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Worry next elections will be rigged

Poll: Guyanese Worry next elections will be rigged
Photo : Dr. Vishnu Bisram
 An opinion poll being conducted by the North American Caribbean Teachers Association (NACTA) finds that Guyanese are deeply concerned that the next general elections due in mid 2020 will be rigged by the ruling PNC led government unless there is international supervision and monitoring of the voters list and the voting itself. A large majority of voters worry that the next general elections will be rigged to prevent a PPP or a Bharrat Jagdeo victory.                          
The PNC rigged every election in Guyana post independence during the period of the dictatorship (1966 to 1992). The first free and fair elections resulted in the defeat of the PNC by the PPP.
According to the poll findings, voters cite several pieces of evidence to support their fears of planned rigging including what they claim are bogus birth certificates, changing birth dates of supporters to give them voting age eligibility, registration of overseas based supporters of the PNC including opening the voter registration process on Mashramani carnival day (a national holiday) to accommodate visiting overseas supporters of the PNC, encouraging Haitians and other Caribbean nationals to settle in Guyana, government’s violation of the agreement (to select a nominee of the Opposition Leader) on appointment of the Chair of the elections commission by selecting an aging former Judge who is an advisor to the government.
The poll was conducted by reputed New York based pollster Dr. Vishnu Bisram in early April.

Asked if the next general elections will be free and fair (FFE), some 62% said no as opposed to 31% who said yes and 7% not having an opinion. Asked to offer recommendations on securing a free and fair elections, among the responses were: UN supervision of the elections, local and foreign observers affiliated with International Organizations as well as Non-Governmental Organizations including Human Rights Watch, Freedom Watch, Americas Watch, Carter Center, Caricom, OAS, Commonwealth, OAU, SAARC, UNASUR, US Congress, other governments, biometric registration, a clean voters' list, etc.


Replies sorted oldest to newest

PPP has been blaming the PNC of rigging on every campaign trail. Then Jagdeo said the PPP is confident of winning in 2020. Now, Dr. Bisram poll says Guyanese are worried that the next election will be rigged.                          

So, what strategy Jagdeo can put forward to avoid a rigged election? None. This rigging strategy is no longer selling in Guyana. But the PPP is putting shit in the old people ears about rigging. 

I respect Dr. Bisram and know him personally. He is a staunch PPP supporter and doing this poll is questionable. 

Saying something that has not yet been done is questionable. 

People who believe in rigging are the same people who believed Bacco existed. When you ask them to prove it, they say somebody tells them. PPP continues to tell nancy story to Indo-Guyanese.



Last edited by Former Member
Prince posted:

PPP has been blaming the PNC of rigging on every campaign trail. Then Jagdeo said the PPP is confident of winning in 2020. Now, Dr. Bisram poll says Guyanese are worried that the next election will be rigged.                          

So, what strategy Jagdeo can put forward to avoid a rigged election? None. This rigging strategy is no longer selling in Guyana. But the PPP is putting shit in the old people ears about rigging. 

I respect Dr. Bisram and know him personally. He is a staunch PPP supporter and doing this poll is questionable. 

Saying something that has not yet been done is questionable. 

People who believe in rigging are the same people who believed Bacco existed. When you ask them to prove it, they say somebody tells them. PPP continues to tell nancy story to Indo-Guyanese.

Nonsense, I do believe the fear is well founded.  The PNC are known riggers and will not give up power unless prevented from rigging.  However, I do not know how observers on the day will prevent the type of rigging he highlighted.  The observers cannot audit fake/forged documents.  

I believe the rigging machine is in place. The PNC are very clever.  

Prince posted:

PPP has been blaming the PNC of rigging on every campaign trail. Then Jagdeo said the PPP is confident of winning in 2020. Now, Dr. Bisram poll says Guyanese are worried that the next election will be rigged.                          

So, what strategy Jagdeo can put forward to avoid a rigged election? None. This rigging strategy is no longer selling in Guyana. But the PPP is putting shit in the old people ears about rigging. 

I respect Dr. Bisram and know him personally. He is a staunch PPP supporter and doing this poll is questionable. 

Saying something that has not yet been done is questionable. 

People who believe in rigging are the same people who believed Bacco existed. When you ask them to prove it, they say somebody tells them. PPP continues to tell nancy story to Indo-Guyanese.



I now believe a Bacco exist .. which is you. 

You have so many faces. 


Ha..ha..ha the jamoon tree forksticks of the Indo Party crying rigging early.

