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Mitwah posted:
 You swallowed too much sewerage from the Demerara River. If you did not get you head stuck so far up your poop chute, you would have noticed this poop was already posted. You should change your handle to Sloppyjoe. Why are you using Posters' real names in your post?

Wrong person you got there, again you resort to personal attack albeit the wrong person referenced.  Where I use anyone's real name?  
Speak to the sloppery or lack of in this case. You folks are not performing well for the pnc. 

Drugb posted:
Mitwah posted:
 You swallowed too much sewerage from the Demerara River. If you did not get you head stuck so far up your poop chute, you would have noticed this poop was already posted. You should change your handle to Sloppyjoe. Why are you using Posters' real names in your post?

Wrong person you got there, again you resort to personal attack albeit the wrong person referenced.  Where I use anyone's real name?  
Speak to the sloppery or lack of in this case. You folks are not performing well for the pnc. 

So if Mits got the wrong person, why does it matter to you. A guilty conscience needs no accuser. Who are U calling Lilly?  Sloppyjoe.

Drugb posted:
Mitwah posted:
 You swallowed too much sewerage from the Demerara River. If you did not get you head stuck so far up your poop chute, you would have noticed this poop was already posted. You should change your handle to Sloppyjoe. Why are you using Posters' real names in your post?

Wrong person you got there, again you resort to personal attack albeit the wrong person referenced.  Where I use anyone's real name?  
Speak to the sloppery or lack of in this case. You folks are not performing well for the pnc. 

He has begging to go back to the slammer since he came back.

Bibi Haniffa
Drugb posted:

The money trail will have to be explained if indeed true.   The PNC news boys were tossing around a 1 M USD sum. Maybe they had inside information from the banks. 

Ramjattan needs to contact Leonora and solve this case once and for all. She was the one who broke the news about the million dollars in the suitcase.

Bibi Haniffa
Last edited by Bibi Haniffa
Bibi Haniffa posted:
Drugb posted:
Mitwah posted:
 You swallowed too much sewerage from the Demerara River. If you did not get you head stuck so far up your poop chute, you would have noticed this poop was already posted. You should change your handle to Sloppyjoe. Why are you using Posters' real names in your post?

Wrong person you got there, again you resort to personal attack albeit the wrong person referenced.  Where I use anyone's real name?  
Speak to the sloppery or lack of in this case. You folks are not performing well for the pnc. 

He has begging to go back to the slammer since he came back.

New Year coming, Drugb will ease up on reporting.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Drugb posted:
Mitwah posted:
 You swallowed too much sewerage from the Demerara River. If you did not get you head stuck so far up your poop chute, you would have noticed this poop was already posted. You should change your handle to Sloppyjoe. Why are you using Posters' real names in your post?

Wrong person you got there, again you resort to personal attack albeit the wrong person referenced.  Where I use anyone's real name?  
Speak to the sloppery or lack of in this case. You folks are not performing well for the pnc. 

He has begging to go back to the slammer since he came back.

I feel sorry for this fellow, loneliness in old age does make people crave for attention especially when grandchildren ignore them.  I holding off reporting him to admin. 

Last edited by Former Member
seignet posted:
Demerara_Guy posted:
Ray posted:

rass...if only he can catch criminals this fast

Drugb posted:

How the slopsters missed this?

Cops closing in on Charrandas

Minister of Public Security Khemraj Ramjattan

— Min. Ramjattan hints at major probe into alleged corrupt transaction

Perhaps, he just woke up to collect his month-end salary, garble a few things, then go back to sleep until the end of the next month.

what an idiot. what kind of politicians are these chaps, nagamoottoo and ramjattan.

Esteemed and most adorable descriptions for these chaps.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Drugb posted:

The money trail will have to be explained if indeed true.   The PNC news boys were tossing around a 1 M USD sum. Maybe they had inside information from the banks. 

Ramjattan needs to contact Leonora and solve this case once and for all. She was the one who broke the news about the million dollars in the suitcase.

Perhaps, she is extremely busy counting then one dollar after another.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Drugb posted:

The money trail will have to be explained if indeed true.   The PNC news boys were tossing around a 1 M USD sum. Maybe they had inside information from the banks. 

Ramjattan needs to contact Leonora and solve this case once and for all. She was the one who broke the news about the million dollars in the suitcase.

Thanks for the info, I will reach out to Leonora to elicit her help, or maybe illicit is a better word?

Come in Lenonora, we need your help. Ramjattan and I are planning an all nighter to prove the bribe money trail. The prize will be Jagdeo in chains by the chime of midnight. You assistance will be appreciated as you seem to know the details. 

skeldon_man posted:
ksazma posted:

Is Jaichand’s fault. He shoulda raised the PNC flag instead.

Hemchand Jaichand is my cousin. He is a peaceful guy and does not care for trouble.

If Ronald G had asked the police to stop a flag raising in GT...dem (the police)woulda come personally and shoot ee and his family ded ded

Drugb posted:

The money trail will have to be explained if indeed true.   The PNC news boys were tossing around a 1 M USD sum. Maybe they had inside information from the banks. 

Maybe, this is a big lie by the government trying to hang on to power. Have you considered how difficult it is to hide this type of transaction. Come on, do you believe such transactions will occur with money from the bank. Please, you are too smart to be so gullible.

Bibi Haniffa posted:
Drugb posted:

The money trail will have to be explained if indeed true.   The PNC news boys were tossing around a 1 M USD sum. Maybe they had inside information from the banks. 

Ramjattan needs to contact Leonora and solve this case once and for all. She was the one who broke the news about the million dollars in the suitcase.

I am really interested in her proving it if she posted it. If not, she should apologize to those who are blamed.

Drugb posted:
D2 posted:

I am completely assured that this is a bunch of crap. I do not doubt that jagdeo persuaded him he will be taken care of ( position etc) That is not illegal.

I am however unconvinced that Charrandas is so stupid he will take an up front payoff when Guyana will be the next Dubai. That fellow is not stupid. These fellows on the other hand got caught with their pants down.

If I am wrong I will donate a few hundred dollars to a puppy rescue charity near Amral in his name from the site.  I am almost 100 percent sure this is distilled poppycock

How would Jagdeo know that he was vulnerable if there was not some sort of backchannel reachout by Charrandas to express his discontent with the way afc/pnc were running the country? 

Heck, I am not a politician but I could have told you that there was dissatisfaction within the AFC, that Charandass among others might vote against the government. Not rocket science! Also, there have been many instances in other countries where the leader of the opposition has moved a NC motion knowing that they did not Have the numbers. Sometimes. It makes political sense because it focuses the whole nation on the performance of the government.


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