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Between Thursday March 14 and Saturday March 16, 2013, the Guyana Police Force held the Police Officers’ Annual Conference which was attended by one hundred and seventy six (176) Officers under the theme “Advancing institutional modernization to secure our communities through enhanced professionalism, partnership, strategic management and effective leadership”.


In the forefront of the discussions were issues raised by His Excellency the President Mr. Donald Ramotar in his address at the opening of Conference and those in other addresses made by the Honourable Minister of Home Affairs Mr. Clement Rohee and acting Commissioner of Police Mr. Leroy Brumell, DSM.


Groups were appointed during Conference which discussed these issues as a priority. They included narco trafficking, public trust and confidence, regional and international cooperation, police reform, policing the interior, and police corruption.


Conference was heartened at the President Mr. Donald Ramotar’s opening statement when he said that “First of all let me congratulate you for the successes you have made last year in improving our security situation”, and heeded his charge when he said “I know that you have many challenges ahead and a lot of work still to do, but the most important thing is for you to stay professional, increase your professionalism and work, and you will make a magnificent contribution to the development of this country when you work to improve the security of every citizen in Guyana”.


Conference noted His Excellency’s call for an improved relationship between the police and the communities while commenting on the ongoing reform process within the Police Force. “It therefore demands an evaluation of the relationship of the Police Force and the communities and the relationship with the many law abiding citizens in our land. I am also aware of the initiative that you are taking in the work in the communities and we must constantly work to build the trust and confidence in our communities in the Force”.


Conference took cognisance of the President’s concern about police corruption when he said that “A lot of the very good work that the vast majority of our policemen and women do sometimes are affected negatively when police stop persons on the road and ask them for something, to leave something. Some people feel harassed when this occurs”.


Touching on the ongoing reforms in the Police Force, ranks were motivated when His Excellency thePresident said that “I know from the Ministry of Home Affairs that the leadership of the Force has recognised the need to carry out these reforms and I understand the leadership is very committed in this regard. I am convinced that this team is determined to move ahead and to make our Force more efficient and more effective”, and that “Our people depend heavily on the Guyana Police Force to provide that security so that they can work, study and develop in a secure atmosphere”.


Acting Commissioner of Police Mr. Leroy Brumell, DSM, in his address to Conference said that despite the challenges the Guyana Police Force had generally done well during 2012and gave the assurance that the police will continue to work tirelessly in the execution of its mandate in order to ensure that citizens feel safe in the society and continue their legitimate activities to build a country of peace, progress and prosperity, and outlined some of the initiatives in which the Police Force is involved with the aim of garnering greater public support and improve public trust and confidence.


He lamented the fact that corruption and lack of confidence in the police by the public continue to negatively impact on the image of the Force and its efforts in the fight against crime and sounded a warning to deviant members of the Force, while at the same time reassuring that the Police Force has many dedicated and professional ranks who proudly continue to offer service and protection to the communities.


The acting Commissioner expressed deep appreciation for the invaluable assistance being given to the police by members of the various Community Policing Groups on a voluntary basis and the Neighbourhood Police personnel in the fight against crime.


He expressed the police concern over the armed robberies committed on miners and mining camps and the disorderly murders occurring in the gold mining areas of the interior and outlined some of the activities being undertaken by the Police Force to police the interior in view of the prevailing developmental and economic activities and the concomitant shift in population in the policing Division.


The acting Commissioner posited that a whole gamut of initiatives had been outlined, and in some instances already implemented,which included the establishment of  a number of police checkpoints, frequent roving patrols and “stop and search” operations, and closer collaboration with the relevant stakeholdersto ensure more effective management and control of the areas.


He also reasserted the Police Force’s zero tolerance stance on domestic violence and noise nuisance.


Conference focused in great detail through significant deliberations on the Force’s Strategic Plan 2013-2017, the continuing institutional modernization and reform under the Citizen Security Programme, threats to the security of the state, global warming and its implications, the enhancement of training both local and overseas in order to enhance service delivery, crime reduction and traffic management, response to reports of crime and other incidents, policing interior locations, and the improvement of police/community relations.


During Conference due recognition was given to Detective Constable 19949 Alvin Fraser for his exemplary conduct when on Tuesday March 12, 2013, he found and returned to an outgoing passenger at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport (CJIA) the sum of $10,500 Cdn and his passport which had been left in the airport washroom facilities. An incentive was awarded to the rank by the management of Mohamed’s Enterprise, the owner of which is a relative of the passenger.



