you stupid sicko. Our society is toxic. Even the WHO commented that out suicide rate is one of the highest in the world and it has been so for awhile. The reason was never broached, never investigated., never fully addressed by the PPP and here you are with your silly pontificate that it is the APNU's fault.


Get it you silly dunce, it is all of our fault for allowing stupid people beginning with the PPP to run rough shod over our society without asking them to account. The lack of mental health care was recently highlighted where the only facility we have to address these issues was a rat infested hole where people were housed in their feces.


Coolies were dying by the hundreds under the PPP. This apparently is an "indian" disease. Women were being butchered, 34 in 2014 and still it is not a national out rage. It is universal neglect because citizens simply play partisan politics and left the presiding authority to do as the damn well please. If you seek standards it must be universal or you end up in the game of race blaming and nothing gets done.


Guyana should legalize assisted suicide and let people die in comfort and dignified manner. People must be given the choice to live or die. Jim Jones was right to make a bold decision and let everyone hold hands and die. Since Burnham days, people are killing themselves. Granger is making it worse. Just one look at his face and people would run and purchase poison or jump off a roof. 


Jagdeo is a handsome man, but people used to claim that he is the cause of suicides. Jagdeo is no longer the president. So Granger must carry the blame. Carl Greenidge should not be allowed to walk in daylight much less at night. He will send the whole country into the cemetery.   


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