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Politics and Guyana’s Underdevelopment – Part 2


Posted By TarronKhemraj On February 6, 2013 @ 5:01 am In Daily,Features | No Comments


I would like to remind readers about the four groups upon which the analysis is based (see previous column SN Jan 23, 2013). The groups are: (i) East Indian elites (EIE), (ii) African Guyanese elites (AGE), (iii) East Indian masses (EIM), and (iv) African Guyanese masses (AGM). The groups compete for economic resources and opportunities, whether it be a job or procurement of goods from the State. We will introduce a fifth group later in the analysis but will take their interaction as given. It was noted in the previous column how the constitution allows leaders from the two ethnic elites to mobilize within their own ethnic group. Therefore, we have both class and ethnic interactions determining resource distributions and political behaviour.


Turnover in government can be a good thing in a fledgling democracy. If East Indian and African Guyanese masses forget about their fears for a moment they can not only discipline their respective elites, but also shake up the entire country at the ballot box. They will force elites to reach across to the other group and seek compromise. Elites could become less complacent as their political office is not guaranteed. Believing that they will always win an election, the PPP elites do not care to be accountable. They can always blame others for the mess they create. The PNC elites know that they can extract rewards by mobilizing their masses and making sure no other party challenges their hold.


No government turnover


Unfortunately we do not see the kind of government turnover in Guyana as for example they have in Trinidad and Tobago where a sufficient number of East Indian and African masses vote across ethnic party lines. This allows that country to regularly change leadership from one ethnic elite to another. In this situation no group can always expect to win, while the other always expects to lose.


In Guyana, on the other hand, the winning East Indian elites associated with the PPP do not care that Parliament votes no confidence against a Minister. A similar no confidence vote in other Caribbean territories would result in the resignation of the Minister. In Guyana this Minister has been a complete failure in security. Yet the PPP believes they must protect this individual; they feel assured in their ways because of a guaranteed vote bank of EIMs. Can this situation change? That is the question we hope to answer in the coming columns.


The losing African Guyanese elites will need to protest and use subterfuge to extract political gains as the Hoyte PNC did effectively. This possibly may have provided the opportunity for the  planting of saboteurs into the protests of the AGEs so as to blame them for all the trouble. When a protest goes sour, it plays right into the hands of the PPP’s EIEs. Since the Constitution only allows coalitions before the election, they can go into the villages to compound the fears of EIMs.


Resource control and allocations

In Guyana the party which wins the election effectively controls the allocation and distribution of the country’s scarce resources. Since 1992 the EIEs of the PPP won the election and therefore are in a position to control and allocate economic resources. They determine who gets the large swaths of land and who gets small house lots; who gets contracts for State procurements; which foreign investors are let in (mainly investors in natural resource industries thus making it easier to extract off-the-book kick-back taxes); who gets contract employment in the civil service and so on.


They also determine who controls Chronicle and NCN and they build up their own private media outlets to the extent where elections are no longer free and fair but free and unfair.


While the EIEs win the election on the backs of its EIMs, they have to be aware that for them to hold on to power they must redistribute some resources and opportunities to AGEs, EIMs and AGMs. EIMs can become apathetic and fed up with the PPP; therefore EIEs must allocate some resources to these folks. If enough EIMs become apathetic then the main opposition can win the election. In a sense, therefore, EIEs has to decide how to compensate EIMs so as to keep them engaged politically.


This might not seem to be the case given the ironic destruction of sugar under the PPP and the failure to provide security. The US$180 million Skeldon sugar factory is as good as the old one; it will cost millions of US$ to fix hence taking away resources from other activities. Perhaps sugar workers are finally asking why Skeldon failed as they reassess their livelihood without help from families abroad. It would be a mistake to assume the EIEs are not aware of the growing apathy among EIMs.


EIEs face protests and revolutionary discontents from AGMs. They must therefore redistribute some resources to that group. Strategically EIEs will want to drive a wedge between AGMs and AGEs. Therefore, they would be tempted to provide generous redistributions to a few AGEs connected to the PNC.

