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November 10 ,2020

U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on Tuesday sparked fresh questions about whether the Trump administration is actively trying to thwart the will of the American people expressed in the U.S. election.

In a press conference in Washington, D.C., a reporter asked Pompeo about reports in recent days that administration officials and the heads of multiple government agencies are blocking or stalling standard efforts to brief the transition team of president-elect Joe Biden.

“Is the State Department currently preparing to engage with the Biden transition team? If not, at what point does a delay hamper the smooth transition and pose a risk to national security?” the reporter asked.

“There will be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration,” Pompeo answered.

“We’re ready, the world is watching what’s taking place. We’re going to count all the votes. When the process is complete, there’ll be electors selected. There’s a process — the Constitution lays it out pretty clearly.”

“The world should have every confidence that the transition necessary to make sure that the State Department is functional today, successful today and successful with a president who’s in office on Jan. 20, a minute after noon, will also be successful,” he added.

“I went through a transition on the front — I’ve been on the other side of this — I’m very confident that we will do all the things that are necessary to make the government, the United States government, continue to perform effectively the national security function as we go forward.

Some online have speculated Pompeo’s remarks might be a joke.

However, they come in a climate of escalating tensions as the Trump administration refuses to recognize the results of the U.S. election, and Pompeo did not give any clarification.

Biden said in a press conference shortly after Pompeo’s remarks that his team is already beginning the transition and that “nothing’s going to stop that.”

He called U.S. President Donald Trump’s refusal to accept the results of the election “an embarrassment.”

Biden is projected to be the winner based on the leads he gained from legal mail-in and advance ballots that took four days to be counted in key swing states like Pennsylvania because of state laws prohibiting the early counting of advance ballots.

Trump administration officials, however, have repeatedly and falsely claimed those mail-in and advance ballots are fraudulent, and launched multiple lawsuits attempting to get them thrown out.

However, those challenges are only in states where Biden is leading, while the Trump campaign has raised no objections to the late counting of mail-in and advance ballots in states Trump won.

Multiple courts have so far tossed the challenges, citing the fact there is zero evidence of voter fraud.

Mail-in and advance ballots have been cast successfully for decades, but have in large part been used by the military and others serving overseas.

The coronavirus pandemic, however, prompted an unprecedented surge in the number of people voting by mail and voting early in an effort to avoid long lines and crowds on Election Day.

Major news networks including the esteemed Associated Press waited days to project a winner because the large number of mail-in and advance ballots yet to be counted posed a risk that early Trump gains from in-person votes would be wiped out once the other legal votes were counted.

Once the vast majority of those mail-in and advance ballots were counted, they favoured Biden by a strong margin. He now tops Trump by tens of thousands of votes in key swing states that play a pivotal role in deciding the presidency through their number of Electoral College votes.

Victories in Michigan, Wisconsin, Arizona, Ohio and Pennsylvania — which are projected based on public vote data, but as in years past will take several weeks to formally certify — are how news networks were able to project that Biden is the winner, the president-elect.

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Isn't Pompeo who supposedly called Granger and told him to concede or else?  His current actions underscore the shifty nature of his character.  He was wrong on Guyana and he is wrong now.  The PPP was assisted in rigging the March elections -- it was a quid pro quo arrangement--oil giveaway for power.   


| Clip Of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo News Conference

Secretary Pompeo: "There Will Be a Smooth Transition to a Second Trump Administration"

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo responds to questions from reporters about the department's plans for transition to a new Biden-Harris administration. Secretary Pompeo begins by saying that "There will be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration," before going on to say that he knows the world is watching, that every legal vote must be counted and that any vote that was not lawfully cast should be rejected. "There's going to be a smooth transition. We're in good shape," he says

Last edited by Django
@Totaram posted:

Isn't Pompeo who supposedly called Granger and told him to concede or else?  His current actions underscore the shifty nature of his character.  He was wrong on Guyana and he is wrong now.  The PPP was assisted in rigging the March elections -- it was a quid pro quo arrangement--oil giveaway for power.   

Pompeo is delusional when it comes to the US election. He has destroyed his chances of running for President in 4 years.

However, it was not just him, over 100 countries certified that the Guyana election was not rigger, just like those same countries are now saying that the US election was free and fair.

He was not wrong on Guyana.

@Tola posted:

Secretary of State and Ambassador don't  remain beyond an administration.  We wait to see who the PPP will beg to hold dem hand in the Biden administration.

Kamla Devi is that person. She is half-Indian. That makes her close to the PPP leaders, no?

Why does Guyana or the PPP need to beg the US to hold their hand?. The US played their part in overseeing the transfer of power in a free and fair election. You sound like you expect the US to intervene and put the coalition in power.

It is the US that will be begging to get a piece of the Guyana oil wealth.

@VishMahabir posted:

Pompeo is delusional when it comes to the US election. He has destroyed his chances of running for President in 4 years.

However, it was not just him, over 100 countries certified that the Guyana election was not rigger, just like those same countries are now saying that the US election was free and fair.

