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A Senior Police Investigator has confirmed that efforts have been started by the local Police Force to seek the arrest and extradition of former Deputy CEO of the Guyana Power and Light (GPL) Ash Deonarine.

Deonarine reportedly flew to Canada soon after an audit of GPL unearthed the unauthorized withdrawal of $27M from the company’s accounts as back pay. The GPL board was unaware of the move. 

Crime Chief Wendell Blanhum told reporters on Thursday that the matter, which was forwarded to the police for criminal charges to be instituted is being actively pursued.

He said the overseas law enforcement counterparts have already been contacted and informed.

“I am in constant communication with them and I have already expressed an interest in having him apprehended and returned to Guyana to face the charges instituted against him,” Mr. Blanhum said.

When pressed further on Deonarine’s precise location, the Crime Chief refused to offer details.

Deonarine’s saga is linked to former GPL Director Carvil Duncan who also received an unauthorized payment. He was recently charged for fraud in connection with that payment. 

As a Director, Duncan signed off on Deonarine’s payments while Deonarine reportedly signed off for Duncan’s $984,000 back pay. The suspicious payments were discovered by independent auditors who were probing the PetroCaribe Fund.

That audit was one of many ordered by the coalition government into state entities and other operations.



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Nehru posted:
skeldon_man posted:

If he is found guilty, let him pay the price. He leeched off the poor taxpayers(except from Linden).

Linden on lifetime WELFARE!!!!!!!!!!

And when they are informed of possible reduction of welfare, they go burn schools, bridges and other buildings. What else they got to do other than burn and steal. BULLIES AND ARSONISTS!!!!


IMHO, Deonarine should have returned the $27+M to GPL and then file a legal claim for amounts of money owed to him. He would have saved himself public embarrassment and an endangered future career.

Gilbakka posted:

IMHO, Deonarine should have returned the $27+M to GPL and then file a legal claim for amounts of money owed to him. He would have saved himself public embarrassment and an endangered future career.


Denoarine needs to seek proper legal advice.


I am certain that he will be back in Guyana to face trial, voluntary or extradited. Then we will really know the whole story and if he is found guilty in a court of law.  If guilty, he must face the penalties.


It appears that these two fellows, an Indian and a Black, conspired to defraud the nation as they sensed that the time was opportune with the distraction of the elections at hand.  Is this the unity between Blacks and Indians that the afc/apnu represent?


Mitts, most likely he has a Canadian passport. If it were just a visitor's visa, they will just deport him and not go thru the extradition process. Not a legal expert so I might stand to be corrected.


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