This allows one or two individuals in the PNC to operate the party as their fiefdom. They can provide job opportunities and so on to a few children.

In this arrangement the marginalization of AGMs is not effectively represented by AGEs. Imagine during the constitutional reform period the AGEs of the PNC never insisted that coalitions take place after elections.


They handed to EIEs a major trump card for stoking fears among EIMs. EIEs will also want to compensate AGMs enough so as to assuage their discontents. This could be done by offering house lots and other benefits. The same form of resource transfers can be given to EIMs.


Democratic consolidation


The redistribution of some resources to preserve the status quo raises the question of whether Guyana is really a democracy. Do free and fair elections imply a democracy? Guyana saw a reintroduction of democracy in 1992. However, today we have a gradual encroachment of undemocratic practices. In other words, democracy has not yet consolidated in Guyana. That is why I prefer to say free but unfair elections given how the state machinery is used against opposition parties.


This consolidation becomes difficult given the competition for resources and the informal redistribution schemes. If EIEs believe they can control resources and redistribute at their convenience, then democracy will not be firmly rooted.

In other words, they do not need to reform or become accountable. A question arising from the analysis is at what stage could there be a revolution?
And when will EIMs stay home in large enough numbers so that there is turnover in government?  Will AGEs just use their people as leverage to extract resources from the EIEs?


I do not believe these questions can be answered adequately in these columns. They will require specifying a mathematical model and solving for the equilibriums so as to figure out the revolutionary threshold, the apathy threshold and the maximum level of EIE transfers before they accommodate democracy. A point can be reached at which EIEs find it more costly to keeping paying off other groups relative to the benefits of controlling resources. In that case it is just better to accommodate and allow democracy to take root. These questions are the focus of my academic writings and anyone is free to email me for my take on them.


Nevertheless, in the absence of constitutional reform government turnover is an ideal outcome. In the next column, I will explain that this turnover becomes difficult to achieve in a system of fear, distrust and lack of information. I will show clearly how an unbalanced development would occur when politics is as it is in Guyana. 

We will close this series by examining the effects remittances and bilateral transfers can have on the consolidation of democracy.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Originally Posted by TK:

And when will EIMs stay home in large enough numbers so that there is turnover in government?


Will AGEs just use their people as leverage to extract resources from the EIEs?


I do not believe these questions can be answered adequately in these columns.

Suggestions will be addressed in reports other than in your columns.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:


The "dog donk" in yuh head holding yuh back nuh? 

The DAAG DONG is in the writing above. Now pull your head out of your ASS!!!

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:

And when will EIMs stay home in large enough numbers so that there is turnover in government?


Will AGEs just use their people as leverage to extract resources from the EIEs?


I do not believe these questions can be answered adequately in these columns.

Suggestions will be addressed in reports other than in your columns.



We eagerly anticipate your 'reports'. Thank you. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:

And when will EIMs stay home in large enough numbers so that there is turnover in government?


Will AGEs just use their people as leverage to extract resources from the EIEs?


I do not believe these questions can be answered adequately in these columns.

Suggestions will be addressed in reports other than in your columns.



We eagerly anticipate your 'reports'. Thank you. 

The specific item is about your inadequate report.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:

And when will EIMs stay home in large enough numbers so that there is turnover in government?


Will AGEs just use their people as leverage to extract resources from the EIEs?


I do not believe these questions can be answered adequately in these columns.

Suggestions will be addressed in reports other than in your columns.



We eagerly anticipate your 'reports'. Thank you. 

The specific item is about your inadequate report.



I can't ever remember writing a report for SN or KN. So we look forward to seeing your reports. 

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:

And when will EIMs stay home in large enough numbers so that there is turnover in government?


Will AGEs just use their people as leverage to extract resources from the EIEs?


I do not believe these questions can be answered adequately in these columns.

Suggestions will be addressed in reports other than in your columns.



We eagerly anticipate your 'reports'. Thank you. 

The specific item is about your inadequate report.