Conference expressed appreciation for a presentation on the Force’s Strategic Plan 2013-2017 which was done by Assistant Commissioner Balram Persaud and Senior Superintendent Paul Williams, who are members of the Management Unit responsible for its implementation, and which gave Officers an update as to the present position with the Strategic Plan and its implications for police reform. The presentation was adopted as a working document at Conference.



Appreciation was also expressed for a presentation on the Citizen Security Programme (CSP) by Assistant Commissioner David Ramnarine, Head Department of Development, which outlined the achievements and developments gained by the Police Force so far through its modernisation under the CSP, inclusive of the remodeling of police stations, enhanced training, the establishment of a computer centre to aid with information technology, the Integrated Crime Information System (ICIS), the completion of a modern training facility, the ongoing construction of a new Forensic Laboratory and the success of the Community Action Component of the CSP.



Conference was loud in praise for the Traffic Department in view of the fact that the 110 road fatalities recorded last year, 2012, was the lowest in forty three (43) years and the 102 fatal accidents was the lowest in twenty six (26) years. It was the view that the rigid enforcement through the zero tolerance campaign “operation safeway” which recorded a total of 69,653 cases being made against errant motorists, of which 14, 877 cases were for speeding and 918 for drinking under the influence of alcohol, along with traffic education that included lectures to schools contributed significantly to this achievement.


Conference pledged to continue to work assiduously in efforts to reduce that figure even further this year, 2013, with more emphasis being placed on speeding, driving under the influence, traffic education through the use of the print and electronic media, motorists using cell phones while driving, tinted motor vehicles, parking violations, touting and outstanding traffic tickets.


Cognisance was also taken of the work in progress by the Guyana Revenue Authority to have the present book format for drivers’ licences replaced with plastic type.



A presentation on Community Policing was done by National Coordinator, Community Policing Mr. Ivelaw Whittaker in which issues and concerns were discussed aimed at strengthening the partnership and leading to the better coordination and management of community policing. The discussions were held with the active participation of representatives of the National Community Policing Executive (NCPE) who were invited to Conference.


Recognition was given to the fact that the Community Policing Organisation of Guyana (CPOG) was presently observing its 37th Anniversary with the hub of the activities taking place at Linden in the Police “E” Division.



Conference noted the significant improvement of the Police Force in the field of Sports, especially in the disciplines of cricket, athletics and football, and urged the Sports Officer to continue focusing in efforts to maintain and even better the level of performances.


Cognisance was taken of athlete Corporal 20726 Winston George who was the first locally based athlete to represent Guyana at the Olympics when he did so at the 2012 Olympics in London where he competed in the 400 metres; and also national Powerlifter Corporal 18203 Randolph “The Accomplisher” Morgan.


Corporal Morgan competes in the 83kg weight class and recently created history when he clinched his, and Guyana’s, first World Open Individual Gold Medal at the 43rd Men’s World Powerlifting Championships in Puerto Rico last year. He is also a four-time Caribbean 83kg Open Champion and Best Lifter Overall and has established National and Caribbean records in the Bench Press, Squat and Deadlift. Morgan is ranked 10th in the World Open ratings.


Group discussions were held on the addresses to Conference given by His Excellency the President Mr. Donald Ramotar and the Honourable Minister of Home Affairs Mr. Clement Rohee and recommendations made to deal with the concerns raised. Discussions were also held on several topical issues including the dynamics of police/public relations and the critical supportive role of the Force’s middle management.


Conference held lengthy discussions with significant participation among officers on a number of issues relating to the enhancement of police operational capabilities, welfare, and the improvement of service delivery from which a number of policy decisions were arrived at. These areas included:


  • Crime Investigation
  • Financial Accountability
  • Cyber Crime
  • Police Divisional Management concerns
  • Domestic Violence
  • Noise Nuisance
  • Piracy
  • Violence in schools
  • Police corruption
  • Human Rights


Conference concluded with the traditional Mess Dinner at the Police Officers’ Mess where eleven (11) Officers with an accumulated total of three hundred and eighty five (385) years of service were dined out and twenty two (22) newly promoted Officers dined in.

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