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Police officers charged for receiving bribes

… lawyer claims that they have been framed


June 23, 2015 | By | Filed Under News, Source


Two members of the Guyana Police Force (GPF) appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court accused of taking bribes in order to settle a criminal matter.


Collin Bailey

Collin Bailey

Police Sergeant, Collin Bailey, 51, of 63 South Vryheid Lust, East Coast Demerara (ECD) and Detective Constable, Paul Paddy, 29, of Cane Grove, ECD,  denied the allegations after the charges were read to them by Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry.




Paul Paddy

Paul Paddy

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Police officers charged for receiving bribes

… lawyer claims that they have been framed


June 23, 2015 | By | Filed Under News, Source


Two members of the Guyana Police Force (GPF) appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court accused of taking bribes in order to settle a criminal matter.


Collin Bailey

Collin Bailey

Police Sergeant, Collin Bailey, 51, of 63 South Vryheid Lust, East Coast Demerara (ECD) and Detective Constable, Paul Paddy, 29, of Cane Grove, ECD,  denied the allegations after the charges were read to them by Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry.

The first charge alleged that the duo, on May 7, at the Vigilance Police Station, East Coast Demerara, obtained the sum of $300,000 from Kissoondat Premsook, as inducement for releasing a prisoner.

Bailey was further slapped with another charge, which stated that on June 15, at the same Police Station, he obtained $50,000 from Premsook as inducement for not charging him.

They were granted bail in the sum of $100,000 respectively on each charge. Bailey posted bail in the sum of $200,000 while his colleague posted $100,000.

The defendants, who are said to be long standing members of the Guyana Police Force, were represented by Attorney Jerome Khan.

The lawyer asked that his clients be released on their own recognizance or reasonable bail. He said that his clients boast an unblemished criminal record.

Khan informed the court that the men have been co-operating with the police.

He contended that the men have all intentions of defending themselves against the charges. He added that his clients pose no risk of flight. The lawyer also said that the defendants will continue to be members of the Police Force, until the Administration decides otherwise.


Paul Paddy

Paul Paddy

Khan contended that the individual making the allegations against his clients is of questionable character.

He said that the complainant, Kissoondat Premsook, is a deportee who had spent eight years in jail. He said, too that the man claimed he has all sorts of connections with individuals in high position.

Police Corporal, Bharrat Mangru did not relate any facts to the court, neither did he oppose to bail. However, he asked that the defendants be granted monetary bond.

Bailey was instructed by the Magistrate to lodge his passport.
They will make their next court appearance on July 10, at the Vigilance Magistrate’s Court.

Attorney’s version of the story

Khan told the court that a complaint was made by Alwyn Narine at the Vigilance Police Station against Kissoondat Premsook, also known as Dey. He said that Narine accused Premsook of brandishing a gun at him and of making threats.

The Attorney said that an investigation was launched into the matter. Acting on information, the police went to a house at Lusignan but were unable to locate Premsook.

He said that the man (Premsook) subsequently came to the station to make a complaint about someone.

It was then that officers arrested him for the allegation made by Narine. He was asked to produce his firearm licence and provide the police with a statement.

Khan pointed out that at this stage Premsook, who is a deportee, started to “freak” out. The lawyer said that the man told officers that he knew former Attorney General (AG) Anil Nandlall and Commissioner of Police, Seelal Persaud.

Khan contested that Premsook told the officers that they cannot arrest him; neither can they place him in custody. He also told the officers that his name should not be entered in the charge sheet.
However, he said, the police arrested him.

At this point he picked up his cell phone, called someone and asked them to get in touch with Nandlall or Persaud.

When he ended the phone call the police took a statement from him. During the taking of the statement, Narine who made the allegation, showed up at the station and requested that the charges be dismissed. He too, was also asked to give a statement.

According to Khan, the matter was dropped. But on June 12, Premsook visited the station again in relation to another matter. It was then that Bailey confronted him in the presence of other police officers. During the confrontation the Sergeant (Bailey) told him about allegations he was making about him taking bribes.

On June 16, Premsook visited the station again and offered an apology to Bailey.

As he (Premsook) was about to walk out of Bailey’s office, the lawyer said, he left a stack of money on his client’s desk.

Khan stated that his client inquired from Premsook the reason for him leaving the money behind. It was then he told Bailey that he wanted to make peace.

The lawyer said that before his client could have responded to the man, two police ranks barged into the office and told him that he was being arrested for taking bribes.

Khan pointed out that his client explained to the officer’s that he did not accept the money since it was not in his possession.

Nevertheless, the Attorney stated that his client was arrested and charge.

The lawyer noted that the other defendant (Paddy) was implicated in the charges because Premsook claimed he had accepted a bribe of $100,000, some time in April, to have a matter dropped.

A police release had stated that the Sergeant was arrested during a sting operation with $50,000 in his possession. He had demanded the money from a businessman to settle a matter of threatening behaviour involving the use of a firearm.

The sting operation was coordinated between the Police Office of Professional Responsibility and the Criminal Investigation Department (CID).


"He said that the complainant, Kissoondat Premsook, is a deportee who had spent eight years in jail. He said, too that the man claimed he has all sorts of connections with individuals in high position."


This criminal Premsook owns a firearm yet they denied my brother prominent attorney Vic Puran a firearm when he applied for one under the PPP government.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Great job Mr. RAMJATTAN.  

Anxious to justify Ramjattan's appointment by crediting him for this, you miss the involvement of a gun toting, nefarious deportee character with links to PPP teefmen, out to victimize 2 cops (with unblemished records) who din let he off de hook. How many corrupt cops invite gun toting deportees with connections to PPP teefmen to "drop off" a pile of cash at the station, eh bai?


Mr. Ramjattan needs to focus on training and crime fighting strategies, and publish them. Picking on one, one police officer fuh "corruption", while PPP teefmen with guns continue to run around and crime escalates is not a good strategy bai.

Originally Posted by Itaname:
Mr. Ramjattan needs to focus on training and crime fighting strategies, and publish them. Picking on one, one police officer fuh "corruption",...

It will be seen if indeed he is really focused on the role of his department.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Itaname:
Mr. Ramjattan needs to focus on training and crime fighting strategies, and publish them. Picking on one, one police officer fuh "corruption",...

It will be seen if indeed he is really focused on the role of his department.

Thanks again Captain Obvious.


"Khan pointed out that at this stage Premsook, who is a deportee, started to “freak” out. The lawyer said that the man told officers that he knew former Attorney General (AG) Anil Nandlall and Commissioner of Police, Seelal Persaud.

Khan contested that Premsook told the officers that they cannot arrest him; neither can they place him in custody. He also told the officers that his name should not be entered in the charge sheet.
However, he said, the police arrested him.

At this point he picked up his cell phone, called someone and asked them to get in touch with Nandlall or Persaud."




This is when dem guys does say, Is not only who you know but is who you blow.

Last edited by cain
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Mars:
Thanks again Captain Obvious.

Expressing profound compliments to himself.

You are the jackass who's famous for making patently obvious proclamations on this BB, not me. 



Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Mars:
You are the jackass who's famous for making patently obvious proclamations on this BB, ..... 

Another statements of your actions.

I made one statement dumbass and it describes you Captain Obvious.



Demented Guy, you were reported to the Admin for stalking a young lady on this forum, not me. 


Yuh gon tell me now that yuh ole brains forget that, White Knight or you gonna claim that I'm talking to myself? 


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