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How can we, the Guyanese people, tolerate politicians who are consumed by anger and rage with the responsibility of governing democratically and securing the rights of the people? For too long we have been bombarded by daily talk shows that spew hate of the worst kind - racial. One does not have to be a political scholar to see through these hatemongers and power-hungry politicians who hide behind the cloak of journalism. Their daily preachings have led many young men to take up guns and slaughtered innocent people. How long can we sit idly by and allow these preachers of hate to continue their trade and justify it under freedom of expression?  Are we that naive to believe that the situation cannot get to stage like that of other countries that have endured years of killings and war?


Today, the AFC, and new formed party that promised to be different from the traditional two behemoths have been on path that can only take this country further down the road of hate and destruction. Violence groups at Linden and Agricola suddenly and surprisingly received endorsement from a party other than the PNC. The nation found itself on a state of shock watching the AFC embracing something that count envelope the nation into a civil war worse then sixties.

It's budget day and I hope these politicians behave themselves and start to work in the interest of the nation.

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Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

How can we, the Guyanese people, tolerate politicians who are consumed by anger and rage with the responsibility of governing democratically and securing the rights of the people? For too long we have been bombarded by daily talk shows that spew hate of the worst kind - racial. One does not have to be a political scholar to see through these hatemongers and power-hungry politicians who hide behind the cloak of journalism. Their daily preachings have led many young men to take up guns and slaughtered innocent people. How long can we sit idly by and allow these preachers of hate to continue their trade and justify it under freedom of expression?  Are we that naive to believe that the situation cannot get to stage like that of other countries that have endured years of killings and war?


Today, the AFC, and new formed party that promised to be different from the traditional two behemoths have been on path that can only take this country further down the road of hate and destruction. Violence groups at Linden and Agricola suddenly and surprisingly received endorsement from a party other than the PNC. The nation found itself on a state of shock watching the AFC embracing something that count envelope the nation into a civil war worse then sixties.

It's budget day and I hope these politicians behave themselves and start to work in the interest of the nation.

In Guyana the people have a right to have anger and rage against them PPP tief who runaway with all them money.


I Russia, they hanged the Tsar for less.  In France they chop the neck off of the king for less.


Get my drift?


In early hours of 17 July 1918, the Tsar of Russia and his family was awakened around 2:00 am, told to dress, and led down into a half-basement room at the back of the Ipatiev house.



Present with Nicholas, Alexandra and their children were their doctor and three of their servants, who had voluntarily chosen to remain with the family—the Tsar's personal physician Eugene Botkin, his wife's maid Anna Demidova, and the family's chef, Ivan Kharitonov, and footman, Alexei Trupp. A firing squad had been assembled and was waiting in an adjoining room, composed of seven Communist soldiers from Central Europe, and three local Bolsheviks, all under the command of Bolshevik officer Yakov Yurovsky.


The rest is history.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

How can we, the Guyanese people, tolerate politicians who are consumed by anger and rage with the responsibility of governing democratically and securing the rights of the people?



Excellent question!


The Guyanese people have seen with their own eyes the anger, the hatred and the intolerance exhibited by the opposition AFC/PNC, and they are repulsed by such infantile behavior.



No meaningful or sensible debate is possible when you have such hatred and intolerance by the opposition---come next election the good people of Guyana will make the wise choice---the PPP will receive a majority.







Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

How can we, the Guyanese people, tolerate politicians who are consumed by anger and rage with the responsibility of governing democratically and securing the rights of the people?



Excellent question!


The Guyanese people have seen with their own eyes the anger, the hatred and the intolerance exhibited by the opposition AFC/PNC, and they are repulsed by such infantile behavior.



No meaningful or sensible debate is possible when you have such hatred and intolerance by the opposition---come next election the good people of Guyana will make the wise choice---the PPP will receive a majority.







Insha Allah!!!

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by Rev Al:

The Guyanese people have seen with their own eyes the anger, the hatred and the intolerance exhibited by the opposition AFC/PNC, and they are repulsed by such infantile behavior.



No meaningful or sensible debate is possible when you have such hatred and intolerance by the opposition







Insha Allah!!!

God speaketh and Jesus more replies on this. The AUTHORITIES (Rev and PanditJi) have spoken (read this with a booming, echoing the guy in the ....Insane commercial a couple of decades ago)


Corruption has been established

March 20, 2013 | By | Filed Under Letters 

Dear Editor,
A standard definition of corruption is, “The misuse of government power, with which one has been entrusted or assigned, to obtain private gainâ€Ķ” (McConnell, Brue and Flyn, 2012).  Undoubtedly, this has direct relevance to the confiscation by former President Jagdeo of publicly owned assets of the Guyanese people that he in turn transferred by his clandestine action to a group of his private cohorts.
How did the Guyanese people know of this multi-million dollar malfeasance? It was not the state or the private press who announced the details of the deal; but it was the Prime Minister who informed the Guyanese people of this troubling situation when he was asked the question in Parliament (SN Article, 3-16, “Frequency Allocations stir Criticisms&rdquo.
Compounding the corruption problem further is the linkage with the Brazilian cable network project, another nefarious scheme constructed in the dark by former President Jagdeo (KN 3-19-2013, “US$35M cable from Brazil a convenience for Jagdeo’s friends&rdquo.
Going forward, two things must be done. First, Prime Minister Hinds needs to keep walking in the footsteps of the former Speaker of the House and former senior PPP/C member, Mr. Ralph Ramkarran who spoke about government corruption.
But talk, the best past-time in Guyana, is not enough; we need concrete action from the top to set a correction path, for Jagdeo’s path cannot be the best for Guyana. Second, we need President Ramotar to show us that he is against corruption not only in words, but by his deeds.
Specifically, President Ramotar must take concrete action and revoke all the licenses issued to these cohorts of Former President Jagdeo with immediate effect; he must ban these persons who received these licenses from having anything to do with communication in Guyana for the next 20 years.
He must, with the approval of Parliament, appoint an effective Board with powers to approve, monitor and make changes that will benefit the Guyanese people.  Separate yourself from this crime, President Ramotar, and let the sunlight in.
C. Kenrick Hunte

Originally Posted by Ronald Narain:

nah Moses is a good old man.




That is the angriest, the most intolerant, and the most bitter man in Guyana.


Moses and Khemraj combined to help the AFC get 10.3% of the votes in 2011----the Guyanese people have now seen the true colors of Moses----next election the AFC will be lucky to get 8%.




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