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Ramakant-P posted:

They aught to have new elections because the ballots have been tampered with.

Well this is a new twist.  Now the claim is that the ballots have been tampered with.  Really?  How about the masquerade parties following the boxes from Turkeyen to Kingston back and forth and mookman Max interviewing a bunch of people calling themselves guardians of democracy?  With such heroes guarding the boxes still the ballots were tampered with?  Maybe there is another explanation.  Maybe the hijacked PPP is now afraid of what will be revealed by the recount.  What you say Rama?

Totaram posted:
Prashad posted:
Totaram posted:

How is Guyana or Venezuela any of America's business?  Guyana has a democratic government that respects the rule of law and the Venezuelan election the Americans deemed fraudulent was actually praised by many as being free and fair.  Among the latter was the Canadian Labour Congress.  This madness about American hegemony is nauseating.  Some transplanted Guyanese living in the US now believe they are powerful because Uncle Sam is theirs and they could influence Uncle Sam to impose sanctions and do all kinds of high handed things to small countries.  There are a few things to be cautious about on this front.  First, the USA is not the only power in the world.  Maduro has survived because of support from China, Russia and Iran.  Moreover, those Guyanese Americans who are campaigning for possible sanctions should know that when push comes to shove they would have no influence over their Uncle Sam.  Why? Uncle Sam is directed by big business .  Exxon will tell Uncle Sam what it wants .  Finally,  do the Guyanese Americans remember the cold war and what happened to Guyana in that period.  One of the most principled politicians the world has ever seen, Cheddi Jagan, was kept out of office by the same Uncle Sam some Guyanese now seem to worship.  The long and short of this matter is that in the final analysis Uncle Sam acts on behalf of big business and ,importantly, Uncle Sam is not as powerful as some would like to think.

Totaram you need someone to grab your rass and put some serious buss ass on you.  What are you doing in an ABC country.  You should be in sunny Cuba eating wild bora and wild cabbage.

@PrashadGo fly a kite!  Are you such a slave to American imperialism that you believe that because I express an opinion contrary to yours that worships the imperialists that I should go live in Cuba.  Yours is such an offensive view that I have to censor my words in responding to you.  I don't know where you live but I have seen people describe you as being a potato peeler in the American army.  If you want to "put some serious buss ass" on me come  and try it and you would not be able to even peel potatoes after.  

Typical communist bull shit. Tell the poor man that you are looking out for him while you eat caviar and salt biscuits. If the poor man complain then you arrest him and put a 7.62x25 mm Tokarev bullet to the back of his head.  So Prashad knows how to sweep and clean bottom house.  There is dignity in labor.  But you elite communist hypocrites don't like to get your fingers dirty like your God F. Castro who use to put oil of olay on his hands.

 An independent sovereign country for the East Indian people of Guyana, Douglas who love their Guyanese East Indian Heritage and Allies of the East Indian people of Guyana. To protect our Human rights to survive as human beings.


Last edited by Prashad
Casablanca posted:
Prashad posted:
Totaram posted:

Pompeo is peddling Mercury supplied propaganda.  He will get it right soon.  

Totaram is a true hindu he reincarnate from Caribj to Totaram

I thought it was that lawyer Totaram from Liberty Avenue, NY... 

Are you sure the wannabe attorney did not morph into Totorum?

Last edited by Former Member
Totaram posted:
Ramakant-P posted:

They aught to have new elections because the ballots have been tampered with.

Well this is a new twist.  Now the claim is that the ballots have been tampered with.  Really?  How about the masquerade parties following the boxes from Turkeyen to Kingston back and forth and mookman Max interviewing a bunch of people calling themselves guardians of democracy?  With such heroes guarding the boxes still the ballots were tampered with?  Maybe there is another explanation.  Maybe the hijacked PPP is now afraid of what will be revealed by the recount.  What you say Rama?

Don't be stupid.



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