Hillary Clinton's lead over Donald Trump narrowed to 3 points this week after several days of controversy following FBI Director James Comey's recommendation that no criminal charges be brought against the former secretary of state over her use of a private email server.

While the developments are certainly good news for the Clinton campaign, Comey's critical statement on Clinton's handling of the matter was not positive. Clinton's lead over Trump has deteriorated in the past couple weeks since her lead peaked two weeks ago.

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A strong majority of voters (82 percent) agreed that it was inappropriate for Clinton to use a personal email server during her tenure as secretary of state. A smaller majority — 56 percent — also said they disagreed with Comey's recommendation that Clinton not be prosecuted for use of the server.

These results are according to the latest from the NBC News|SurveyMonkey Weekly Election Tracking Poll conducted online from July 4 through July 10, 2016. Survey questions pertaining to Clinton's email controversy were added following Comey's announcement.

Hillary Clinton has lost her lead over Donald Trump in Florida and Pennsylvania and ties the real-estate mogul in Ohio on the eve of the Republican convention in Cleveland, according to new polling.

Quinnipiac’s Swing State Poll focuses on the three states because since 1960, no candidate has won the White House without taking at least two of the three states. Democrat Clinton had an eight-point lead over Republican Trump in Florida in June, but now trails him with 39% to his 42%. In Ohio the race is tied at 41% and in Pennsylvania, Trump is at 43% to Clinton’s 41%. Clinton led Trump by one point last month in Quinnipiac’s Pennsylvania poll, and the Ohio race was tied in June at 40%