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The UK has for too long allowed Islamic hate speeches to go unchecked.  The youths attending those sermons have grown with this built up anger and we see it play out today.

I don't believe you can see this in the USA as the hate sermons there will not be tolerated here, not since 9/11.  The one home grown group I would be concerned about would be the Somalis!

The only other hatred are coming from false Imams like Pointblank and it's directed against non-Muslim Indians!  But such cowards run from a White Man's shadow like a cockroach in sunlight!

Chief posted:

The brothers should be placed before a firing squad.

My God this is horrible. It is only time before a backlash on all Muslims.

There is only so much a people can take.

Thoughts and prayers with all of England.

There are two things wrong with your post. firstly, the backlash on muslims begun a long time ago, this will only makes things worse.
Secondly, thoughts and prayer are ok but affirmative action is what is really needed now. I just read an article in which an  attacker stabbed a girl 15 times in London while shouting this is for Allah. 
Really? Are these guys for real??

Sheik101 posted:
Chief posted:

The brothers should be placed before a firing squad.

My God this is horrible. It is only time before a backlash on all Muslims.

There is only so much a people can take.

Thoughts and prayers with all of England.

There are two things wrong with your post. firstly, the backlash on muslims begun a long time ago, this will only makes things worse.
Secondly, thoughts and prayer are ok but affirmative action is what is really needed now. I just read an article in which an  attacker stabbed a girl 15 times in London while shouting this is for Allah. 
Really? Are these guys for real??

They are brainwashed thinking their "God" is the bestest and they can kill while shouting his name,what a bunch of morons.

Sheik101 posted:

There are two things wrong with your post. firstly, the backlash on muslims begun a long time ago, this will only makes things worse.
Secondly, thoughts and prayer are ok but affirmative action is what is really needed now. I just read an article in which an  attacker stabbed a girl 15 times in London while shouting this is for Allah. 
Really? Are these guys for real??

Help me understand:  so Allah wants foreign lives and blood?

Django posted:
Sheik101 posted:
Chief posted:

The brothers should be placed before a firing squad.

My God this is horrible. It is only time before a backlash on all Muslims.

There is only so much a people can take.

Thoughts and prayers with all of England.

There are two things wrong with your post. firstly, the backlash on muslims begun a long time ago, this will only makes things worse.
Secondly, thoughts and prayer are ok but affirmative action is what is really needed now. I just read an article in which an  attacker stabbed a girl 15 times in London while shouting this is for Allah. 
Really? Are these guys for real??

They are brainwashed thinking their "God" is the bestest and they can kill while shouting his name,what a bunch of morons.

Theresa May should consult Roger Khan to help with the situation. It's time for the big boys to do what the little guys are incapable of doing.

Leonora posted:
Sheik101 posted:

There are two things wrong with your post. firstly, the backlash on muslims begun a long time ago, this will only makes things worse.
Secondly, thoughts and prayer are ok but affirmative action is what is really needed now. I just read an article in which an  attacker stabbed a girl 15 times in London while shouting this is for Allah. 
Really? Are these guys for real??

Help me understand:  so Allah wants foreign lives and blood?

Gyal, dem peeple dis nah deh down hey. Dem ah kill dem own mattie fun nuttin. Maybe it's time to hire some of them as moles.


dont know why this came to my mailbox just now

In the name of Allah Most Gracious, Most Merciful


Mr. Sadiq Khan

Mayor of London

City Hall



Asalamu Alaykum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuhu


To the honourable Sadiq Kahn, mayor of London, peace and blessings be upon you,

In the aftermath of the criminal attack carried out on London Bridge on Saturday, 3 June, I write to offer yourself and families of the victims our sincere condolences. We affirm our solidarity with the British people against this heinous crime, which has caused immense pain to Muslims in the United Kingdom, indeed the world over, especially as it was perpetrated during the blessed month of Ramadan; the month of peace, tranquility and prayers.

Despite the gravity of the crime, it has not prevented tens of thousands of Muslims in London and other British cities from performing their prayers and worship in safety and security. For this, we owe our gratitude to the security agencies.