He was not wrong on Guyana.

It was a quid pro quo arrangement in Guyana--the PPP traded oil and sovereignty for political power.  There is convincing statistical and direct evidence that the March elections in Guyana were rigged.  Let's get to the petitions quickly.

@Totaram posted:

Isn't Pompeo who supposedly called Granger and told him to concede or else?  His current actions underscore the shifty nature of his character.  He was wrong on Guyana and he is wrong now.  The PPP was assisted in rigging the March elections -- it was a quid pro quo arrangement--oil giveaway for power.   

The PNC was wheeling and dealing for 5 years with the oil giants. Everybody knew that the PNC was trying to steal the elections. Too bad the foreign observers caught them.  They busted your bubbles and your ass.


The whole of Richmond Hill voted for BLM and throw Pompeo under the bus. Look like Hakeem Jefferies and Susan Rice in the cabinet will make up a nice BLM ticket.

They will be puppets in a Biden/Harris administration.

@Ramakant-P posted:

The PNC was wheeling and dealing for 5 years with the oil giants. Everybody knew that the PNC was trying to steal the elections. Too bad the foreign observers caught them.  They busted your bubbles and your ass.

Another typical Ramakant-P's asinine statement.

Who gave away the Canje Block?

@Ramakant-P posted:

The PNC was wheeling and dealing for 5 years with the oil giants. Everybody knew that the PNC was trying to steal the elections. Too bad the foreign observers caught them.  They busted your bubbles and your ass.

You wear you nice frack today......walk round might ketch ting


The whole of Richmond Hill voted for BLM and throw Pompeo under the bus. Look like Hakeem Jefferies and Susan Rice in the cabinet will make up a nice BLM ticket.

Right on, nice! Richmond Hill folk are much smarter than many rednecks who backed the trump regime.


Pompeo calls for respecting elections abroad while ignoring Biden victory


November 11 ,2020

Image: U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo gives a briefing to the media

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo speaks during a media briefing at the State Department in Washington, on Nov. 10, 2020.Jacquelyn Martin / Pool via Reuters

The secretary of state's "second Trump administration" comments draw backlash from foreign policy professionals.

WASHINGTON — After years of preaching that world leaders must swiftly abide by the verdicts of voters, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has settled on the opposite message at home.

Pompeo has called for a peaceful transition of power and free and fair elections in countless foreign countries, including just this week in Myanmar. Yet, the secretary is now also suggesting President-elect Joe Biden’s projected victory in the U.S. election could be reversed through legal action to award President Donald Trump another four years.

“There will be a smooth transition to a second Trump administration,” Pompeo said with a grin Tuesday from the same podium at the Department of State where he and others have urged others to step aside after election defeats.

He added: “The world is watching what's taking place.”

Pompeo’s suggestion that Biden may not have won drew immediate backlash from U.S. diplomats, several of whom told NBC News the assertion undermined U.S. efforts to promote democracy, as well as critics who said Pompeo was doing precisely what he himself has repeatedly condemned in foreign countries.

“Foreign leaders appear to have greater respect for America’s norms than it appears the secretary of state does,” Wendy Sherman, a former State Department official who served in the Obama and Clinton administrations, said.

“It was an outrageous statement,” Sherman added. “It puts our national security at risk because it undermines our democratic transition.”

Just a day earlier, Pompeo had slapped sanctions on former Nicaraguan President Arnoldo Aleman for having "undermined democratic institutions.” And just as Trump’s team sues to stop vote counting in several states, Pompeo lamented “disenfranchisement” of voters in Myanmar, putting the fledgling democracy on notice the U.S. would “continue to closely monitor the electoral process.”

“We call on all relevant authorities to ensure tabulation of votes and resolution of complaints is undertaken in a transparent and credible manner,” Pompeo said.

Former Undersecretary of State James Glassman, who went on to start the George W. Bush Institute, said the United States for generations has been winning the argument that authoritarian countries like China should behave more democratically. He said Pompeo’s undermining of the election results plays to those adversaries’ hands.

“That’s a pretty strong argument the Chinese will be able to make, that you don’t need democracy, it produces some really bad results,” Glassman, who served under Bush but supported Biden this year, said.

Pompeo, in a Fox News interview late Tuesday, softened his earlier assertion about a second Trump term, instead emphasizing the need to finish counting votes and insisting “whoever is in office on Jan. 20” will have the tools to succeed.

Still, his suggestion the election’s outcome was still unclear came as key leaders around the world are already publicly congratulating President-elect Joe Biden on his projected victory.

That thrusts many of those same U.S. allies into an incredibly precarious diplomatic position as Pompeo begins a seven-country whirlwind tour Friday, potentially his last foreign trip before the Biden administration takes office in January.

What will French President Emmanuel Macron, who discussed everything from Covid-19 to African development in a call to Biden on Tuesday, say to Pompeo when he meets with him in Paris, with Pompeo still publicly claiming Trump will remain president next year?

