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ksazma posted:

. . . Africans didn’t want to work on the plantation anymore so the poor plantation owners were faced with a dilemma for an alternative to the loss of their African labor force [chattel slaves].

anybody wondering about the sick 'psychology' at work in the "Blacks are the scourge of the world" mindset needs to pay close attention here

keep talking banna

ksazma posted:

Anyway Tola bai. I didn’t ask a question. I made statement that the Africans didn’t want to work on the plantation anymore so the poor plantation owners were faced with a dilemma for an alternative to the loss of their African labor force. The Indians provided a much needed relief to the owners. If the Africans realize afterwards that made a terrible decision, they should just bear their chafe and not blame Indians for their mistakes.

But Ksazma bhai,  some free slaves remained on the plantation and worked for a wage.

Their subdivision on the sugar estate was called Nig*er  yard and the Indians subdivisions    were called Bound Yard and Free Yard. 

The indenture labourers  bound by their five year contract stayed in Bound Yard  and Free yard was those  who finished  their contract, but choose not to return to India.

Nig*er yard was not  a pleasant name for Africans, but that was what the British named it. All sugar estates  had Nig*er Yard, Bound yard and Free Yard. My family lived in Free Yard among the logies, once occupied by  African slaves.

The animosity the African slaves felt for the Indenture labourers was due to the Indians bidding lower on job, thus reducing the wages of Africans, including the Indians.

If there was corporation and union, it would have benefitted everyone.   


Pure shyte.  The oldest and most basic principal of any business is to reduce input cost. It happens everyday today. 

In America today immigrants are used to reduce costs and some jobs are taken out to the cheaper labor.  Then we call people racist for complaining. 

The animosity towards Indians have more to do with political power than work.  Even today, Afros don’t have a high desire to work the plantations.  

Every mixed society will have its tensions even in the best of times. The deep seated animosity today is rooted in political power and who should have control of Guyana!  Burnham and Jagan was once united then broke as power play took over!

There is strength in unity, but some Ayuh like to divide and conquer.

Baseman believes in unity and love.

Last edited by Former Member
Tola posted:
ksazma posted:

Anyway Tola bai. I didn’t ask a question. I made statement that the Africans didn’t want to work on the plantation anymore so the poor plantation owners were faced with a dilemma for an alternative to the loss of their African labor force. The Indians provided a much needed relief to the owners. If the Africans realize afterwards that made a terrible decision, they should just bear their chafe and not blame Indians for their mistakes.

But Ksazma bhai,  some free slaves remained on the plantation and worked for a wage.

Their subdivision on the sugar estate was called Nig*er  yard and the Indians subdivisions    were called Bound Yard and Free Yard. 

The indenture labourers  bound by their five year contract stayed in Bound Yard  and Free yard was those  who finished  their contract, but choose not to return to India.

Nig*er yard was not  a pleasant name for Africans, but that was what the British named it. All sugar estates  had Nig*er Yard, Bound yard and Free Yard. My family lived in Free Yard among the logies, once occupied by  African slaves.

The animosity the African slaves felt for the Indenture labourers was due to the Indians bidding lower on job, thus reducing the wages of Africans, including the Indians.

If there was corporation and union, it would have benefitted everyone.   

Indians can't be held responsible for what the British or Africans did. The Africans created the labor crises when many of them decided to leave the plantation. The plantation owners still had a business to operate so they did what any business owner would do, they went out and source alternative labor. Indians were not their first choice but in the end, they decided that Indians were a good fit because they were adapted to plantation activities and most of all, willing to work. So the plantation owners incurred the high cost of bringing them across the Atlantic and giving them a workable wage. The Africans could have accepted the same wage if they really wanted to compete for those jobs and the plantation owners would gladly rehire them because rehiring them had the benefit of not having to incur the high cost of transporting Indians across the Atlantic as well as not having to incur the cost of training since the Africans were already working on the plantations prior to staging their walk out. There is an old saying in Guyana that fast cents are better than slow dollars (or something like that). The Indians understood that concept a lot better than the Africans. There is a good chance the Africans didn't really want to work but were hoping to just extort the plantation owners. Their plan back firing is their loss not the innocent Indians fault.