You may have forgotten those other reports you suggest will address the pertinent questions.  Agreeably you are not in full possession of your faculties and often forget what you said...just reminding you.

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:


The "dog donk" in yuh head holding yuh back nuh? 

The DAAG DONG is in the writing above. Now pull your head out of your ASS!!!

The dog donk is oozing out your mouth unto this board when you shout. 

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
You may have forgotten those other reports you suggest will address the pertinent questions.  Agreeably you are not in full possession of your faculties and often forget what you said...just reminding you.

Stormborn continues to mumble about his inadequacies.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
You may have forgotten those other reports you suggest will address the pertinent questions.  Agreeably you are not in full possession of your faculties and often forget what you said...just reminding you.

Stormborn continues to mumble about his inadequacies.


Wow! That is so clever. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:


The "dog donk" in yuh head holding yuh back nuh? 

The DAAG DONG is in the writing above. Now pull your head out of your ASS!!!

The dog donk is oozing out your mouth unto this board when you shout. 


Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:


The "dog donk" in yuh head holding yuh back nuh? 

The DAAG DONG is in the writing above. Now pull your head out of your ASS!!!

The dog donk is oozing out your mouth unto this board when you shout. 


From mudhead to dog donk...what would it be next, nehruji? Cooolie can prappa insult them matie 

Originally Posted by ABIDHA:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:


The "dog donk" in yuh head holding yuh back nuh? 

The DAAG DONG is in the writing above. Now pull your head out of your ASS!!!

The dog donk is oozing out your mouth unto this board when you shout. 


From mudhead to dog donk...what would it be next, nehruji? Cooolie can prappa insult them matie 

Bhai, TK nah gat SHAME. He worst than dem HOS at Gaumont.


The redistribution of some resources to preserve the status quo raises the question of whether Guyana is really a democracy. Do free and fair elections imply a democracy? Guyana saw a reintroduction of democracy in 1992. However, today we have a gradual encroachment of undemocratic practices. In other words, democracy has not yet consolidated in Guyana. That is why I prefer to say free but unfair elections given how the state machinery is used against opposition parties.




So you agree beginning 1992 we saw a reintroduction of a democracy.  Why is it that now you see the elections as free but UNFAIR?

Originally Posted by alena06:

The redistribution of some resources to preserve the status quo raises the question of whether Guyana is really a democracy. Do free and fair elections imply a democracy? Guyana saw a reintroduction of democracy in 1992. However, today we have a gradual encroachment of undemocratic practices. In other words, democracy has not yet consolidated in Guyana. That is why I prefer to say free but unfair elections given how the state machinery is used against opposition parties.




So you agree beginning 1992 we saw a reintroduction of a democracy.  Why is it that now you see the elections as free but UNFAIR?

1. The abuse of opposition personalities at Chronicle and NCN. Many ghost writers can use Chronicle but we cannot reply. My letters were never accepted in Chronicle.

2. Opposition don't get any voice on NCN and Chronicle.

3. Guyana Times created by state subsidies while SN faced boycott.

4. Friend of Jagdeo now controls VCT.

5. One radio station and only friends of PPP got licenses.

6. President Ramotar campaigned on state time and money. 

7. The people were denied local government elections for 18 years.

I am sure Stromborn and others can extend this list. 

Originally Posted by alena06:

The redistribution of some resources to preserve the status quo raises the question of whether Guyana is really a democracy. Do free and fair elections imply a democracy? Guyana saw a reintroduction of democracy in 1992. However, today we have a gradual encroachment of undemocratic practices. In other words, democracy has not yet consolidated in Guyana. That is why I prefer to say free but unfair elections given how the state machinery is used against opposition parties.




So you agree beginning 1992 we saw a reintroduction of a democracy.  Why is it that now you see the elections as free but UNFAIR?

 There are multiple reasons to re assess democracy in Guyana. The tool for doing so are widely know and used no less in 20 countries. You can avail yourself of the methodology and line up the suggestions of what to look for and see if the PPP is remotely embracing those precepts.


