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Police Force replaces Chaplin after prayer against spirits of racism, corruption and bribery

March 10, 2021


The Guyana Police today confirmed that it has severed ties with Pastor Patrick Doolichand as the Force's Chaplin. The Pastor served as the Chaplin of the Guyana Police Force for several years.

A rousing prayer by the Chaplin of the Guyana Police Force against corruption, racism and bribery in the Force has cost him his job.

The Guyana Police today confirmed that it has severed ties with Pastor Patrick Doolichand as the Force’s Chaplin. The Pastor served as the Chaplin of the Guyana Police Force for several years.

While the Police Force has not provided any official reason for Pastor Doolichand’s ouster, senior Officers have indicated to News Source that his removal was linked to a recent prayer.

During last week’s opening of the Police Officers’ Conference, Pastor Doolichand dolled out an opening prayer that left the top brass of the Force and many of the invited guests surprised.

While they all said “amen” at the end of the prayer, many of the senior officers were not happy with the characterization of the Police by the man of God.

In his prayer, Pastor Doolichand prayed against the spirits of corruption, bribery and racism that he said exists in the Police Force.

“This day we lift the Guyana Police Force before you. And Father today if we are honest, we will say that this Force is hemorrhaging right now. We stand in the gap and we confess the sins of this noble organisation. We confess every spirit of racism in this organization, we confess the spirit of corruption and bribery, we confess the spirit of injustice and we declare oh God even now, above all, we confess the disunity, And we pray oh God right now, that this Force is so fragmented, that unless you help, this Force, this Force will continue to be in trouble”, the Pastor prayed.

It was his last prayer for the Guyana Police Force.

The Guyana Police Force has since announced the appointment of former Assistant Commissioner Reverend Eric Bassant as its new Chaplin.

Replies sorted oldest to newest


The appointment of Pastor Patrick Doolichand as the Chaplain of the Guyana Police Force which was revoked earlier today Wednesday March 10, 2021 - - has been reviewed and the revocation letter has been immediately withdrawn.

The Commissioner of Police (ag) Mr. Nigel Hoppie, DSM, has communicated with Pastor Doolichand and he has consented to continue serving in the capacity as Chaplain of the Guyana Police Force.

Further - contrary to what was stated in the revocation letter - His Excellency the President, Dr. Irfaan Ali, has indicated that he appreciated the eloquent and forthright prayer by Force Chaplain Pastor Doolichand at the Annual Police Officers' Conference and that he never had any issue with it.


Now that Ali has voiced his opinion on the pastor's eloquent and forthright prayer where the pastor somewhat berated the GPF, will he do something about the pastor's concern or will this too go under the huge rug.


Oh sh*t, Dojangles, he was an fing CHAPLAIN, not.some relative of.Charlie Chaplin! And the word is "doled" out not fing dolled out! Don't you have a dickshunerry?

Mebbe you need a 3 hour hard on.from.Covid19.complications like the guy in Dayton, Ohio or would you prefer 4 hours like the one in fing France? It.will clear out your brain, y'know!

@cain posted:

Hmmm! By what Dr shallyski reported, Iman coulda had Covid in my teen years.

And now? You can't resurrect the dead, y'know! The past is past and all your wishing will be in vain! Unless you try doing the exercise, you scoffed at, for a while! Remember I said it RECHARGES your body as well as absorbs the fing so-called 'virus' which is really a special pollutant for population reduction!

Last edited by Former Member
@Django posted:

May be an image of 1 person and text that says 'The firing of the Guyana Police Force Chaplain: WHO LYING? 'I have no issues with the prayer, think the prayer was a good prayer, liked the prayer' President Irfaan Ali

Funny tarass !!!!

Seems to me President  Ali is lying diplomatically to keep the peace! Whoever penned that GPF letter to the Chaplain should be demoted!

At least! He could have ignored the Chaplain's comments which were probably true!

Last edited by Django
@Totaram posted:

The comedy show continues.  This is an incompetent PPP government.

I'm still waiting to write off Ali! You should remember that Muslims claim all are brothers and Ali has to keep that in mind! irreligious but I loathe what Modi allowed to happen to Muslims in his state (Gujarat?)!


Muslims done alot to India. Their last great blow was Jinnah responsibility for over  a million hindu deaths. Modi made it possible for a wrong to be corrected. If he was in the time of Jinnah, Jinnah would get zilch. Gandhi was a fool.


According to Jinnah, there was never any country named India it was a British administrative unit called India it was a subcontinent of many nationalities.  This was a man whose grandparents were born Hindus.

Last edited by Prashad
@seignet posted:

Muslims done alot to India. Their last great blow was Jinnah responsibility for over  a million hindu deaths. Modi made it possible for a wrong to be corrected. If he was in the time of Jinnah, Jinnah would get zilch. Gandhi was a fool.

I'm not an admirer of either Gandhi, an fing fraud, or Jinnah, a seeker after power! Abdelkar was far more helpful to the.dalits, Gandhi's harijans! My beef with Modi is because he allowed attacks on innocent Muslims, long after partition! Where will it fing end, seiggy? 'For a wrong to be corrected'? Yeah? Didn't Hindus murder Muslims in 1947? That's one of the failings of some Hindus! They can only see their side of the issue! Most Muslims' ancestors in India had been Hindus who joined Islam to avoid taxes on non-Muslims and to avoid the detestable caste system of the Brahmins! Modi's main supporters are Brahmins who are all over the place in the government, as usual! Let them have their way and see what happens to India! India is no longer a group of kingdoms fighting each other! It can go back to the way things were! Pakistan, Afghanistan, China are all waiting!

I've even become skeptical about yoga! Hell, you get release from this fing material world when you die and go back to God, a Spirit, in the world of spirit, any fing way! Don't get me started about religion, seig!

@seignet posted:


Guyana's Prophet telling the King and his men, "God sees them and their corrupt way."


"Praise be to his Almighty."

LMFAO!!!!! This Pastor directed his comments to the Guyana Police Force and I have no problem with that. But what he accuses the Police of is equally rampant in any Guyana government. The "King and his men" that you refer to escaped the "righteous wrath" of this Pastor. They got a free pass.

Why? Why not address his prayer not just to the police force, but to the fat, clumsy "King" who has Pradoville and numerous questionable qualifications on his record sitting right there...hmmmm?

You are just another fake, phony, fokker.

Last edited by Former Member
@Prashad posted:

According to Jinnah, there was never any country named India it was a British administrative unit called India it was a subcontinent of many nationalities.  This was a man whose grandparents were born Hin

Jinnah was right about India! The British created India! Now Modi wants to! Do you.believe the Sikhs will re-convert to Hinduism? Or those, whose forefathers became Muslims, would.become.Hindus when the Hindus, with their debased caste system, would never let them forget what they had been? You are.Guyanese, whose forefathers left 'sacred Bharat'; could you ever more than a dalit? Could I interest you in a 10,000 piece of land I have for sale in Florida? You can have it cheap! Only 10 cents per acre! You only have to pump some water off it! It is a bit North.of the Florida Keys! And you also have to build a bridge there is no bridge at present! Minor matters!


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