ksazma posted:
Tola posted:
ksazma posted:

Anyway Tola bai. I didn’t ask a question. I made statement that the Africans didn’t want to work on the plantation anymore so the poor plantation owners were faced with a dilemma for an alternative to the loss of their African labor force. The Indians provided a much needed relief to the owners. If the Africans realize afterwards that made a terrible decision, they should just bear their chafe and not blame Indians for their mistakes.

But Ksazma bhai,  some free slaves remained on the plantation and worked for a wage.

Their subdivision on the sugar estate was called Nig*er  yard and the Indians subdivisions    were called Bound Yard and Free Yard. 

The indenture labourers  bound by their five year contract stayed in Bound Yard  and Free yard was those  who finished  their contract, but choose not to return to India.

Nig*er yard was not  a pleasant name for Africans, but that was what the British named it. All sugar estates  had Nig*er Yard, Bound yard and Free Yard. My family lived in Free Yard among the logies, once occupied by  African slaves.

The animosity the African slaves felt for the Indenture labourers was due to the Indians bidding lower on job, thus reducing the wages of Africans, including the Indians.

If there was corporation and union, it would have benefitted everyone.   

Indians can't be held responsible for what the British or Africans did. The Africans created the labor crises when many of them decided to leave the plantation. The plantation owners still had a business to operate so they did what any business owner would do, they went out and source alternative labor. Indians were not their first choice but in the end, they decided that Indians were a good fit because they were adapted to plantation activities and most of all, willing to work. So the plantation owners incurred the high cost of bringing them across the Atlantic and giving them a workable wage. The Africans could have accepted the same wage if they really wanted to compete for those jobs and the plantation owners would gladly rehire them because rehiring them had the benefit of not having to incur the high cost of transporting Indians across the Atlantic as well as not having to incur the cost of training since the Africans were already working on the plantations prior to staging their walk out. There is an old saying in Guyana that fast cents are better than slow dollars (or something like that). The Indians understood that concept a lot better than the Africans. There is a good chance the Africans didn't really want to work but were hoping to just extort the plantation owners. Their plan back firing is their loss not the innocent Indians fault.

It’s a nonsense argument.  True, Afros then might have felt displaced by Indians as some Americans feel about immigrants today.  However, Blacks have long moved pass that. Even burnham could not get Blacks to go back to the land in mass.  

The deep seated animosity today is all about political control of the real estate. 

Both groups have to seek an accommodation to ensure everyone feels included and having their fair share.

Baseman posted:
ksazma posted:
Tola posted:
ksazma posted:

Anyway Tola bai. I didn’t ask a question. I made statement that the Africans didn’t want to work on the plantation anymore so the poor plantation owners were faced with a dilemma for an alternative to the loss of their African labor force. The Indians provided a much needed relief to the owners. If the Africans realize afterwards that made a terrible decision, they should just bear their chafe and not blame Indians for their mistakes.

But Ksazma bhai,  some free slaves remained on the plantation and worked for a wage.

Their subdivision on the sugar estate was called Nig*er  yard and the Indians subdivisions    were called Bound Yard and Free Yard. 

The indenture labourers  bound by their five year contract stayed in Bound Yard  and Free yard was those  who finished  their contract, but choose not to return to India.

Nig*er yard was not  a pleasant name for Africans, but that was what the British named it. All sugar estates  had Nig*er Yard, Bound yard and Free Yard. My family lived in Free Yard among the logies, once occupied by  African slaves.

The animosity the African slaves felt for the Indenture labourers was due to the Indians bidding lower on job, thus reducing the wages of Africans, including the Indians.

If there was corporation and union, it would have benefitted everyone.   

