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Pregnant woman claims female rank beat her at Springlands Station
January 4, 2012 | By KNews | Filed Under News
Carolyn Williams of #59 Village, Corentyne, is claiming that she was badly beaten on December 27, by a female rank attached to the Springlands Police Station in Corriverton.
According to Williams, three ranks (two male and a female) turned up at her home on the said morning and enquired about stolen articles. The ranks then requested to search the entire house, which they did. She said the officers did not produce a warrant to search their home.
A few days earlier, a couple of the same village, had allegedly “consulted a crystal ball” and thereafter made allegations to the police against Williams and her husband, Lionel Persaud, for break-and-entering on December 24.
Afterwards, the officers collected Williams and Persaud and took Williams to the Springlands Station while Persaud was taken to the #51 Police Station for questioning and interrogation.
Williams then related a tale of gruesome beatings she allegedly received.
“Officer (name provided) rolled me hair on she hand [and] she take me head and knock it to the right side of the wall and then she decide to kick me and she kick me on me belly, breasts, arm and foot, and then she started to cuss up me bad”, Williams related.
“After she do that, she start to cuff me belly more bad and afterwards when she done beat me she start talking that she beat a girl before me and after she beat the girl, the girl start beg she”.
Williams claims she was then thrown into the lock- ups where she remained until 1:00pm later that day. Persaud was also locked up but was released on Friday at 1:30pm, after paying $20,000 station bail.
The woman added that the rank started to beat her up after she denied any knowledge of stolen articles. “Me seh me husband didn’t take anything, he didn’t thief anything. I tell she he ain’t take anything, then she start to beat me”.
“Me start to get bad belly pain. It coming, [and] going. Me head paining bad. I went to the Skeldon hospital”, she posited.
Afterwards, she noted, “me come home and then me start to vomit blood”.
“I really want that she [the rank] must get knock off she job because she take she eyes and pass me and if she knock me there (pointing to her belly) she can do that to more people. She ain’t get feelings,” Williams lamented.
Persaud said that this is the second time he is being harassed. “Let the matter go further, let it go further,” he said. He said his wife is two months pregnant and the pregnancy could be in jeopardy as a result of the beatings. She has to visit the doctor again today.
When Kaieteur News contacted the Station Sergeant of Springlands, he said that he has no information on any alleged beating, involving the named rank. The rank was not in at the time. The Station Sergeant directed this newspaper to Central Police Station in New Amsterdam to speak with the Commander. When this was done, Kaieteur News told by the switchboard attendant that “the new commander is not here as yet [in Berbice]”.

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None of the PPP scumbags who are here constantly speaking to imagined indiscretions of other ought to be vocal on these issues. I would hope the AFC are more pro active and take advantage of these atrocious incidents to publicly call for the removal ( after an investigation) of these officers.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Tiefman and homan deserve wah dem get.
I am sorry if that is your view. It is retrogressive and not appropriate for a society of law and order. If these folks are thieves, the law ought to have identified and use its resources to reveal them to be thieves. The police who abuse these people should be sacked. I do hope they have civil recourse to sue their asses.
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Tiefman and homan deserve wah dem get.
I am sorry if that is your view. It is retrogressive and not appropriate for a society of law and order. If these folks are thieves, the law ought to have identified and use its resources to reveal them to be thieves. The police who abuse these people should be sacked. I do hope they have civil recourse to sue their asses.

Wenn you live hey and see tiefman operating like crazy is tuff. But me agree, let di law prevail. Police have no right to beat up people. Dem still tink diss is the PNC daaz.
Originally posted by D2:
None of the PPP scumbags who are here constantly speaking to imagined indiscretions of other ought to be vocal on these issues. I would hope the AFC are more pro active and take advantage of these atrocious incidents to publicly call for the removal ( after an investigation) of these officers.

D2, your view is no different from that of sledgehammer when you jump on the PPP throat at every issue that ever surfaced in Guyana. You prove to hate the PPP with a scorn, bro.
Originally posted by Cobra:
Originally posted by D2:
None of the PPP scumbags who are here constantly speaking to imagined indiscretions of other ought to be vocal on these issues. I would hope the AFC are more pro active and take advantage of these atrocious incidents to publicly call for the removal ( after an investigation) of these officers.

