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Since the colonial times, the political opposition have challenged unfair and unsound public policies with street protest, be it in the form of small targeted picketing exercise or mass street protest.


The Guyanese people have responded to these different street forms of street protest with some uneasiness since usually there was some violence in the mix.


Can we have public display of disgust at the public policy of the Jagdeo/Ramu regime without descending into violence?


Political protest without East Indian on the picket line will be useless since it make easy picking for the PPP to whisper that here again the β€œBlackman terrorizing the East Indians”.


It is imperative, similar to what Cheddi Jagan did in the 70’s and 80’s that the AFC launch small, but well targeted picketing exercise against the UNHOLY regime.  For example, why should NICIL headquarters not face a street protest of 10-20 persons with placard against the squander-mania and financial waste being perpetuated against the Guyanese people by that organization.


Letter writing and press conference is not enough.  2013 should be the year to move the political process to a different level.


Let us hear your views.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:


 Can we have public display of disgust at the public policy of the Jagdeo/Ramu regime without descending into violence?


There is a simple answer:




As usual in Guyana any protest will attract the criminal elements---the hooligans, the gangsters, the robbers, the looters, the rioters.











Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Photos lie all the time. I am sure you do not want me to dredge up some alien babies for you.


If it is from you, one is most inclined to take it for its face value since your intent is most likely to lie.

Look how low you have sunken, denying the destruction that the PNC/AFC led protests have hand on the nation via mo fiah slow fiah. I suppose you folks are depending on the short memory of people. Good luck with this strategy. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Photos lie all the time. I am sure you do not want me to dredge up some alien babies for you.


If it is from you, one is most inclined to take it for its face value since your intent is most likely to lie.

Look how low you have sunken, denying the destruction that the PNC/AFC led protests have hand on the nation via mo fiah slow fiah. I suppose you folks are depending on the short memory of people. Good luck with this strategy. 

Dude...with the House of Israel and Lumumba on your side the bad eggs were planted to beat up opposition supporters. The PPP burnt the buildings. Furthermore the PPP = PNC will have a bamboo wedding this year. Get ready. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

Photos lie all the time. I am sure you do not want me to dredge up some alien babies for you.


If it is from you, one is most inclined to take it for its face value since your intent is most likely to lie.

Look how low you have sunken, denying the destruction that the PNC/AFC led protests have hand on the nation via mo fiah slow fiah. I suppose you folks are depending on the short memory of people. Good luck with this strategy. 

 Sunken? I see it as a rise above the corruption of the PPP. I doubt the majority of the People protesting the PPP were concerned with destroying private or public property. They were concerned with an injustice. Do you think the Spanish citizens or the Greek citizens were mere intent on destroying their country or highlighting the government policies that were ruining their lives? I do not hear a damn thing from you about the PPP corruption that is rampant and entrenched yet you think the people here protesting are the bad seed in the society!

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Mahen:


That is the same man with Hitler genes who incited the riots in Linden that caused deaths when AFC/PNC agents killed their own as sacrificial pawns in the deadly game of politics. 

Nah...the House of Israel thugs were sent to shoot the folks. We know the are paid by you guys these days. When will you invite Bynoe to your puja? 

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 Sunken? I see it as a rise above the corruption of the PPP. I doubt the majority of the People protesting the PPP were concerned with destroying private or public property. They were concerned with an injustice. Do you think the Spanish citizens or the Greek citizens were mere intent on destroying their country or highlighting the government policies that were ruining their lives? I do not hear a damn thing from you about the PPP corruption that is rampant and entrenched yet you think the people here protesting are the bad seed in the society!

You may have risen above alleged corruption in the PPP but you have sunken into denial by embracing a potential PNC resurgence.  You know very well that peaceful protest and the PNC supporters should not be mentioned in the same breath. 


Normally I refrain from responding to you as you have no class and are not worthy of engaging in discourse. 


The written answer was presented in the National Assembly on Monday from research done by the Guyana Lands and Surveys Commission (GL&SC) and showed that only the late First Lady Viola Burnham, wife of PNC President LFS Burnham, and the late PNC Prime Minister Ptolemy Reid had received state lands. No prices were listed for the lands.

According to the information, Burnham was leased 9.6 acres aback of the Botanical Gardens in 1972 with the lease expiring in 1991. She was also issued 12.49 acres of land to the rear of Lands and Surveys backlands of Stabroek, the GL&SC stated.

That parcel was also issued in 1972 with the transport expiring in 1991. Hinds in his answer noted that in relation to the land originally leased to Burnham β€œsubsequent negotiations led to a settlement in which four acres were granted at no charge on the release of any and all other rights to the remaining land.”

Reid, meanwhile, was leased two parcels of land at Somerset and Berks on the East Bank Demerara, with one being 4.9 acres and the other 8.48 acres. Both leases were issued in 1973 with smaller the parcel reverting to the state in 1993. That land is currently being utilised for a community centre

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 Sunken? I see it as a rise above the corruption of the PPP. I doubt the majority of the People protesting the PPP were concerned with destroying private or public property. They were concerned with an injustice. Do you think the Spanish citizens or the Greek citizens were mere intent on destroying their country or highlighting the government policies that were ruining their lives? I do not hear a damn thing from you about the PPP corruption that is rampant and entrenched yet you think the people here protesting are the bad seed in the society!

