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Former Member

Police fear terrorist assault on Parliament Building

Fearful of a terrorist assault on Parliament Building while the 65-seat National Assembly is in session, the Guyana Police Force says it has extended its cordon to include several streets nearby.

“The Guyana Police Force wishes the Public to know that the barriers were directly related to the security of Parliament.

This enhanced security arrangement has a nexus to terrorists incidents occurring in various countries around the World, some of which are perpetrated by self-radicalised persons,” police said in a statement.

The outer cordon has been extended to Regent Street and Avenue of the Republic, and on the southern side to Leopold  and Lombard Streets, causing major traffic congestion in parts of the city. Pedestrians are also blocked from walking on Brickdam outside Parliament Building.

On March 22, 2017, five persons were killed and 40 others injured in a terrorist attack when a car plowed into pedestrians and a suspected Islamist-inspired attacker stabbed a policeman and tried to enter the British Parliament. On April 27, 2017 a man was held with a bag of knives was arrested near parliament.

Two years ago, Guyana’s Police Commissioner Seelall Persaud had said that the law enforcement agency had not been aware  that anyone had returned here from fighting on behalf of ISIS in the Middle East. Several nationals of the twin-island Republic of Trinidad and Tobago have gone to Syria and other countries to support the IS also known as the Daesh.

The Guyana Police Force refuted an article in the privately-owned Stabroek News newspaper that the extended cordon had to do with keeping away protesters from Parliament Building. In recent weeks, several groups agitating against government policies have been protesting in Georgetown elsewhere.

They include sugar workers against the closure of sections of the Guyana Sugar Corporation; teachers, parents an students against the 14 percent Value Added Tax on tuition fees, and the ban on used tires.

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My first thought of this nonsense is to restrict the protesters from getting near the parliament building. The protesters are now terrorists in Guyana. My God! What next?

Last edited by Former Member
alena06 posted:

Waste of money, time and resources as usual.

I think its more than that.  It's a way to interject and impose the military onto the civilian population.   The gateway to Burnhamism #2!


Guyana already have terrorists roaming the country and killing people for money and jewelry. 

They fake a story that someone threatened to assassinate Granger to divert attention from the PNC failed economic policies,  and now they're worried about terrorist attacks. 

One day they will run out of lies.

Last edited by Former Member

As these jackasses close down the backbone of Guyana's economy for the past 2 centuries(sugar), they will invent stories to deflect their accountability. When these idiots were in opposition, they claimed that they alone could save sugar for Guyana, but now we see them saving themselves from sugar. 

Drugb posted:

As these jackasses close down the backbone of Guyana's economy for the past 2 centuries(sugar), they will invent stories to deflect their accountability. When these idiots were in opposition, they claimed that they alone could save sugar for Guyana, but now we see them saving themselves from sugar. 

Every Caribbean country downsized or get out of sugar production,why should Guyana hold on to a failing Industry where billions of dollars have to be pumped in to keep it a float ??

Django posted:
Drugb posted:

As these jackasses close down the backbone of Guyana's economy for the past 2 centuries(sugar), they will invent stories to deflect their accountability. When these idiots were in opposition, they claimed that they alone could save sugar for Guyana, but now we see them saving themselves from sugar. 

Every Caribbean country downsized or get out of sugar production,why should Guyana hold on to a failing Industry where billions of dollars have to be pumped in to keep it a float ??

Again the stench of the slop can got you confused. I am questioning the claim that the PNC made that they can save sugar. In addition, it is possible for Guyana to produce competitively by adapting the approach used in the efficient producing nations. You folks used to point to Brazil and claim that if Guyana adopted their apporach, sugar would once again be king. Now you are in power you change your tune.

Django posted:
Drugb posted:

As these jackasses close down the backbone of Guyana's economy for the past 2 centuries(sugar), they will invent stories to deflect their accountability. When these idiots were in opposition, they claimed that they alone could save sugar for Guyana, but now we see them saving themselves from sugar. 

Every Caribbean country downsized or get out of sugar production,why should Guyana hold on to a failing Industry where billions of dollars have to be pumped in to keep it a float ??

Django, I don't think you grasp the significance of the sugar within the Guyana economic context.  Barring an alternate source of Forex earnings, the Govt is making a grave error in eliminating the industry.  Understand this, on a stand-alone micro-economic basis, sugar might be running a loss.  However, each dollar of Forex is likely leveraged 10 fold in the local economy.  This leverage extends well beyond the sugar industry and workers.  Loss of this, without replacement, could lead to an economic melt down.

Ramakant-P posted:

The terrorists are PNC trained freedom fighters.  What else is new?

okay i think the terrorist statement is bullshit who the rass will want to kill anyone in parliament unless if nehru drunk and want to disturb the people business  

warrior posted:
Ramakant-P posted:

The terrorists are PNC trained freedom fighters.  What else is new?

okay i think the terrorist statement is bullshit who the rass will want to kill anyone in parliament unless if nehru drunk and want to disturb the people business  

Bro, why can't you make your statements without pulling people in your business? Is the topic about Nehru?


It would seem this government is using  the misfortune  of attacks in other countries, to justify the blocking  of pedestrians around the parliament building. If the government is smart as they say they are, they can provide security to the existing condition  and let the people voice their opinion in public.

It seems obvious that they are trying to get rid of protesters, by denying democratic rights.    


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