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(CNN) A mosque was badly burned outside Seattle early Saturday, and police believe the fire was intentionally set.

The incident occurred in Bellevue, Washington. No one was in the Islamic Center of Eastside at the time and no injuries were reported.
CNN affiliate KCPQ said firefighters spotted 40-foot flames on the back side of the building. "Crews were able to save half of the building," the station reported..
"We have confirmed it was arson, but do not know a motive," Bellevue Police Chief Steve Mylett said.
Isaac Wayne Wilson was charged with felony malicious mischief and is being investigated for arson, Mylett said. CNN affiliate KCPQ said the man is age 37.
Police found the suspect lying on the ground near the back of the building, KCPQ said..
Wilson was being held at the King County Correctional Facility in Seattle, and bail has been denied. Investigators were not currently considering the act a hate crime, Mylett said.
The FBI, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, and Bellevue fire and police officials were investigating.
CNN affiliate KOMO reported deputy prosecutor Mike Hogan as saying "the suspect had prior contacts with the mosque."
"Police said the suspect had previously been arrested for making a disturbance at the mosque," the station said.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Nehru posted:

Padna, Trump is a Donkey like Granger. First time a President Elect coming to Office with a 36% approval!

That is because Obama's Democrats knows they are finished for the next 50 years. Yes, I said Obama's Democrats. Before it was the Clintons. Bernie Sanders trying his best to wrestle it away from the Obama Gang, age is not on his side. I doan think he can live 50 more years.

I have never read or witnessed so much disruptions of a President preparing to take his Office. I would not blame Trump if he gets away being a tyrant. Too much freedom in America is destroying the Republic. 

The Blacks who are Americans allowing themselves to replaced by the Hispanics and Muslims, generally, recent immigrants with influences. And you coolie people ain't going to fare to well either. Obama is going to destroy Black Americans, he urging them to be beligerent. Blacks over the centuries have demonstrated decorum in dealing with their adversaries. Obama will make them enemies of the State, something like the Black Panther. Perhaps, Trump will use his power and influence to prove Obama the idiot that he is.

Take a hard look at Trump's men. Do they look like pushover? Dem White People in dat gang gat about 1000 years experience among them.

Their aim is to Contain, Establish and Define the New America.


Nehru posted:

Padna, is Trump going to send Dogs to bite Senator John Lewis, spray him with water Hose, beat him with night sticks, restrict him to Blacks only quarters???

John Lewis is in big trouble. The man was on CNN demanding Trump sold off his busineses before swearing in. What an absolute jackass. I think Obama blowing his ears. Imagine a man who stood on the mountain with MLK and Obama meking him into an idiot.

I do not blame Trump one bit to just put some people in the idiot box. And John Lewis earned his spot. I could not believe, he is demanding Trump sells his businesses. What a disappointment for a man who claims he suffered through segregation. He now promoting alienation. In a democracy, respect is shown to a elected President-as they keep saying American has ony one President at a time. Lewis is fake law maker, he is re-introducing SEGREGATION. Their aim is to ridicle Trump. Dem razz in big trouble. 

seignet posted:

John Lewis is in big trouble. The man was on CNN demanding Trump sold off his busineses before swearing in. What an absolute jackass. I think Obama blowing his ears. Imagine a man who stood on the mountain with MLK and Obama meking him into an idiot.

I do not blame Trump one bit to just put some people in the idiot box. And John Lewis earned his spot. I could not believe, he is demanding Trump sells his businesses. What a disappointment for a man who claims he suffered through segregation. He now promoting alienation. In a democracy, respect is shown to a elected President-as they keep saying American has ony one President at a time. Lewis is fake law maker, he is re-introducing SEGREGATION. Their aim is to ridicle Trump. Dem razz in big trouble. 

No one needs to ridicule Trump, he does that on his own

cain posted:
seignet posted:

John Lewis is in big trouble. The man was on CNN demanding Trump sold off his busineses before swearing in. What an absolute jackass. I think Obama blowing his ears. Imagine a man who stood on the mountain with MLK and Obama meking him into an idiot.

I do not blame Trump one bit to just put some people in the idiot box. And John Lewis earned his spot. I could not believe, he is demanding Trump sells his businesses. What a disappointment for a man who claims he suffered through segregation. He now promoting alienation. In a democracy, respect is shown to a elected President-as they keep saying American has ony one President at a time. Lewis is fake law maker, he is re-introducing SEGREGATION. Their aim is to ridicle Trump. Dem razz in big trouble. 