Indians can't be held responsible for what the British or Africans did. The Africans created the labor crises when many of them decided to leave the plantation. The plantation owners still had a business to operate so they did what any business owner would do, they went out and source alternative labor. Indians were not their first choice but in the end, they decided that Indians were a good fit because they were adapted to plantation activities and most of all, willing to work. So the plantation owners incurred the high cost of bringing them across the Atlantic and giving them a workable wage. The Africans could have accepted the same wage if they really wanted to compete for those jobs and the plantation owners would gladly rehire them because rehiring them had the benefit of not having to incur the high cost of transporting Indians across the Atlantic as well as not having to incur the cost of training since the Africans were already working on the plantations prior to staging their walk out. There is an old saying in Guyana that fast cents are better than slow dollars (or something like that). The Indians understood that concept a lot better than the Africans. There is a good chance the Africans didn't really want to work but were hoping to just extort the plantation owners. Their plan back firing is their loss not the innocent Indians fault.

It’s a nonsense argument.  True, Afros then might have felt displaced by Indians as some Americans feel about immigrants today.  However, Blacks have long moved pass that. Even burnham could not get Blacks to go back to the land in mass.  

The deep seated animosity today is all about political control of the real estate. 

Both groups have to seek an accommodation to ensure everyone feels included and having their fair share.

That is exactly what I am trying to tell Tola. He shouldn't fall for the Kool Aid. He is being used as a pawn and he is too innocent minded to even realize it.

ksazma posted:

. . . the Africans didn't really want to work but were hoping to just extort the ["poor"] plantation owners. Their plan back firing is their loss

high ignorance masturbating in public exposing an incurable disease

sure sh!t Orwellian

when should we expect your next pus-laden ejaculation señor "Blacks are the scourge of the earth"?


Last edited by Former Member
Baseman posted:

The deep seated animosity today is all about political control of the real estate. 

Both groups have to seek an accommodation to ensure everyone feels included and having their fair share.

That should now begin with the PNC respecting the law and ensure that elections are held by September 18, 2019,come hell or highwater. They need to demonstrate that they can fit in to a civilized society. So far all they have done is demonstrate that they have not yet arrived.

Sheik101 posted:
Prince posted:
Dondadda posted:
Prince posted:

We have become a nation of imagination and assumptions to carve pictures to tell stories of what might have happened (if). That "IF" will have a long-term devastating effect on our ability to hold the truth (or what we believe to be the truth).

The Miss Cleo theory is hard at work where investigative journalism and fact-finding took a back seat. This is one of the many issues I came across in recent times that I am getting off my chest. 

If you can't think for yourself, someone will tell you what to think. If you can't believe in yourself, someone will tell you what to believe. Food for thoughts.

Do you not think that you have made a significant contribution to this?

NO. In the past, I have contributed the same shit of rambling politics as most are doing at present. Now I am contributing hardcore materials that are hard to digest. If you could have digested it, you wouldn't have reason to question me. 

What material? You've yet to cite an example for this unnecessary braying. As i see it, u appear to be looking for lil attention.

This not his original. He plagiarized this piece and changed some of the words in it to refer to blacks and Indians. He does not have the cognitive ability to do abstract thinking.

ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

. . . the Africans didn't really want to work but were hoping to just extort the ["poor"] plantation owners. Their plan back firing is their loss

high ignorance masturbating in public exposing an incurable disease

sure sh!t Orwellian

when should we expect your next pus-laden ejaculation señor "Blacks are the scourge of the earth"?


Actually,  Africans are intelligent ppl. Juss the ones from Guyana seems to be a problem. For them, everything is about race. Everytime a smart want to do something for Guyanese Blacks, it is always in comparison to what Indians have done or wah dey presently doing. The downfall of Guyanese Blacks has to do with Elite Blacks, men like Hinds, Philip, Granger and all those who want to tell black ppl how to create businesses solely on a prejudice platform.

seignet posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

. . . the Africans didn't really want to work but were hoping to just extort the ["poor"] plantation owners. Their plan back firing is their loss

high ignorance masturbating in public exposing an incurable disease

sure sh!t Orwellian

when should we expect your next pus-laden ejaculation señor "Blacks are the scourge of the earth"?