D2, your view is no different from that of sledgehammer when you jump on the PPP throat at every issue that ever surfaced in Guyana. You prove to hate the PPP with a scorn, bro.
Of course I detest the PPP. I detest crooks and they are crooks, I detest people who pretend they own our country and they ruled as thought they are god ordained oligarchs so they are detestable creatures.

With respect to this incident; it exemplifies their failure. If there are thieves they PPP failed in their duty. Their primary obligation as a government is to keep the people safe. When instruments of the state, in this case the police, brutalize the people we have a democratic deficit and it further speaks to their incompetence.
Originally posted by Cobra:
Originally posted by D2:
None of the PPP scumbags who are here constantly speaking to imagined indiscretions of other ought to be vocal on these issues. I would hope the AFC are more pro active and take advantage of these atrocious incidents to publicly call for the removal ( after an investigation) of these officers.

D2, your view is no different from that of sledgehammer when you jump on the PPP throat at every issue that ever surfaced in Guyana. You prove to hate the PPP with a scorn, bro.

Banna, deh gatt nuff coolie tief man down hay. My comment was to do wid tiefman not race. But I agree, police cannot act with impunity. look how dem shoot up dem poor PNC protestors. Just not right man.
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Cobra:
Originally posted by D2:
None of the PPP scumbags who are here constantly speaking to imagined indiscretions of other ought to be vocal on these issues. I would hope the AFC are more pro active and take advantage of these atrocious incidents to publicly call for the removal ( after an investigation) of these officers.

D2, your view is no different from that of sledgehammer when you jump on the PPP throat at every issue that ever surfaced in Guyana. You prove to hate the PPP with a scorn, bro.
Of course I detest the PPP. I detest crooks and they are crooks, I detest people who pretend they own our country and they ruled as thought they are god ordained oligarchs so they are detestable creatures.

With respect to this incident; it exemplifies their failure. If there are thieves they PPP failed in their duty. Their primary obligation as a government is to keep the people safe. When instruments of the state, in this case the police, brutalize the people we have a democratic deficit and it further speaks to their incompetence.

You lil harsh. Dem police dozz act pon dem own sometimes. In da big great America alyuh love, don't police do shyte sometimes?
Originally posted by Chief:
A lot of people are now comming out in the open and admit that the PPP is a no good party. I have been saying this since I was a child, Jagan and the PPP is no frigging good!!

Dem gatt big prablims, but PNC wuss bai.
This is old time police story in Guyana. They always took the law upon themselves and beat people to get a confession, sometimes with the desired result. Now people have become more aware of laws and their rights, the police have to be more careful. I remember many times during PNC daze when police would drag in the bad guys and gave them a good trashing. The Indians nor PPP never complained even when it was Indian bandits. So I don't see why that creep d2 claiming this to be a political issue. But then dunces do what dunces do.
Originally posted by BGurd_See:
This is old time police story in Guyana. They always took the law upon themselves and beat people to get a confession, sometimes with the desired result. Now people have become more aware of laws and their rights, the police have to be more careful. I remember many times during PNC daze when police would drag in the bad guys and gave them a good trashing. The Indians nor PPP never complained even when it was Indian bandits. So I don't see why that creep d2 claiming this to be a political issue. But then dunces do what dunces do.

Unda da PNC dazz, bad, good and indifferent were dragged in and given a good beating. Coolies gatt beat up foa lil flour and potatoe, and it was perfectly "legal". Now police get lil carried away with couple stubborn bandits, and all hell bruk loose.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Cobra:
Originally posted by D2:
None of the PPP scumbags who are here constantly speaking to imagined indiscretions of other ought to be vocal on these issues. I would hope the AFC are more pro active and take advantage of these atrocious incidents to publicly call for the removal ( after an investigation) of these officers.

D2, your view is no different from that of sledgehammer when you jump on the PPP throat at every issue that ever surfaced in Guyana. You prove to hate the PPP with a scorn, bro.
Of course I detest the PPP. I detest crooks and they are crooks, I detest people who pretend they own our country and they ruled as thought they are god ordained oligarchs so they are detestable creatures.

