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Policeman assaults Harbour Bridge GM

February 4, 2014 | By | Filed Under News 


General Manager of the Demerara Harbour Bridge, Rawlston Adams, came face to face with police arrogance and power when a serving policeman crashed into the rails of the bridge a few days ago. The accident occurred on Thursday as the policeman was heading across the bridge to his home. He somehow lost control and crashed. Immediately the staff of the bridge called the General Manager who was quick on the scene because traffic flow had been disrupted. According to reports, Adams identified himself to the policeman, and then proceeded to direct the policeman how to extricate his car from the rails so that traffic could flow along the bridge once more. Adams said that he then proceeded to photograph the damage; the policeman confronted him and in a raised voice, told him that he could not photograph his car. The General Manager immediately informed the policeman that the bridge was the responsibility of the Bridge Committee of which he, Adams, was the head but the policeman became even more belligerent. He grabbed Adams’s [phone and hurled it into the Demerara River. He then advanced toward Adams threatening him harm. The threat was diffused by people on the Bridge. However Adams reported to the Police Commissioner who promised an investigation. To appease Adams the police also replaced the phone but Adams said that they could not replace the information on his phone. He added that he has not been informed of any action against the policeman, nor has he been invited for a confrontation.

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13 hours ago

The AFC goons are ashamed to post on this thread, Hughes it appears is an embarrassment to their political gathering.



LOL, just playing with Conscience and his insanity post.



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