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Politicians must not allow Amaila to become another Skeldon Plant or Berbice Bridge – Dr. Janette Bulkan

By Abena Rockcliffe, August 4, 2013, By Filed Under News, Source


“Even if late in the day, now is the time to have expert independent input and check on the project developer’s figures, to inform the members of all political parties in the National Assembly and civil society in general.  It is surely not acceptable for the Government to try to co-opt individuals by taking them into private meetings and showing them documents; that is neither transparency nor the freedom to receive information which is assured by Article 146 of the National Constitution.”


The saying, “those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it” was the stark reminder of Dr. Janette Bulkan, as she appealed to politicians to not have the Amaila Falls Hydro Electric Project become a repeat of the Skeldon Sugar Factory or the Berbice River Bridge.

“Guyanese cannot afford to subsidise another investment like the Berbice River Bridge.”

Dr. Bulkan is an anthropologist who has been quite vocal on issues regarding Guyana’s forestry practices and more recently the Amaila Falls Hydro Project.

Dr. Janette Bulkan


In a recent open letter to the media, Bulkan urged that politicians be cognizant of the mistakes Guyana made in the past as it relates to project investments. She singled out as glaring examples the Berbice River Bridge, the Skeldon Plant and the controversial Marriott Hotel.

Dr. Bulkan is asking for parliamentarians to seek a ’Green Paper’ which she said will help to avert another failed project.

A ‘Green Paper,’ can be defined as a discussion document intended to stimulate debate and launch a process of consultation on a particular topic.


It usually presents a range of ideas and is meant to invite interested individuals or organizations to contribute views and information.

It may be followed by a ‘White Paper’—an official set of proposals.

Bulkan said that a ‘Green Paper’ should be independently done on the Amaila Falls project.

Contacted yesterday, she told Kaieteur News that an independent expert opinion on the Amaila project “is very well needed.”

Bulkan who emphasized that she is a “concerned citizen,” advised that such a document will weigh the pros and cons of the Amaila project.

In her appeal to politicians, Bulkan expressed that “the briefings provided by the Sithe Global/Blackstone Group to the Parliamentary Sectoral Committees on Natural Resources and Economic Services and to the National Stakeholders Forum are no substitute for a Green Paper that includes the findings of independent objective technical and financial assessments.”

She referred to the National Stakeholders’ Forum on Wednesday last, where “Sithe Global stressed that it had spent US$16M and six years so far on the Amaila project; although it was not explained how the money had been spent other than ‘hundreds of scientists working on environmental issues” and said that it was odd that there are no published reports from these hundreds of scientists in the public domain.

Dr Bulkan, in her appeal requested politicians to adequately register the need for an independent green paper.

“If Guyanese taxpayers had had the benefit of an external review, we might have been spared the debt burden of the white elephant named Skeldon Sugar Factory whose costs to date are US$200M, and counting.”

She added that Guyanese might have had an alignment of the Berbice River Bridge that did not turn New Amsterdam into a backwater settlement; a toll that did not cost G$2,200 per car versus the Demerara River Bridge toll of G$200 per car.

“While the Berbice River Bridge was being constructed, the majority of poor Berbicians might have thought that they would be paying the same toll as the Demerara River bridge commuters. They lost corn and husk: there is no alternative cheap ferry. They must use the Berbice River Bridge. Wealthy investors are the principal beneficiaries of that bridge; the State has been foregoing revenues so that the privileged investors can earn dividends,” Bulkan stated.

She also said that the use of taxpayers’ money to fund the construction of a casino/hotel named the Marriott, by a Chinese company, using Chinese labour, and that will bring no named social or economic benefits to Guyana, could have also been avoided.

“Dr Luncheon has already signaled that the casino will be sold…Guyanese have been speculating on the identity of the likely beneficiaries. We would not have embarked on an unnecessary expansion of the Timehri Airport at great social and economic cost.”

“The drip, drip, drip of varying estimates of the component costs of this major construction project and associated commercial debts give no confidence that the Government knows what it is agreeing to with Sithe Global Inc. – whose only other venture into hydropower is the expensive and poorly-managed construction at Bujagali in Uganda, although the same personnel working for another Sithe company are said to have built other hydels. No details were provided other than a dam in Philippines.  Sithe clearly does not want to get sucked into questions about the management and capabilities of GPL and whether GPL can pay the future debt in full and on time.”

Bulkan also pointed out that the current draft agreement commits to Sithe getting the first cut of GPL income paid into Republic Bank, before GPL itself gets any money to pay its own costs.

However, Blackstone/Sithe confirmed that they would be willing to assist in the preparation of a Green Paper to the National Assembly, laying out objectively, in sufficient detail, the pros and cons of different options for future supply of electricity, including the final line item costs to the Guyanese taxpayer. Until now, the Government appears to have been considering only the single option of Amaila Falls and only cost estimates provided by the project partners.