You may have risen above alleged corruption in the PPP but you have sunken into denial by embracing a potential PNC resurgence.  You know very well that peaceful protest and the PNC supporters should not be mentioned in the same breath. 

I see nothing wrong with the PNC that is not wrong with the PPP. If there is a change in government it will be a minority government again and the PPP will see the value of constraint to the legislature.  I do not support the PNC Or the AFC. I support the idea that for the first time there can be objections from the opposition that can potentially restrain the administration. If the PNC can win, kudos to them. If they are greedy  and evil as you think they are they will begin to destroy the patronage system of the PPP and that can only be good. The PPP will see the benefit of the PNC not building up the same.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I see nothing wrong with the PNC that is not wrong with the PPP. If there is a change in government it will be a minority government again and the PPP will see the value of constraint to the legislature.  I do not support the PNC Or the AFC. I support the idea that for the first time there can be objections from the opposition that can potentially restrain the administration. If the PNC can win, kudos to them.

You do support the aFC, it is evident in your sympathy for them, all recycled corrupt shysters. I agree that opposition voices must be heard and the PPP do deserve the medicine that is now being administered via their minority in parliament. However never will I endorse kudos to the PNC who destroyed the nation and caused many to flee the nation. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Mahen:


That is the same man with Hitler genes who incited the riots in Linden that caused deaths when AFC/PNC agents killed their own as sacrificial pawns in the deadly game of politics. 


Yu tek you darn eyes and pass GR.


If you are to carefully analyse political history, GR is the son of BOYO Ramsaroop, a giant for freedom in Guyana, who toiled with Cde Cheddi to free the nation only to see that freedom stolen by the Jagdeo/Ramu cabal for self enrichment.


GR come from the right stock unlike your chief MUD RATs.


Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:
Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Mahen:


That is the same man with Hitler genes who incited the riots in Linden that caused deaths when AFC/PNC agents killed their own as sacrificial pawns in the deadly game of politics. 


Yu tek you darn eyes and pass GR.


If you are to carefully analyse political history, GR is the son of BOYO Ramsaroop, a giant for freedom in Guyana, who toiled with Cde Cheddi to free the nation only to see that freedom stolen by the Jagdeo/Ramu cabal for self enrichment.


GR come from the right stock unlike your chief MUD RATs.


These recycled shysters, both father and son were privy to the giant soup bowl of the PPP. In fact both had a seat reserved at the PPP table when soup was sharing. It was only after the soup spigot was shut off that they suddenly discovered morality and dress up as brand new second hand moralists. 


Jagan was another creep who encouraged corruption, no wonder both these gentlemen carried on the practice. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

I see nothing wrong with the PNC that is not wrong with the PPP. If there is a change in government it will be a minority government again and the PPP will see the value of constraint to the legislature.  I do not support the PNC Or the AFC. I support the idea that for the first time there can be objections from the opposition that can potentially restrain the administration. If the PNC can win, kudos to them.

You do support the aFC, it is evident in your sympathy for them, all recycled corrupt shysters. I agree that opposition voices must be heard and the PPP do deserve the medicine that is now being administered via their minority in parliament. However never will I endorse kudos to the PNC who destroyed the nation and caused many to flee the nation. 

 Where are these "recycled shysters" again? One would think that the PPP and its retooling with all those ex PNCites would be more a gripe for you.  You do not have to endorse anyone. you simply have to stand up for what is right and the PPP is in office and they are definitely not right.

Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 Where are these "recycled shysters" again? One would think that the PPP and its retooling with all those ex PNCites would be more a gripe for you.  You do not have to endorse anyone. you simply have to stand up for what is right and the PPP is in office and they are definitely not right.

Fortunately your views are subjective and lack credibility as your main gripe against the PPP is influenced by the ramblings in "dem bai seh". 

The PPP's inclusion of members of the PNC is testimony of its attempts to reconcile with the enemy. Keep your friends close but your friends closer. Of course you fail to mention that it was Jagan that started this trend of bringing on board members of the opposition. Also the AFC is doing the same with its wooing of former PNC bandits into its fold. 

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:

 Where are these "recycled shysters" again? One would think that the PPP and its retooling with all those ex PNCites would be more a gripe for you.  You do not have to endorse anyone. you simply have to stand up for what is right and the PPP is in office and they are definitely not right.

Fortunately your views are subjective and lack credibility as your main gripe against the PPP is influenced by the ramblings in "dem bai seh". 

The PPP's inclusion of members of the PNC is testimony of its attempts to reconcile with the enemy. Keep your friends close but your friends closer. Of course you fail to mention that it was Jagan that started this trend of bringing on board members of the opposition. Also the AFC is doing the same with its wooing of former PNC bandits into its fold. 

 My views are objective as the unfolding on the ground and not as you from the some dark wickedness of your amoral and corrupt imagination. I do not say people do something when the do not or is not widely agreed they are doing it.


The administration is not about enemies and friends but the People. If it begins to grow corrupt and bloated with graft as this one has become the people suffer and usually those in depressed communities suffer most.


Maybe you should actually read that bible you pretend to obey and grasp its essential creed. Even as an atheist as me it is of more value than to a pharasaic christian Christ spoke of who are more concerned with the length of their tassels than with the love of truth. You are a wicked man.


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