How will Israeli Prime MInister Benjamin Netanyahu or Qatari Emir Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani, both of whom have publicly recognized Biden’s victory, answer questions from their own citizens about the legitimacy of the U.S. election when Pompeo visits their countries next week?

“Just saying hi, I suppose that's not too terribly difficult,” Pompeo said on Fox News when asked about foreign leaders congratulating Biden. “But make no mistake about it, we have one president, one secretary of state, one national security team at a time.”

Then, he added an ominous warning for Biden’s team about the Logan Act, which prohibits Americans — such as an incoming president — from conducting their own diplomacy on behalf of the U.S. government.

“I'm sure the Department of Justice will be keeping a good eye on that for us,” Pompeo said.

When Trump’s first national security adviser, retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, spoke with Russia’s ambassador in the days before Trump took office, it was not “just saying hi.” Flynn, instead, lobbied Moscow on how it should respond to Obama administration sanctions in intercepted phone calls. He later pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about those calls.

As Pompeo prepares for his overseas trip, two U.S. officials stationed overseas tell NBC News there has been no clear guidance to U.S. missions on how to address the election results.

But two State Department officials said separately that despite the Trump administration’s refusal to permit cooperation with Biden’s transition, U.S. officials have started quietly using back channels with members of Biden’s team in anticipation of the handover of power in January.

“His statements make it clear that he will use his office to hold the entire agency hostage until he is forced to give up power,” a State Department official said, speaking on the condition on anonymity about Pompeo's comments out of fear of retribution. “This is not how a democracy works. It makes sense why we have not received any guidance on preparing for the transition.”

Pompeo’s long-standing calls for other nations to respect the results of “free and fair elections” have dovetailed with a central line of U.S. diplomacy: promotion of democracy abroad. The State Department has an entire bureau, with offices and dedicated officials around the world, focused on it.

Last year, after a contested election for Istanbul mayor, Pompeo’s spokeswoman insisted that “acceptance of legitimate election results are essential for any democracy.” And in July, after a drawn-out battle over the integrity of elections in Guyana, Pompeo appeared on camera and said it was “long past due for a peaceful transition of power.”

“They should get on with it,” he said.

@Django posted:

Pompeo calls for respecting elections abroad while ignoring Biden victory

Source  November 11 ,2020

Image: U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo gives a briefing to the media

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo speaks during a media briefing at the State Department in Washington, on Nov. 10, 2020.Jacquelyn Martin / Pool via Reuters

What will French President Emmanuel Macron, who discussed everything from Covid-19 to African development in a call to Biden on Tuesday, say to Pompeo when he meets with him in Paris, with Pompeo still publicly claiming Trump will remain president next year?

Trump indeed will be president next year ... until January 20, 2021.

@Totaram posted:

It was a quid pro quo arrangement in Guyana--the PPP traded oil and sovereignty for political power.  There is convincing statistical and direct evidence that the March elections in Guyana were rigged.  Let's get to the petitions quickly.

BS. Quid pro quo maybe between Guyana and UZS, but the world saw the rigging. Nothing can change that.

Yall need to stop this nansense about rigging. Dem petitions will not go will also be dragged out for years....even you will forget about them in time.

Last edited by VishMahabir
@VishMahabir posted:

BS. Quid pro quo maybe between Guyana and UZS, but the world saw the rigging. Nothing can change that.

Yall need to stop this nansense about rigging. Dem petitions will not go will also be dragged out for years....even you will forget about them in time.

No, they will not be dragged out for years--later this month the hearing will begin.  Remember?

@Totaram posted:

No, they will not be dragged out for years--later this month the hearing will begin.  Remember?

The petition will be thrown out again. The PNC is following in Trump's footsteps.

Last edited by Ramakant-P
@Prashad posted:

The American military protects the Whitehouse. If Trump don't vacate the Whitehouse by March next year then the Military may step in and take control.

January 20, 2021 is when Trump must vacate the White House.

Not March 2021.


When you see a soldier at the White House. That soldier is there to protect the building not the President. The Secret Service protect the President and Family. The Capitol Police protect the grounds.


So? He rant still being shoved out in Jan as DG posted.

Then it's....LOCK HIM UP!

Charges s/b as follows: Stupidity, Treason, Lying, Bribery, Tax evasion, More Lying, Extortion, Attempted rape, More Stupidity, The meaningless deaths of thousands of Americans, Practicing medicine illegally, etc.

Last edited by cain
@Former Member posted:

Prash thinks the great USA is a Banana Republic. 

Prashad is extremely busy planting banana on his one-man republic way up in the skies and unaware of the realities on Earth.

@Tola posted:

Secretary of State and Ambassador don't  remain beyond an administration.  We wait to see who the PPP will beg to hold dem hand in the Biden administration.

Biden Administration? When was the election certified?

Bibi Haniffa
@Former Member posted:

Prashad is extremely busy planting banana on his one-man republic way up in the skies and unaware of the realities on Earth.

I am very disappointed with Koolie crab dog fight up right now.


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