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@Django posted:

Democracy will be dying in Guyana ,perhaps a new water cannon ,more tear and rubber bullets will be purchased.

Me thinks Guyana will have serious problems, the FRAUD in the elections will no be taken lightly. 41 Boxes on the East Coast Demerara ,all PPP/C strongholds ,doesn't have the required documents.

How did it become 41 boxes?   What was required are the ballots.  If the voters' list was missing, it would have been the fault of the handlers who weren't PPP agents. If they had taken out or disqualified those boxes from being counted then the PNC might have won easily.  If GECOM was more sensitive to the PNC's desperation of retaining power, then it would have been a different ball game.

@Django posted:

Democracy will be dying in Guyana ,perhaps a new water cannon ,more tear and rubber bullets will be purchased.

Me thinks Guyana will have serious problems, the FRAUD in the elections will no be taken lightly. 41 Boxes on the East Coast Demerara ,all PPP/C strongholds ,doesn't have the required documents.

Yeah, I agree. Get Mingo and Vulga. As for the 41 boxes, ask Mingo and Lolofeel. They were totally in charge.

@Django posted:

Democracy will be dying in Guyana ,perhaps a new water cannon ,more tear and rubber bullets will be purchased.

Me thinks Guyana will have serious problems, the FRAUD in the elections will no be taken lightly. 41 Boxes on the East Coast Demerara ,all PPP/C strongholds ,doesn't have the required documents.

All the time you were saying wait for GECOM to decide on how to handle these boxes that Mingo purposely instructed the DROs to place the documents in a separate bag. In the end, GECOM was satisfied with the explanation and counted the votes. You have no argument or authority to say that fraud was committed. Stop spamming BS or else you will have to ban yourself. APNU can file an election petition after the four stages of the recount has been completed and the new President sworn in. 

@Ace posted:

All the time you were saying wait for GECOM to decide on how to handle these boxes that Mingo purposely instructed the DROs to place the documents in a separate bag. In the end, GECOM was satisfied with the explanation and counted the votes.

You have no argument or authority to say that fraud was committed.

Stop spamming BS or else you will have to ban yourself.

APNU can file an election petition after the four stages of the recount has been completed and the new President sworn in. 

Yes GECOM ,will decide ,also read the recount order. The recount and tabulation isn't the end .

Any one are free to point out irregularities, the media in Guyana is doing it everyday.

Also have some regard for what is provided. I have seen some people gone with a click immediately in the past. I  am fair and believe in giving people chances .

Last edited by Django

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