“Even if late in the day, now is the time to have expert independent input and check on the project developer’s figures, to inform the members of all political parties in the National Assembly and civil society in general.  It is surely not acceptable for the Government to try to co-opt individuals by taking them into private meetings and showing them documents; that is neither transparency nor the freedom to receive information which is assured by Article 146 of the National Constitution,” Bulkan said.

“I hope that our Parliamentarians will think long and hard before voting for something that could turn into another Berbice Bridge — one in which most of the benefits are privatized, even while all the costs are socialised.  We do not need another Berbice Bridge — the costs borne by the average Guyanese, a cash cow for the private investor.”

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Dr. Bulkan is an anthropologist who has been quite vocal on issues regarding Guyana’s forestry practices and more recently the Amaila Falls Hydro Project.


Dr. Janette Bulkan


Bulkan who emphasized that sheis a “concerned citizen,” ....

Of course.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Dr. Bulkan is an anthropologist who has been quite vocal on issues regarding Guyana’s forestry practices and more recently the Amaila Falls Hydro Project.


Dr. Janette Bulkan


Bulkan who emphasized that sheis a “concerned citizen,” ....

Of course.

She is a real doctor.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Dr. Bulkan is an anthropologist who has been quite vocal on issues regarding Guyana’s forestry practices and more recently the Amaila Falls Hydro Project.


Dr. Janette Bulkan


Bulkan who emphasized that sheis a “concerned citizen,” ....

Of course.

She is a real doctor.

She is not an Ole Burnham Hydro_Seed opportunist who bending over to accommodate Jagdeo & Ramotar Larwa.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Dr. Bulkan is an anthropologist who has been quite vocal on issues regarding Guyana’s forestry practices and more recently the Amaila Falls Hydro Project.


Dr. Janette Bulkan


Bulkan who emphasized that sheis a “concerned citizen,” ....

Of course.

She has a record of direct activism while you are an idle skulker behind a keyboard.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
She has a record of direct activism while you are an idle skulker behind a keyboard.

Deep reflections about yourself, yet again?

Reflection on one reflections is the seat of contemplation you old senile fool. Were I reflecting on myself with the above it would not be a bad thing. Further, the lady is the one you pretend to be sarcastic about and you are indeed an idle old oaf behind a key board.

Originally Posted by Danyael:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Danyael:
She has a record of direct activism while you are an idle skulker behind a keyboard.

Deep reflections about yourself, yet again?

Reflection on one reflections is the seat of contemplation you old senile fool. Were I reflecting on myself with the above it would not be a bad thing. Further, the lady is the one you pretend to be sarcastic about and you are indeed an idle old oaf behind a key board.

Were .. were .. as you continue mumble to yourself.


Janette Bulkan’s nutcase rationality


Written by PETER PERSAUD, Wednesday, 26 June 2013 21:15, Source


I READ an article in the Sunday Stabroek of June 16, 2013 under the caption ‘Bai Shan Lin Forest holdings prompt Land lording concerns - Forest Commissioner says all arrangements legal’. Permit me to state the following:


1. Reading the article under the mentioned caption, I received the impression that Dr. Janette Bulkan is simply an usually disgruntled woman because she cannot play a constructive role in Guyana’s Forestry development on the basis of her genetic nutcase rationality. But it is important to recognise and accept that in this world of ours there are people like Bulkan who have political agendas based on what they want but cannot get.


Bulkan simply wants a forest concession in Guyana but lacks common sense and capital for accessing a concession and, as a result, she attacks companies both local and foreign that get concessions including the Guyana Forestry Commission (GFC) for issuing those concessions. This is basically Bulkan’s problem.

2. Mr. James Singh, Guyana’s Commissioner of Forests made it very clear that “the arrangements between Bai Shan Lin (BSL) and other companies have been done in a transparent manner and have been approved by the GFC’s board.”  Therefore, what illegal Land lording there is by BSL? The problem with Bulkan also is that she runs from the truth  and, like a typical cockroach, appearing only at nights to cover its filth.

3. Bulkan calls herself a forest researcher but so far has failed miserably to respond to the Commissioner of Forests invitation to visit the GFC’S headquarters to peruse relevant documentation on her claims against the BSL Company. But Bulkan is simply a bluff. If she tells Stabroek News to publish that forests are black in colour it will so publish. What manner of forest researcher is this?

4. Bulkan is claiming that BSL “Is engaged in illegal Land lording.” I am challenging Bulkan to provide the evidence for her claims against the BSL company and if she cannot she must cease her mischievous political agenda of discrediting the company for which she has absolutely no proof. But anyway, Bulkan is simply dream-walking in her sour grapes agenda against the GFC.


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