Actually,  Africans are intelligent ppl. Juss the ones from Guyana seems to be a problem. For them, everything is about race. Everytime a smart want to do something for Guyanese Blacks, it is always in comparison to what Indians have done or wah dey presently doing. The downfall of Guyanese Blacks has to do with Elite Blacks, men like Hinds, Philip, Granger and all those who want to tell black ppl how to create businesses solely on a prejudice platform.

you (and the other stilt-walking, semi-educated, deluded Indos posting here) are singularly unqualified to pronounce pro or con on the "intelligence" of "Africans"

and your post, while otherwise interesting, has nothing to do with the topic at hand

Last edited by Former Member

Until yuh ppl includes Indo in alyuh progressive plans yuh all get nowhere to go. Stilt-walking gives a better view. Semi-educated, even the most backward Indo knows how to get up in life. Unqualified to speak, many Indos knows the pro and con. And better than yuh pundits. It juss dat guyanese blacks doan want to get indos involved in dey business. That is the down fall pan dem.

seignet posted:

Until yuh ppl includes Indo in alyuh progressive plans yuh all get nowhere to go. Stilt-walking gives a better view. Semi-educated, even the most backward Indo knows how to get up in life. Unqualified to speak, many Indos knows the pro and con. And better than yuh pundits. It juss dat guyanese blacks doan want to get indos involved in dey business. That is the down fall pan dem.

your non-sequitur strut is noted

Prince posted:

We have become a nation of imagination and assumptions to carve pictures to tell stories of what might have happened (if). That "IF" will have a long-term devastating effect on our ability to hold the truth (or what we believe to be the truth).

The Miss Cleo theory is hard at work where investigative journalism and fact-finding took a back seat. This is one of the many issues I came across in recent times that I am getting off my chest. 

If you can't think for yourself, someone will tell you what to think. If you can't believe in yourself, someone will tell you what to believe. Food for thoughts.

Folks, when you get strayed from a topic and have no recourse, you need to revisit the heading and contents of the thread. Its all about political mistrust in Guyanese society. It has nothing to do with Balck and Indian but everything to do with people. People are being steered to think and believe what politicians believe. For those of you who want to come after me for misguiding myself and them, please reset and come back. Think about how best you would entertain a topic that suits your likeness even though it is untrue. When you act on your fear, it leads to illogical thinking and leaves you vulnerable for Jagdeo and Granger to play you for fools. 

Last edited by Former Member
ksazma posted:

The Prince is indeed a very confused individual.

It seems that he truly wants to do the right thing but doesn't quite know how.

Far far more than confused, scatter-brained and chubbydee.

Dave posted:

. But I didn’t see any tension build up between the white and them immigrants.. cause they use wisdom .

apparently you haven't noticed the screams of many whites who support Trump because they hate nonwhite immigrants.

seignet posted:
the earth"?


Actually,  Africans are intelligent ppl. Juss the ones from Guyana seems to be a problem. For them, everything is about race. .

And yet its the Indians who want to beat up and disown their kids if they marry a black or Amerindian person.

What is amazing is that the Indo posters here are obsessed with "Indians this and Indians that".  Apparently they think that Indians are a separate species so don't think that constant references to this means that they don't see life through racial lenses.

As to Africans.  Just start a chat between Yorubas and Igbos and you will see how divisive they can be. Apparently Idi Amin doesn't mean anything to you.

ksazma posted:

Their subdivision on the sugar estate was called Nig*er  yard and the  a The Indians understood that concept a lot better than the Africans. There is a good chance the Africans didn't really want to work but were hoping to just extort the plantation owners. Their plan back firing is their loss not the innocent Indians fault.