With respect to this incident; it exemplifies their failure. If there are thieves they PPP failed in their duty. Their primary obligation as a government is to keep the people safe. When instruments of the state, in this case the police, brutalize the people we have a democratic deficit and it further speaks to their incompetence.

You lil harsh. Dem police dozz act pon dem own sometimes. In da big great America alyuh love, don't police do shyte sometimes?
Police gets away with all sorts of evil here but at least one has recourse. I can stop police from entering my home until a judge says so. That is not the case in Guyana, If I am beaten up I can sue, That is not the case in Guyana, At least I have avenues in the law. Unfortunately, poor people gets burnt here more often than not and while that is bad it would be worse if the police were to be able to come into ones home at any time as in Guyana, beat folks up and no one addresses them etc. In Guyana, investigation means beating the crap out of suspects.
Well that is what I call a Die Hard PNC!!! I admire this man loyalty to Butchers!!!!
Originally posted by Chief:
A lot of people are now comming out in the open and admit that the PPP is a no good party. I have been saying this since I was a child, Jagan and the PPP is no frigging good!!
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
You lil harsh. Dem police dozz act pon dem own sometimes. In da big great America alyuh love, don't police do shyte sometimes?
Police gets away with all sorts of evil here but at least one has recourse. I can stop police from entering my home until a judge says so. That is not the case in Guyana, If I am beaten up I can sue, That is not the case in Guyana, At least I have avenues in the law. Unfortunately, poor people gets burnt here more often than not and while that is bad it would be worse if the police were to be able to come into ones home at any time as in Guyana, beat folks up and no one addresses them etc. In Guyana, investigation means beating the crap out of suspects.

Me aint suggesting is correct, but diss is Guyana, natt America. Overdeh, wan lil blacl kid slip-up and dem white caps pump lead in he and seh he posed a threat, happens every day and you have no recourse, just alot of hearings. So, don't polish it up, you know is the truth. Same down hay bai, rememba datt bai who was burn by police, dem award he money in court.

America is America, Guyana is Guyana. Over deh, you nah wach weh yuh go, yuh fall and bruk yuh lil toe, you sue sombady for million dalla.
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
You lil harsh. Dem police dozz act pon dem own sometimes. In da big great America alyuh love, don't police do shyte sometimes?
Police gets away with all sorts of evil here but at least one has recourse. I can stop police from entering my home until a judge says so. That is not the case in Guyana, If I am beaten up I can sue, That is not the case in Guyana, At least I have avenues in the law. Unfortunately, poor people gets burnt here more often than not and while that is bad it would be worse if the police were to be able to come into ones home at any time as in Guyana, beat folks up and no one addresses them etc. In Guyana, investigation means beating the crap out of suspects.

Me aint suggesting is correct, but diss is Guyana, natt America. Overdeh, wan lil blacl kid slip-up and dem white caps pump lead in he and seh he posed a threat, happens every day and you have no recourse, just alot of hearings. So, don't polish it up, you know is the truth. Same down hay bai, rememba datt bai who was burn by police, dem award he money in court.

America is America, Guyana is Guyana. Over deh, you nah wach weh yuh go, yuh fall and bruk yuh lil toe, you sue sombady for million dalla.
We must strive to be better. If a police beat up my sister or wife that way and I have no recourse in the law, be assured that someday down the road a jumbie lash will but matters to right for me. I do not want to live in a world where such is the only recourse. We cannot function that way.

It was the PPP's duty in the past to set that to right. Now we have an administration that is ham-hocked the responsibility is distributed across the opposition as well. I would expect someone of these 65 people to have made a ruckus about the police beating up a pregnant woman.

I am severely disappointed that the opposition are not serious about their new role in a shared administration. If they get on Green for his rapist habits then get on the ranks for their habitual brutality. Raping a woman is abuse and beating a pregnant woman and potentially harming her child b kicking her in the stomach is no less cruel and abusive.

