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Police called in to deal with land grabbers

Several persons measuring land at Haslington, East Coast Demerara before taking possession of plotsSeveral persons measuring land at Haslington, East Coast Demerara before taking possession of plots 

Police have been instructed to take decisive action against land-grabbers in a number of areas across the country, the APNU+AFC said in a statement.

“The Police and other lawful authorities have been instructed to maintain peace and good order nin all locations where attempts have been made to stake illegal claims to land,” said the coalition in a statement.

APNU+AFC highlighted that President David Granger “has not authorized” illegal and unauthorized grabbing of land in some communities.

Following the People’s Progressive Party Civic’s (PPPC) defeat at the May 11, 2015 polls, there is no Housing Minister but there are a Permanent Secretary and the Central Housing and Planning Authority (CH&PA).

Demerara Waves observed one of the first instances of squatting on vacant lands in the Haslington/Enmore area, just hours before David Granger was sworn in as Guyana’s eighth Executive President.

As reported squatting spread to Diamond, East Bank Demerara, the party assured that the new administration would allocate land fairly. “To those participating in these activities we say please do not be misled by persons who may have encouraged these actions and rest assured that all Guyanese will be given fair and equitable access to land under the new governments’ land distribution policy,” said the Coalition.

The PPPC government, throughout its 23-year long tenure, had always pushed a vibrant housing programme including the allocation of house-lots and more recently the construction of a number of houses for professionals.

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"APNU+AFC highlighted that President David Granger “has not authorized” illegal and unauthorized grabbing of land in some communities."


What is wrong with this statement?

Originally Posted by ksazma:

"APNU+AFC highlighted that President David Granger “has not authorized” illegal and unauthorized grabbing of land in some communities."


What is wrong with this statement?

He was not President yet. Ramotar was still the President.


Demerara Waves observed one of the first instances of squatting on vacant lands in the Haslington/Enmore area, just hours before David Granger was sworn in as Guyana’s eighth Executive President.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by ksazma:

"APNU+AFC highlighted that President David Granger “has not authorized” illegal and unauthorized grabbing of land in some communities."


What is wrong with this statement?

He was not President yet. Ramotar was still the President.


Demerara Waves observed one of the first instances of squatting on vacant lands in the Haslington/Enmore area, just hours before David Granger was sworn in as Guyana’s eighth Executive President.

Perhaps you should re-read the statement.


Coalition government disturbed by land grabbing; Calls on persons not to be misled

According to the coalition government, persons could be "rest assured that all Guyanese will be given fair and equitable access to land under the new governments’ land distribution policy."


The incoming administration  is calling on persons who have been “misled” to start a process of land grabbing to stop.

In a statement on Sunday evening, the incoming APNU+AFC government said it is disturbed at the recent reports of illegal and unauthorized grabbing of land in some communities.

“The coalition wishes to inform the public that President David Granger has not authorized any of these illegal activities”, the statement noted.

According to the coalition government, persons could be “rest assured that all Guyanese will be given fair and equitable access to land under the new governments’ land distribution policy.”

Police and other lawful authorities have been instructed to maintain peace and good order in all locations where attempts have been made to stake illegal claims to land.

The land grabbing exercise started early on Saturday, just before the swearing in of President David Granger. It began at Enmore on the East Coast of Demerara on Saturday and by Sunday persons in Diamond and other villages along the East Bank of Demerara were “grabbing” land of their own.

On Sunday, some of the persons staking claims to land on the East Bank of Demerara claimed that they had been told to do so by senior officials of the former government.

Originally Posted by Zed:

I am awaiting for when he authorize illegal land grab and action!

What, your family ain't steal enough already? Why you want to go steal more land? You PPP folks just don't know when to stop stealing.

Originally Posted by Zed:

I am awaiting for when he authorize illegal land grab and action!

This land grab is happening in a PPP/Crooks strong hold. They will be forced to produce papers to show they have pertinent title and the rights to access and use  the PUBLIC Lands.

This happened at Turkeyen during Burnham time. The police moved in and chased the squatters out. Were you born then? You seem to wet behind the ears.

Originally Posted by Zed:

I am awaiting for when he authorize illegal land grab and action!

On Sunday, some of the persons staking claims to land on the East Bank of Demerara claimed that they had been told to do so by senior officials of your former government.


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