Funny thing this. By the 1880s when Indo indentures were well entrenched into Guyana they began to see how they were being screwed so also began to protest against the estate owners.  When they did the owners simply recruited starving Islanders and paid them scab wages to undermine the Indians.  In a few instances the Indians even attacked these scabs.

What goes around comes around.

ksazma posted:

That should now begin with the PNC respecting the law and ensure that elections are held by September 18, 2019,come hell or highwater. They need to demonstrate that they can fit in to a civilized society. So far all they have done is demonstrate that they have not yet arrived.

Discuss why Jagdeo screamed in 2015 that an H2H was needed before the next general election and now he sings a different song.

caribny posted:
seignet posted:
the earth"?


Actually,  Africans are intelligent ppl. Juss the ones from Guyana seems to be a problem. For them, everything is about race. .

And yet its the Indians who want to beat up and disown their kids if they marry a black or Amerindian person.

What is amazing is that the Indo posters here are obsessed with "Indians this and Indians that".  Apparently they think that Indians are a separate species so don't think that constant references to this means that they don't see life through racial lenses.

As to Africans.  Just start a chat between Yorubas and Igbos and you will see how divisive they can be. Apparently Idi Amin doesn't mean anything to you.

Mixed marriages were never permitted. Even African tribes doan permit dat.

ronan posted:
seignet posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

. . . the Africans didn't really want to work but were hoping to just extort the ["poor"] plantation owners. Their plan back firing is their loss

high ignorance masturbating in public exposing an incurable disease

sure sh!t Orwellian

when should we expect your next pus-laden ejaculation señor "Blacks are the scourge of the earth"?


Actually,  Africans are intelligent ppl. Juss the ones from Guyana seems to be a problem. For them, everything is about race. Everytime a smart want to do something for Guyanese Blacks, it is always in comparison to what Indians have done or wah dey presently doing. The downfall of Guyanese Blacks has to do with Elite Blacks, men like Hinds, Philip, Granger and all those who want to tell black ppl how to create businesses solely on a prejudice platform.

you (and the other stilt-walking, semi-educated, deluded Indos posting here) are singularly unqualified to pronounce pro or con on the "intelligence" of "Africans"

and your post, while otherwise interesting, has nothing to do with the topic at hand

I admit he has screwed up opinion but it does not mean he is stupid. He is a rich coolie engineer in the twilight of his life who has not overcome his prejudices. Shockley was a racist bitch but he was also a Nobel prize winner. So is Dr James Watson, a man who know definitively what is under our skin is identical. 

You are being no less than he with your unparalleled  abuse and cuss down and calling people stupid when you know they are bigots and nothing else. Smart people can be all the horrible things from racists to misogynists to sadists etc. Address the damn post and and spare us the self approbation about how intelligent you are !

Last edited by Former Member
Stormborn posted:
ronan posted:
seignet posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

. . . the Africans didn't really want to work but were hoping to just extort the ["poor"] plantation owners. Their plan back firing is their loss

high ignorance masturbating in public exposing an incurable disease

sure sh!t Orwellian

when should we expect your next pus-laden ejaculation señor "Blacks are the scourge of the earth"?


Actually,  Africans are intelligent ppl. Juss the ones from Guyana seems to be a problem. For them, everything is about race. Everytime a smart want to do something for Guyanese Blacks, it is always in comparison to what Indians have done or wah dey presently doing. The downfall of Guyanese Blacks has to do with Elite Blacks, men like Hinds, Philip, Granger and all those who want to tell black ppl how to create businesses solely on a prejudice platform.

you (and the other stilt-walking, semi-educated, deluded Indos posting here) are singularly unqualified to pronounce pro or con on the "intelligence" of "Africans"

and your post, while otherwise interesting, has nothing to do with the topic at hand

I admit he has screwed up opinion but it does not mean he is stupid. He is a rich coolie engineer in the twilight of his life who has not overcome his prejudices. Shockley was a racist bitch but he was also a Nobel prize winner. So is Dr James Watson, a man who know definitively what is under our skin is identical. 