No one needs to ridicule Trump, he does that on his own

Trump ain't falling into the quagmire of fools. He is a phenomenon that u will never grasp.

ksazma posted:

Whenever I read Siggy's writings, I think of that quote "when God decides to destroy a people, he first make them mad" or something like that.

U write enough on here that i conclude u r already mad. The things u write about Christ, only a mad person would dare pronounce them. Mad people does possess some hifaluting notions, dey duz tink dey r like god. Know it all and powerful to challenge the Almighty. U better becareful, u already mad. Next is the destroy part. Christ is merciful, he watches over everyone. He is the Divine. Curse him all you want, He already dealt with your example, the Madman at cementry.  

seignet posted:
ksazma posted:

Whenever I read Siggy's writings, I think of that quote "when God decides to destroy a people, he first make them mad" or something like that.

U write enough on here that i conclude u r already mad. The things u write about Christ, only a mad person would dare pronounce them. Mad people does possess some hifaluting notions, dey duz tink dey r like god. Know it all and powerful to challenge the Almighty. U better becareful, u already mad. Next is the destroy part. Christ is merciful, he watches over everyone. He is the Divine. Curse him all you want, He already dealt with your example, the Madman at cementry.  

siegnet I know that ksazma will never curse Jesus and he like I, loves Jesus more than you.

seignet posted:
Nehru posted:

Padna, is Trump going to send Dogs to bite Senator John Lewis, spray him with water Hose, beat him with night sticks, restrict him to Blacks only quarters???

John Lewis is in big trouble. The man was on CNN demanding Trump sold off his busineses before swearing in. What an absolute jackass. I think Obama blowing his ears. Imagine a man who stood on the mountain with MLK and Obama meking him into an idiot.

I do not blame Trump one bit to just put some people in the idiot box. And John Lewis earned his spot. I could not believe, he is demanding Trump sells his businesses. What a disappointment for a man who claims he suffered through segregation. He now promoting alienation. In a democracy, respect is shown to a elected President-as they keep saying American has ony one President at a time. Lewis is fake law maker, he is re-introducing SEGREGATION. Their aim is to ridicle Trump. Dem razz in big trouble. 

John Lewis and the rest of the losers have to get over one big fact, Hillary lost, Trump won, and did so fair and square.  He called Trump illegitimate and when Trump lashed back, he is wrong.  I agree that Trump needs to temper some of his responses to these cry babies, but he was attacked, just like with the Pakistani father.

Get over it people, Trump is here to stay and if he gets his way, his effects will be here for 25-40 years!  Trump is no fool, he will work with the GOP to get things done and try to keep the majority.  Trump will hold his base and throw some carrots to Blacks and Hispanics. Did you see the Paul Ryan town hall?  Things to come.

The Chinese read him correct, he is a negotiator and placing his first bid!  John Lewis will eat his words.

Last edited by Former Member
seignet posted:
Abu Jihad posted:

It looks like Obamacare is not gone as yet and some people already lost their free prescription meds


Is there drugs for people who cannot face reality? Wishing Trump away isn't gonna happen. 

In Canada, seeing the doctor and getting prescription drugs is free (for most people).

Please take up the offer.

Last edited by Abu Jihad
Prashad posted:

That North West area is the heartland of Neo nazi followers and other white supremacy people. I have been in that area many times. If you are a Muslim with color of chief or Kazama my advice would be to stay clear of places like Idaho, Washington, Montana and Wyoming.

My family and I have been to Montana a number of times to visit relatives in Kalispell. I have seen a lot of natives(buckman) in Montana. Once I saw 2 blacks, a male and a female. They were working at McDonalds. I was in Idaho once. The people seemed ok, but I know what their feelings about non whites are.

seignet posted:
ksazma posted:

Whenever I read Siggy's writings, I think of that quote "when God decides to destroy a people, he first make them mad" or something like that.

U write enough on here that i conclude u r already mad. The things u write about Christ, only a mad person would dare pronounce them. Mad people does possess some hifaluting notions, dey duz tink dey r like god. Know it all and powerful to challenge the Almighty. U better becareful, u already mad. Next is the destroy part. Christ is merciful, he watches over everyone. He is the Divine. Curse him all you want, He already dealt with your example, the Madman at cementry.  

See what I mean. More madness.

Prashad posted:

John Lewis will claim racism against the black people but Trump should tell him to go get his fat behind out there and get jobs for unemployed blacks. 

Those lazy ass people uses their own kind to climb the ladder. And then forget them. I see Trump meeting with MLK son. I predict Trump is going unhinge Black people from the likes of Obama and Lewis. Trump most likely going to the ORIGINALS for the Afro-American agenda.


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