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Former Member

Washington (CNN)Donald Trump is building an extensive lead in New Hampshire, with almost one-third of Republicans supporting him there, according to a Monmouth University poll released Monday.

Trump won 32% support among New Hampshire Republicans, an increase of 6 percentage points from the last Monmouth poll there, taken in November. The latest result -- which puts him nearly 20 percentage points ahead of the next-closest rivals -- is consistent with other polls after the New Year, including an NBC/Wall Street Journal/Marist poll released Sunday that found him with 30% support.


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Donald Trump is making waves anywhere he goes despite his opponents and the media are trying hard to bring down a man who really stood up for America's best interest. Hate him or love him, the majority of Americans support his views as a kick ass kinda guy. Hillary Clinton began to worry about her opponent, Berney Sanders, who said Hillary is not qualify to be president due to Bill Clinton sex allegations  that Hillary supports. If she make her party's nomination, she might have to challenge Trump. Donald will get real dirty since he loves women so much. Trump may be crazy, but he call a spade a spade vs Hillary Clinton who is a liar. Take your pick. 

Last edited by Former Member

While Trump is indeed enjoying a leading role, it will be seen  how effective he will be when the list of candidates are focused on the four final candidates for the republican nominee.

Were Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump become the final contenders for their political organisations, Hillary Clinton will be the winner in the November election.

Demerara_Guy posted:

While Trump is indeed enjoying a leading role, it will be seen  how effective he will be when the list of candidates are focused on the four final candidates for the republican nominee.

Were Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump become the final contenders for their political organisations, Hillary Clinton will be the winner in the November election.

DG, I am betting on another horse this year and it's not Grandma's Clinton. I promise to vote for her earlier, but I changed my mind. We have Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and Donald Trump, who might make the final four on the Republican platform. Hillary is against Berney Sanders and she had to knock him off the race. I am betting on Rubio/Cruz or Bush/Cruz ticket if Donald get knocked out of the race. I don't think anyone like him to be a running mate. But If Donald stays in the race, it would be in interesting to see who he will pick as his running mate. I am going Republican all the way. Hillary is losing it. 

Cobra posted:

. If she make her party's nomination, she might have to challenge Trump. Donald will get real dirty since he loves women so much. . 

Trump will be good for Hillary.  Both are shifty liars, so that cancels out Hillary's biggest vulnerability.

Hillary 357.  Trump 178.   Hillary gets all of Obama's electoral college seats, plus wins NC and AZ.   Trump will win the rest as there are hill billies, cowboys, or rednecks.

Baseman cries and screams and tears out his pubic hair, and we will attempt to calm him down by telling him that Hilary isn't black.  He seems to think that she is, so he hates her as much as he hates Granger.

caribny posted:

Baseman cries and screams and tears out his pubic hair, and we will attempt to calm him down by telling him that Hilary isn't black.  He seems to think that she is, so he hates her as much as he hates Granger.

Nah bai.  I think she will be a big improvement over Obama, which is not saying a lot.  Anyway, baseman always favored Hilary back in 2008 however, some of her leadership attributes which was revealed since is less than favorable.

I think you are simplifying the breath of Trump's appeal and too overconfident with Hilary.  On the Left, Sanders is mounting a major challenge and the most recent Fox poll has her in a 47/45 dead heat with Trump nationally.  She is also trailing Rubio and Cruz.

You can rest assure, like Obama, she will make very little difference to Black lives.  You people swallow the koolaid to easily and discount people because of race, gender and party.  Newt Gingrich had for many years touted a very "Afro-sympathic" prison reform approach and want to change things for Blacks.  He blames the Black situation on the fallout from Slavery and segregation.  You people never gave him the light of day because he is a White Male Republican!

caribny posted:
VVP posted:

Trump will be the greatest gift to the Democrats after Sarah Palin.

Don't worry Bloomberg might be coming in as an independent.

Bloomberg is another Bill Clinton plant, along side Trump.   Bloomberg will pull away all of the GOP who are terrified of a Trump/Cruz ticket.

Not sure Cruz is right as a Veep for Trump.  He is overly evangelical.  Trump needs a solid Afro or woman who knows Washington and who is not overly divisive.  If Trump wins, the nomination, he will throttle-back some of his rhetoric.


1. Newt Gingrich says nothing about prison reform that Hillary doesn't also say.  In addition Newt stigmatize the ENTIRE black male population by claiming that most of us are criminals, and that most crime in the USA is committed by blacks. 

Well even he will concede that many of the blacks in jail wouldn't be there, but for racist targeting of blacks for drug possession, even as the vast majority of drug use is now committed by whites.  And despite this 2/3 of those in jail are NOT black!

2.  The fact that you think that FOX is a credible news source shows how silly you are.  You might as well cite Rachel Madow as well.

Most polls show Clinton BEATING Cruz and Trump.


3.  You have been UNABLE to show how many black senior executives that Trump has within his organization.  Why? if you think that he is good for blacks.

4.  I would rather a man who does nothing for me, than a Nazi who will do something TO ME.  Trump screamed in glee while his paratroopers beat up a Black Lives protester. Trump urged them on!

Telling me to like Trump is like telling a Jew to like Hitler, or telling you to love and worship Burnham!

baseman posted:
Trump needs a solid Afro or woman who knows Washington and who is not overly divisive.  If Trump wins, the nomination, he will throttle-back some of his rhetoric.

Ramotar had a "solid Afro" and know one even remembers who she is, or is interested in hearing about what she is up to, now that the PPP rejected her for parliament, leaving her unemployed.

So why do you think that some "solid Afro woman" running with a racist will deliver any votes.

She will be seen as an Aunt Jemima.  The type of negress who told her massa everything that the slaves were doing.


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