The introduction of democracy is not de facto the fullest expression of democracy to begin with. Election was done with the old system and the old constitution remained in place. The did little since then to address the failings of either. Instead the remained static and for the only only reason is that as old communists they do not care for democracy.


Actually, that has some resonance in the world since everywhere that democracy has failed in the since the fall of the soviet union it was on account that old communists took over. 

Originally Posted by TK:

1. The abuse of opposition personalities at Chronicle and NCN. Many ghost writers can use Chronicle but we cannot reply. My letters were never accepted in Chronicle.

2. Opposition don't get any voice on NCN and Chronicle.

3. Guyana Times created by state subsidies while SN faced boycott.

4. Friend of Jagdeo now controls VCT.

5. One radio station and only friends of PPP got licenses.

6. President Ramotar campaigned on state time and money. 

7. The people were denied local government elections for 18 years.

I am sure Stromborn and others can extend this list. 

I have suggested time and time again that govt should not be owning media as it is self serving. However you and your AFC/PNC partners disagree. Media should be owned by the private sector and government only involvement should be oversight. 

Originally Posted by Stormborn:
There are multiple reasons to re assess democracy in Guyana.


The tool for doing so are widely know and used no less in 20 countries.

Applied also in Guyana.


However, you lagged in the developments.

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by Stormborn:
There are multiple reasons to re assess democracy in Guyana.


The tool for doing so are widely know and used no less in 20 countries.

Applied also in Guyana.


However, you lagged in the developments.


Originally Posted by TK:



So you agree beginning 1992 we saw a reintroduction of a democracy.  Why is it that now you see the elections as free but UNFAIR?

1. The abuse of opposition personalities at Chronicle and NCN. Many ghost writers can use Chronicle but we cannot reply. My letters were never accepted in Chronicle.  You get to air your views on Stabroek News.

2. Opposition don't get any voice on NCN and Chronicle. Opposition needs to gain credibility and the first step is acting professionally in parliament, and prove to the PPP that they are teamplayers instead of naysayers.

3. Guyana Times created by state subsidies while SN faced boycott.

4. Friend of Jagdeo now controls VCT.  Not relevant, Jagdeo is no longer president.

5. One radio station and only friends of PPP got licenses.  Hearsay.

6. President Ramotar campaigned on state time and money. 

7. The people were denied local government elections for 18 years.

I am sure Stromborn and others can extend this list. 

A lot of these are hearsay and not proven facts.   A major accomplishment since 1992 is that BLACKS can now boast that they live in a country where elections are NOT RIGGED.  That is the first step to democracy.

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by TK:



So you agree beginning 1992 we saw a reintroduction of a democracy.  Why is it that now you see the elections as free but UNFAIR?

1. The abuse of opposition personalities at Chronicle and NCN. Many ghost writers can use Chronicle but we cannot reply. My letters were never accepted in Chronicle.  You get to air your views on Stabroek News.

2. Opposition don't get any voice on NCN and Chronicle. Opposition needs to gain credibility and the first step is acting professionally in parliament, and prove to the PPP that they are teamplayers instead of naysayers.

3. Guyana Times created by state subsidies while SN faced boycott.

4. Friend of Jagdeo now controls VCT.  Not relevant, Jagdeo is no longer president.

5. One radio station and only friends of PPP got licenses.  Hearsay.

6. President Ramotar campaigned on state time and money. 

7. The people were denied local government elections for 18 years.

I am sure Stromborn and others can extend this list. 

A lot of these are hearsay and not proven facts.   A major accomplishment since 1992 is that BLACKS can now boast that they live in a country where elections are NOT RIGGED.  That is the first step to democracy.




Good to see you have written down a lump of shit. You have exposed your true colors. You are no longer on my respect button. 

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by alena06:

The redistribution of some resources to preserve the status quo raises the question of whether Guyana is really a democracy. Do free and fair elections imply a democracy? Guyana saw a reintroduction of democracy in 1992. However, today we have a gradual encroachment of undemocratic practices. In other words, democracy has not yet consolidated in Guyana. That is why I prefer to say free but unfair elections given how the state machinery is used against opposition parties.