You are being no less than he with your unparalleled  abuse and cuss down and calling people stupid when you know they are bigots and nothing else. Smart people can be all the horrible things from racists to misogynists to sadists etc. Address the damn post and and spare us the self approbation about how intelligent you are !

perhaps in the mediocre precincts you habituate, a sick-minded, ignorant, Bible-clutching racist jackass with 'money' who learned a trade is equivalent to a Watson or Shockley

but then again, you said the same about the semi-educated drugb because, apparently, he attended The State University of New Jersey?

you assess like a neva see come see

and then there is the DUNDERHEAD wannabe klansman Ksazma you lately starting to hug up in this desperate bottom scraping for anti-Ronan 'allies'


ronan posted:
Stormborn posted:
ronan posted:
seignet posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

. . . the Africans didn't really want to work but were hoping to just extort the ["poor"] plantation owners. Their plan back firing is their loss

high ignorance masturbating in public exposing an incurable disease

sure sh!t Orwellian

when should we expect your next pus-laden ejaculation señor "Blacks are the scourge of the earth"?


Actually,  Africans are intelligent ppl. Juss the ones from Guyana seems to be a problem. For them, everything is about race. Everytime a smart want to do something for Guyanese Blacks, it is always in comparison to what Indians have done or wah dey presently doing. The downfall of Guyanese Blacks has to do with Elite Blacks, men like Hinds, Philip, Granger and all those who want to tell black ppl how to create businesses solely on a prejudice platform.

you (and the other stilt-walking, semi-educated, deluded Indos posting here) are singularly unqualified to pronounce pro or con on the "intelligence" of "Africans"

and your post, while otherwise interesting, has nothing to do with the topic at hand

I admit he has screwed up opinion but it does not mean he is stupid. He is a rich coolie engineer in the twilight of his life who has not overcome his prejudices. Shockley was a racist bitch but he was also a Nobel prize winner. So is Dr James Watson, a man who know definitively what is under our skin is identical. 

You are being no less than he with your unparalleled  abuse and cuss down and calling people stupid when you know they are bigots and nothing else. Smart people can be all the horrible things from racists to misogynists to sadists etc. Address the damn post and and spare us the self approbation about how intelligent you are !

perhaps in the mediocre precincts you habituate, a sick-minded, ignorant, Bible-clutching racist jackass with 'money' who learned a trade is equivalent to a Watson or Shockley

but then again, you said the same about the semi-educated drugb because, apparently, he attended The State University of New Jersey?

you assess like a neva see come see

and then there is the DUNDERHEAD wannabe klansman Ksazma you lately starting to hug up in this desperate bottom scraping for anti-Ronan 'allies'


I am here and I see you so you know yourself. Drugb graduated from Rutgers. It is a damn good state school...

Last edited by Former Member
Stormborn posted:
ronan posted:
Stormborn posted:
ronan posted:
seignet posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

. . . the Africans didn't really want to work but were hoping to just extort the ["poor"] plantation owners. Their plan back firing is their loss

high ignorance masturbating in public exposing an incurable disease

sure sh!t Orwellian

when should we expect your next pus-laden ejaculation señor "Blacks are the scourge of the earth"?


Actually,  Africans are intelligent ppl. Juss the ones from Guyana seems to be a problem. For them, everything is about race. Everytime a smart want to do something for Guyanese Blacks, it is always in comparison to what Indians have done or wah dey presently doing. The downfall of Guyanese Blacks has to do with Elite Blacks, men like Hinds, Philip, Granger and all those who want to tell black ppl how to create businesses solely on a prejudice platform.

you (and the other stilt-walking, semi-educated, deluded Indos posting here) are singularly unqualified to pronounce pro or con on the "intelligence" of "Africans"

and your post, while otherwise interesting, has nothing to do with the topic at hand

I admit he has screwed up opinion but it does not mean he is stupid. He is a rich coolie engineer in the twilight of his life who has not overcome his prejudices. Shockley was a racist bitch but he was also a Nobel prize winner. So is Dr James Watson, a man who know definitively what is under our skin is identical. 

