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November 2, 2020


Dear Editor,

Racism is caused by race labelling; it is a global problem that is used as the main tool by politicians to secure power and power bases in populations that are weighted down by demographic labels, regardless of the economic and social systems practiced.

Capitalism, Communism or Socialism are all undermined by this unhealthy social construct that feeds off of recognizing another human being as different, in an inferior way.

Alan Watts, a philosopher and writer on Buddhism, Taoism, and Hinduism said: “Nothing exists independently, everything is a thing, only in relation to  everything else, therefore there are no separate things, no real selves or souls or egos – and trying to cling to these things is the cause of suffering, discord and frustration.”

Imagine in our Guyana that free and fair elections were held in 2020 and Walter Rodney’s Working People’s Alliance had won the election; let us imagine how Walter Rodney would have governed, with the power bestowed on him by our constitution.

Then our leaders must stop imagining and govern like Dr. Walter Rodney would. Under these circumstances, Guyana would have tangible and meaningful inclusive governance and massive economic growth, regardless of which administration governs.

In the imaginings, we assume the philosophy of Walter still obtains when he was killed on June 13, 1980, and that his philosophy would be the bedrock and priority of the new administration.

Then one immediately gets a sense of how misdirection, wrong paths and racism dominates our political culture, as it has existed since PPP split in 1955.

From whichever demographic we are separated into, I dare say guiltiness will abound amongst our political leaders, as they know they have embraced an anti-Guyanese political culture.

Racism is a disease. Poverty is a disease. Our politicians need to recognize that the cleansing of these scourges must be addressed in a deliberative and focused way.

To rephrase the great philosopher Aimè Cèsaire: Politicians and politics and its various …isms must be harnessed into the service of people and not the other way around, and moreover, absolutely not in a discriminatory manner.

Yours faithfully,

Nigel Hinds

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Marxism has had a difficult relationship with non-class oppressions like gender and race. For most, historical materialism is “race” and “gender-blind,” providing an explanation of only class exploitation. Those working in our tradition have either reduced race or gender to capitalist manipulation or adopted an intersectional approach in which class, race, and gender are separate but intersecting systems of oppression.

@Ramakant-P posted:

You are not speaking English.

How does plagiarism sound?

I heard you were a teacher you should know better or is it a PPP thing stealing another person's work and use it as your own, then print the darn certificates?

Last edited by cain
@Mitwah posted:

I caught him quite a few times before. Once a teef always a teef.

Look who talking about thief, if you had good record you would have gotten the government job that you applied so many times, even Rumjaat couldn't help you.

@Mitwah posted:

I caught him quite a few times before. Once a teef always a teef.

Well, like I keep saying, chupidness na gat cure.  It is the only way to describe pathological behaviour in terms that PPP supporters understand.  Rama is beyond stupid but some people keep egging him on.  For those of you who understand life in "Indian" villages in Guyana people like Rama represent the PPP and people see them as being intelligent.  He is the kind that the PPP gets to tell lies about dissenters.  You have to study their simple game and beat them into a pulp.  No sympathy , not even for their age and dementia. 

@kp posted:

Look who talking about thief, if you had good record you would have gotten the government job that you applied so many times, even Rumjaat couldn't help you.

Coming from a man who used to extort fry rice from poor people.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Marxism has had a difficult relationship with non-class oppressions like gender and race. For most, historical materialism is “race” and “gender-blind,” providing an explanation of only class exploitation. Those working in our tradition have either reduced race or gender to capitalist manipulation or adopted an intersectional approach in which class, race, and gender are separate but intersecting systems of oppression.

It must be shameful for Rama to be caught writing this personally. Cause its well know that he is not intelligent enough, to write such an elaborate article.

@Tola posted:

It must be shameful for Rama to be caught writing this personally. Cause its well know that he is not intelligent enough, to write such an elaborate article.

It's a pity you don't have the ability to write intelligent things but only pretend to be. Why smart people like yourself write stupid things?

@Ramakant-P posted:

It's a pity you don't have the ability to write intelligent things but only pretend to be. Why smart people like yourself write stupid things?

Rama, don't be a smart ass like most in the PPP, when a lot of your postings are plagiarism. 

@Ramakant-P posted:

The man was eating flied lice in jail.

Here's the gutter rat mentality.  One idiot writes a lie and the other one now has a man eating flied lice in jail.  This is low class coolie mentality--straight out of a rotten gutter. 

@Totaram posted:

Here's the gutter rat mentality.  One idiot writes a lie and the other one now has a man eating flied lice in jail.  This is low class coolie mentality--straight out of a rotten gutter.

You should know because you came out of the gutter.  Chupidness nah gat cure.

@Totaram posted:

Here's the gutter rat mentality.  One idiot writes a lie and the other one now has a man eating flied lice in jail.  This is low class coolie mentality--straight out of a rotten gutter.

I refused to come down to your level.

@Ramakant-P posted:

No, they are not.   I haven't seen any intelligent posting from you.

What intelligence have you post here ? Other than  fabricated PPP crap and stealing other people writings.

When you make up stories, you look chupidier dan those in the PPP, including de Barrat.


Apan Jhaat is alive and will survive many more generations. Getting rid of the list system and allowing the people to send direct representatives to govern with the power to recall should be tested.

@Tola posted:

What intelligence have you post here ? Other than  fabricated PPP crap and stealing other people writings.

When you make up stories, you look chupidier dan those in the PPP, including de Barrat.

You are not speaking English.

@Tola posted:

Rama_Pee Chupidee na got cure.

Now you are being driven in an acutely disturbed state of mind resulting from illness or intoxication and characterized by illusions, thought, and the quality of being illogical, inconsistent, and unclear.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Now you are being driven in an acutely disturbed state of mind resulting from illness or intoxication and characterized by illusions, thought, and the quality of being illogical, inconsistent, and unclear.

So you copied this from the Merriam. You should mention the source. If not it's a copyright violation.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Now you are being driven in an acutely disturbed state of mind resulting from illness or intoxication and characterized by illusions, thought, and the quality of being illogical, inconsistent, and unclear.

Ralph, did you write all that by yourself. It must overload your brain.


Up to date suicide fund raiser still can't produce a financial statement  yet he calls other people thief.

They should be ashamed of themselves pointing fingers.

Rama don't waste time with losers. The TMT fraudsters.

@Ramakant-P posted:

Don't be stupid. If you have nothing to say, shut up.

You dumb ass copied the meaning of the word from the lexicon and don't expect to be caught? And then the dumb ass giving you the thumbs up. LHM.

Last edited by Mitwah
@Mitwah posted:

You dumb ass copied the meaning of the word from the lexicon and don't expect to be caught? And then the dumb ass giving you the thumbs up. LHM.

Your behaviour needs professional attention,  change your pampers you are sitting on shit. Don't dig and smell.

@kp posted:

Your behaviour needs professional attention,  change your pampers you are sitting on shit. Don't dig and smell.

Sorry for sitting on you Mr. Kaka Poop. Damn! Now I have to take a cyber shower.

Last edited by Mitwah

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