So you agree beginning 1992 we saw a reintroduction of a democracy.  Why is it that now you see the elections as free but UNFAIR?

1. The abuse of opposition personalities at Chronicle and NCN. Many ghost writers can use Chronicle but we cannot reply. My letters were never accepted in Chronicle.

2. Opposition don't get any voice on NCN and Chronicle.

3. Guyana Times created by state subsidies while SN faced boycott.

4. Friend of Jagdeo now controls VCT.

5. One radio station and only friends of PPP got licenses.

6. President Ramotar campaigned on state time and money. 

7. The people were denied local government elections for 18 years.

I am sure Stromborn and others can extend this list. 

How about the abuse of the PPP campaigners in places like Buxton, beating and pouring petrol on them.  You are very hypocritical, even you had to run when you venture the criticize the PNC.

Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by TK:



So you agree beginning 1992 we saw a reintroduction of a democracy.  Why is it that now you see the elections as free but UNFAIR?

1. The abuse of opposition personalities at Chronicle and NCN. Many ghost writers can use Chronicle but we cannot reply. My letters were never accepted in Chronicle.  You get to air your views on Stabroek News.

2. Opposition don't get any voice on NCN and Chronicle. Opposition needs to gain credibility and the first step is acting professionally in parliament, and prove to the PPP that they are teamplayers instead of naysayers.

3. Guyana Times created by state subsidies while SN faced boycott.

4. Friend of Jagdeo now controls VCT.  Not relevant, Jagdeo is no longer president.

5. One radio station and only friends of PPP got licenses.  Hearsay.

6. President Ramotar campaigned on state time and money. 

7. The people were denied local government elections for 18 years.

I am sure Stromborn and others can extend this list. 

A lot of these are hearsay and not proven facts.   A major accomplishment since 1992 is that BLACKS can now boast that they live in a country where elections are NOT RIGGED.  That is the first step to democracy.




Good to see you have written down a lump of shit. You have exposed your true colors. You are no longer on my respect button. 

You are the self appointed judge, jury and executioner.  TK, you are far ahead of yourself bai.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by TK:
Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by TK:



So you agree beginning 1992 we saw a reintroduction of a democracy.  Why is it that now you see the elections as free but UNFAIR?

1. The abuse of opposition personalities at Chronicle and NCN. Many ghost writers can use Chronicle but we cannot reply. My letters were never accepted in Chronicle.  You get to air your views on Stabroek News.

2. Opposition don't get any voice on NCN and Chronicle. Opposition needs to gain credibility and the first step is acting professionally in parliament, and prove to the PPP that they are teamplayers instead of naysayers.

3. Guyana Times created by state subsidies while SN faced boycott.

4. Friend of Jagdeo now controls VCT.  Not relevant, Jagdeo is no longer president.

5. One radio station and only friends of PPP got licenses.  Hearsay.

6. President Ramotar campaigned on state time and money. 

7. The people were denied local government elections for 18 years.

I am sure Stromborn and others can extend this list. 

A lot of these are hearsay and not proven facts.   A major accomplishment since 1992 is that BLACKS can now boast that they live in a country where elections are NOT RIGGED.  That is the first step to democracy.




Good to see you have written down a lump of shit. You have exposed your true colors. You are no longer on my respect button. 

You are the self appointed judge, jury and executioner.  TK, you are far ahead of yourself bai.

Baseman at least he better than you, you are the kiss ass man, the suck man, the only thing you cannot do, is be a man!

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally posted by TK

1. The abuse of opposition personalities at Chronicle and NCN. Many ghost writers can use Chronicle but we cannot reply. My letters were never accepted in Chronicle. 

You get to air your views on Stabroek News.


alena, how can someone defend themselves in another paper?

It's like saying when you are attacked on this board and you try to defend your stand you are not given the right so you go on another board and defend it. No, it doesn't work that way.


2. Opposition don't get any voice on NCN and Chronicle.

Opposition needs to gain credibility and the first step is acting professionally in parliament, and prove to the PPP that they are teamplayers instead of naysayers.