Burnham the master rigger of the PNC with the help of the ole USA to keep the communist Jagan out,dead since 1985.Hoyte the other rigger,also dead, was pressured by the Carter Center of ole USA to hold Free and Fair Elections. In 1992, the PPP came to power due the East Indian majority and were there in government continuously for 23 yrs,noticeably their electoral base was shrinking during their rule due to migration,the numbers aren't there any more for the party to win,hence the red flag "Rigging" is raised.

During the years of PPP rule,the minority PNC reformed the party and became PNCR,the party went further and include few smaller parties and became APNU,also a new party the AFC emerged which became the tie breaker of the two major parties APNU and PPP.In 2015 the PPP was booted out of power by the coalition of APNU and AFC.

Come 2020 the numbers of East Indian electors are not there for the Indo Party to win,so the Venomous forksticks are feeding poison to the East Indians diaspora of Guyana in NY.

By the way the voters list of 2015 is padded under the PPP watch,what is the reason ?

Come in Dave can you shed some light.

Last edited by Django
Dave posted:
Prince posted:

PPP has been blaming the PNC of rigging on every campaign trail. Then Jagdeo said the PPP is confident of winning in 2020. Now, Dr. Bisram poll says Guyanese are worried that the next election will be rigged.                          

So, what strategy Jagdeo can put forward to avoid a rigged election? None. This rigging strategy is no longer selling in Guyana. But the PPP is putting shit in the old people ears about rigging. 

I respect Dr. Bisram and know him personally. He is a staunch PPP supporter and doing this poll is questionable. 

Saying something that has not yet been done is questionable. 

People who believe in rigging are the same people who believed Bacco existed. When you ask them to prove it, they say somebody tells them. PPP continues to tell nancy story to Indo-Guyanese.



I now believe a Bacco exist .. which is you. 

You have so many faces. 

Prince tries to be impressive GNI, maybe we should give the man a break and let him feel good.


If we ought to believe that PNC is riggers, are we supposed to believe this is the end of the PPP? Why do we waste time behind them? Why are people so obsessed to have the PPP back? Jagdeo is preaching PNC rigging and still telling Guyanese that PPP will win by a landslide? What destiny is this? I understand that Jagdeo has to show his supporters optimistic attitude, but if he has no confidence as a former president with experience, then what good is he? 

skeldon_man posted:
Dave posted:
Prince posted:

PPP has been blaming the PNC of rigging on every campaign trail. Then Jagdeo said the PPP is confident of winning in 2020. Now, Dr. Bisram poll says Guyanese are worried that the next election will be rigged.                          

So, what strategy Jagdeo can put forward to avoid a rigged election? None. This rigging strategy is no longer selling in Guyana. But the PPP is putting shit in the old people ears about rigging. 

I respect Dr. Bisram and know him personally. He is a staunch PPP supporter and doing this poll is questionable. 

Saying something that has not yet been done is questionable. 

People who believe in rigging are the same people who believed Bacco existed. When you ask them to prove it, they say somebody tells them. PPP continues to tell nancy story to Indo-Guyanese.



I now believe a Bacco exist .. which is you. 

You have so many faces. 

Prince tries to be impressive GNI, maybe we should give the man a break and let him feel good.

Do you have anything of substance to add to the thread? I am NOT for discussion. 

Baseman posted:
Prince posted:

PPP has been blaming the PNC of rigging on every campaign trail. Then Jagdeo said the PPP is confident of winning in 2020. Now, Dr. Bisram poll says Guyanese are worried that the next election will be rigged.                          


Nonsense, I do believe the fear is well founded.  The PNC are known riggers and will not give up power unless prevented from rigging.  However, I do not know how observers on the day will prevent the type of rigging he highlighted.  The observers cannot audit fake/forged documents.  

I believe the rigging machine is in place. The PNC are very clever.  

The results of the poll are tied to Bisram's thinking that only 31% of the voting age population is black and therefore only they will not fear rigging.

News flash. Add up the voting age population and one gets a black and mixed of almost 50%. Add to that the fact that few Amerindians care what those on the coast do and clearly way fewer than 62% of the population are concerned about this.

I bet the honest truth is that 60% don't care because they have lived under the PPP and APNU and see no difference between either.  So whoever wins or tries to rig in 2020 matters little.

Bibi Haniffa posted:

Indians who voted for the coalition will stay home because shame a kill dem.  The Amerindians will shift the victory in PPP favor.  Unless Surajbali show up and announce a coalition victory before all the votes are counted - Again!

The PPP already gets at least 60% of the Amerindian vote, so if this is what you hope to allow PPP victory.  Too bad.


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