You are being no less than he with your unparalleled  abuse and cuss down and calling people stupid when you know they are bigots and nothing else. Smart people can be all the horrible things from racists to misogynists to sadists etc. Address the damn post and and spare us the self approbation about how intelligent you are !

perhaps in the mediocre precincts you habituate, a sick-minded, ignorant, Bible-clutching racist jackass with 'money' who learned a trade is equivalent to a Watson or Shockley

but then again, you said the same about the semi-educated drugb because, apparently, he attended The State University of New Jersey?

you assess like a neva see come see

and then there is the DUNDERHEAD wannabe klansman Ksazma you lately starting to hug up in this desperate bottom scraping for anti-Ronan 'allies'


I am here and I see you so you know yourself. Drugb graduated from Rutgers. It is a damn good state school...

what's the point of your post fool?

you are NOT refuting anything i said

Last edited by Former Member
caribny posted:
ksazma posted:

That should now begin with the PNC respecting the law and ensure that elections are held by September 18, 2019,come hell or highwater. They need to demonstrate that they can fit in to a civilized society. So far all they have done is demonstrate that they have not yet arrived.

Discuss why Jagdeo screamed in 2015 that an H2H was needed before the next general election and now he sings a different song.

Fake news.  The last three general elections did not have H2H.  And how do you know he is a screamer?

Bibi Haniffa
Stormborn posted:
ronan posted:
Stormborn posted:
ronan posted:
seignet posted:
ronan posted:
ksazma posted:

. . . the Africans didn't really want to work but were hoping to just extort the ["poor"] plantation owners. Their plan back firing is their loss

high ignorance masturbating in public exposing an incurable disease

sure sh!t Orwellian

when should we expect your next pus-laden ejaculation señor "Blacks are the scourge of the earth"?


Actually,  Africans are intelligent ppl. Juss the ones from Guyana seems to be a problem. For them, everything is about race. Everytime a smart want to do something for Guyanese Blacks, it is always in comparison to what Indians have done or wah dey presently doing. The downfall of Guyanese Blacks has to do with Elite Blacks, men like Hinds, Philip, Granger and all those who want to tell black ppl how to create businesses solely on a prejudice platform.

you (and the other stilt-walking, semi-educated, deluded Indos posting here) are singularly unqualified to pronounce pro or con on the "intelligence" of "Africans"

and your post, while otherwise interesting, has nothing to do with the topic at hand

I admit he has screwed up opinion but it does not mean he is stupid. He is a rich coolie engineer in the twilight of his life who has not overcome his prejudices. Shockley was a racist bitch but he was also a Nobel prize winner. So is Dr James Watson, a man who know definitively what is under our skin is identical. 

You are being no less than he with your unparalleled  abuse and cuss down and calling people stupid when you know they are bigots and nothing else. Smart people can be all the horrible things from racists to misogynists to sadists etc. Address the damn post and and spare us the self approbation about how intelligent you are !

perhaps in the mediocre precincts you habituate, a sick-minded, ignorant, Bible-clutching racist jackass with 'money' who learned a trade is equivalent to a Watson or Shockley

but then again, you said the same about the semi-educated drugb because, apparently, he attended The State University of New Jersey?

you assess like a neva see come see

and then there is the DUNDERHEAD wannabe klansman Ksazma you lately starting to hug up in this desperate bottom scraping for anti-Ronan 'allies'


I am here and I see you so you know yourself. Drugb graduated from Rutgers. It is a damn good state school...

Good to know at least one GNI poster is a college graduate.

Bibi Haniffa

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