The opposition has already gained credibility, it's the Govt that's now losing theirs.

4. Friend of Jagdeo now controls VCT. 

Not relevant, Jagdeo is no longer president.

Says who?

5. One radio station and only friends of PPP got licenses. 


So, give us the truth if you don't mind.

6. President Ramotar campaigned on state time and money.

Obviously you agree with this.

7. The people were denied local government elections for 18 years.

Again obvious you agree.

A lot of these are hearsay and not proven facts.   A major accomplishment since 1992 is that BLACKS can now boast that they live in a country where elections are NOT RIGGED.  That is the first step to democracy.

OH WOW!!! Just look at that, after all this time the blacks have been given something by the PPP. Yessss, the blacks live in a country where elections are not rigged, ohhhh wow what an accomplishment for the PPP after how many years?

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by TK:



So you agree beginning 1992 we saw a reintroduction of a democracy.  Why is it that now you see the elections as free but UNFAIR?

1. The abuse of opposition personalities at Chronicle and NCN. Many ghost writers can use Chronicle but we cannot reply. My letters were never accepted in Chronicle.  You get to air your views on Stabroek News.

2. Opposition don't get any voice on NCN and Chronicle. Opposition needs to gain credibility and the first step is acting professionally in parliament, and prove to the PPP that they are teamplayers instead of naysayers.

3. Guyana Times created by state subsidies while SN faced boycott.

4. Friend of Jagdeo now controls VCT.  Not relevant, Jagdeo is no longer president.

5. One radio station and only friends of PPP got licenses.  Hearsay.

6. President Ramotar campaigned on state time and money. 

7. The people were denied local government elections for 18 years.

I am sure Stromborn and others can extend this list. 

A lot of these are hearsay and not proven facts.   A major accomplishment since 1992 is that BLACKS can now boast that they live in a country where elections are NOT RIGGED.  That is the first step to democracy.

None the above is hearsay. All is rooted in fact and a reality obvious to any who are willing to put away their blinders. The PPP has been consistently a-democratic and defends their rights to totalitarianism of absolute rule on a dictatorial constitution. Only a month ago did they proclaim their authority to act without legislative consent. They actually insist the legislature is subordinate to the president. He for all intents and purposes is our elected King in their view!


Blacks fought in the streets for democracy and bore the brunt of attrition in the struggle for democracy.  The idea that Indians alone were victims or fighters for democracy is a cruel hoax that no sensible person should let stand.

All fun and jokes aside I have been involved in two projects in Guyana and there is a critical shortage of unskilled and skilled labour! At one point we had to suspend our activities. No these were not government projects.
Originally Posted by TK:

Good to see you have written down a lump of shit. You have exposed your true colors. You are no longer on my respect button. 

Is that your rebuttal nerdy looking adjunct professor.  My husband's second job is an adjunct professor and he does not act or write like a nerd like you.. You are writing a long, drawn out aricle to publish to the Guyanese people and can't even defend it. 


You need to respect yourself and have self confidence in who you are before your can respect others.  I don't need your respect.  Ciao!

Originally Posted by Demerara_Guy:
Originally Posted by TK:
Good to see you have written down a lump of shit.

"ASSociate teacher" at his true level of expressions.

A well known modern philosopher wrote a book called On Bullshit. Make sure you buy a copy.;keywords=Bull+shit 

Originally Posted by alena06:
Originally Posted by TK:

Good to see you have written down a lump of shit. You have exposed your true colors. You are no longer on my respect button. 

Is that your rebuttal nerdy looking adjunct professor.  My husband's second job is an adjunct professor and he does not act or write like a nerd like you.. You are writing a long, drawn out aricle to publish to the Guyanese people and can't even defend it. 


You need to respect yourself and have self confidence in who you are before your can respect others.  I don't need your respect.  Ciao!



Oh good for you. I wish you and your husband all the best. Ask him how easy it is to move from adjunct prof to tenure track assistant prof to tenured associate. 


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