If the PPP were silent to these things for 2 decades the opposition cannot now be a party to this. What the hell is the hope for us if such is the case?????????/
Oh Laad Ah Mercy, I totally AGREE with D2. yippie yippie
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by D2:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
You lil harsh. Dem police dozz act pon dem own sometimes. In da big great America alyuh love, don't police do shyte sometimes?
Police gets away with all sorts of evil here but at least one has recourse. I can stop police from entering my home until a judge says so. That is not the case in Guyana, If I am beaten up I can sue, That is not the case in Guyana, At least I have avenues in the law. Unfortunately, poor people gets burnt here more often than not and while that is bad it would be worse if the police were to be able to come into ones home at any time as in Guyana, beat folks up and no one addresses them etc. In Guyana, investigation means beating the crap out of suspects.

Me aint suggesting is correct, but diss is Guyana, natt America. Overdeh, wan lil blacl kid slip-up and dem white caps pump lead in he and seh he posed a threat, happens every day and you have no recourse, just alot of hearings. So, don't polish it up, you know is the truth. Same down hay bai, rememba datt bai who was burn by police, dem award he money in court.

America is America, Guyana is Guyana. Over deh, you nah wach weh yuh go, yuh fall and bruk yuh lil toe, you sue sombady for million dalla.
We must strive to be better. If a police beat up my sister or wife that way and I have no recourse in the law, be assured that someday down the road a jumbie lash will but matters to right for me. I do not want to live in a world where such is the only recourse. We cannot function that way.

It was the PPP's duty in the past to set that to right. Now we have an administration that is ham-hocked the responsibility is distributed across the opposition as well. I would expect someone of these 65 people to have made a ruckus about the police beating up a pregnant woman.

I am severely disappointed that the opposition are not serious about their new role in a shared administration. If they get on Green for his rapist habits then get on the ranks for their habitual brutality. Raping a woman is abuse and beating a pregnant woman and potentially harming her child b kicking her in the stomach is no less cruel and abusive.

If the PPP were silent to these things for 2 decades the opposition cannot now be a party to this. What the hell is the hope for us if such is the case?????????/
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by Chief:
A lot of people are now comming out in the open and admit that the PPP is a no good party. I have been saying this since I was a child, Jagan and the PPP is no frigging good!!

Dem gatt big prablims, but PNC wuss bai.

Why is it always has to be in comparison to the PNC?

Jagan was more wutliss than Burnham, at least Fatboy used to look out for his own. Jagan wanted communist rule to make every Indian poor.
Originally posted by Inqubus:
Coolies gatt beat up foa lil flour and potatoe, and it was perfectly "legal".

yes beat ahyuh rass

Black people used io get more beat up that coolies. Coolies knew how to bribe and Burnham black police loved a freeness. Big Grin
Originally posted by Nehru:
Well that is what I call a Die Hard PNC!!! I admire this man loyalty to Butchers!!!!
Originally posted by Chief:
A lot of people are now comming out in the open and admit that the PPP is a no good party. I have been saying this since I was a child, Jagan and the PPP is no frigging good!!

The real butchers are the PPP!!!


Want more?And don't forget the many who died because of Papa Jagan!!
Originally posted by Chief:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by Chief:
A lot of people are now comming out in the open and admit that the PPP is a no good party. I have been saying this since I was a child, Jagan and the PPP is no frigging good!!

Dem gatt big prablims, but PNC wuss bai.

Why is it always has to be in comparison to the PNC?

Jagan was more wutliss than Burnham, at least Fatboy used to look out for his own. Jagan wanted communist rule to make every Indian poor.

Cazz da PNC is alive and well in da APNU belly and dem wan bring bak PNC dazz, dats why abie a still talk PNC dazz. Dem ah wach we.
Originally posted by Chief:
Originally posted by Sledgehammer:
Originally posted by Chief:
A lot of people are now comming out in the open and admit that the PPP is a no good party. I have been saying this since I was a child, Jagan and the PPP is no frigging good!!

Dem gatt big prablims, but PNC wuss bai.

Why is it always has to be in comparison to the PNC?

Jagan was more wutliss than Burnham, at least Fatboy used to look out for his own. Jagan wanted communist rule to make every Indian poor.
chiefy, u outsmarted CBJ and have been living like an emperor for the longest while. u should run for public office in Guyana and teach them real politics. Smile
Chief is blaming the PPP and Jagan for his association with the PNC. he supports the people who raped and robbed innocent indian girls. He supported the PNC which rigged all the elections in Guyana, and he has the balls to accuse the PPP of rigging the 2011 election.

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