As residents and citizens of this great city, London, and Britain with its established democratic traditions, we continue to benefit from a prevailing climate of peace and social harmony; notwithstanding the recent painful events.

Accordingly, from our sincere and deep-rooted Islamic position, we strongly condemn the despicable crime which contradicts all divine values and man’s peaceful nature. After all, Allah from above the seven heavens has sanctified all human life.


Ibrahim Munir     

Deputy General Guide

Muslim Brotherhood

4 June 2017- 9 Ramadan 1438


ba$eman posted:

The UK has for too long allowed Islamic hate speeches to go unchecked.  The youths attending those sermons have grown with this built up anger and we see it play out today.

I don't believe you can see this in the USA as the hate sermons there will not be tolerated here, not since 9/11.  The one home grown group I would be concerned about would be the Somalis!

The only other hatred are coming from false Imams like Pointblank and it's directed against non-Muslim Indians!  But such cowards run from a White Man's shadow like a cockroach in sunlight!

Just like Europe and England, in 20 or 30 years they(USA and Cananda)will face the same problems. Children growup hearing the ills of the West, especially if the West clamps down on this community for their own survival. 

CNN is claiming Trump is isolating the Muslim Community. That is the problem, assimilation is not acceptable by such group. How can they in reality, when they live in a society that is detestable to their beliefs.

They are hoping that the whole world quickly becomes muslims, according to Chief. How many more terrorist attacks can the West allow before they succumb to the hordes of the invasion.

Chief posted:

The brothers should be placed before a firing squad.

My God this is horrible. It is only time before a backlash on all Muslims.

There is only so much a people can take.

Thoughts and prayers with all of England.

These fools don't think about the consequences and repercussions all muslims face because of their stupidity. These situations have me baffled. What kind of a mind is so easily controlled and manipulated? Have these imbeciles actually read the Koran? Something needs to be done fast. The heads of this snake need to be cut off. At this point, this is a war. ISIS wants their own state. I was fine with that. Whatever fighting they do in their own country is fine. When they seek to export their violence and murder, they need to be stopped. In my opinion, they don't even deserve to have their own state anymore. They need to be wiped off the face of the earth.

Leonora posted:
Sheik101 posted:

There are two things wrong with your post. firstly, the backlash on muslims begun a long time ago, this will only makes things worse.
Secondly, thoughts and prayer are ok but affirmative action is what is really needed now. I just read an article in which an  attacker stabbed a girl 15 times in London while shouting this is for Allah. 
Really? Are these guys for real??

Help me understand:  so Allah wants foreign lives and blood?

There is confusion on that name. For long time now, religious experts (Christians) have been trying to associate the name to God, the Jewish one. However, muslims behave as if this God is false. By denying Christ, they have arrived at the conclusion that He is false. So, Allah is a different god with differing statutes, it appears killing white ppl is the scarifice this god requires. Whatever the beliefs are is one thing, but the symbols of the religion, the moon and star are as ancient at the first man who started a cult/religion, Nimrod. And he hailed out the region of modern day Saudi Arabia.  

GTAngler posted:
Chief posted:

The brothers should be placed before a firing squad.

My God this is horrible. It is only time before a backlash on all Muslims.

There is only so much a people can take.

Thoughts and prayers with all of England.

These fools don't think about the consequences and repercussions all muslims face because of their stupidity. These situations have me baffled. What kind of a mind is so easily controlled and manipulated? Have these imbeciles actually read the Koran? Something needs to be done fast. The heads of this snake need to be cut off. At this point, this is a war. ISIS wants their own state. I was fine with that. Whatever fighting they do in their own country is fine. When they seek to export their violence and murder, they need to be stopped. In my opinion, they don't even deserve to have their own state anymore. They need to be wiped off the face of the earth.

These guys are a minute part of a greater event. World domination by one set of beliefs takes away freedom of thought and activity. That is a gift from God, who says we can be like the Creator-the Bible says,"we are like God." If the quran says so, then it is a good set of beliefs. But I read muslims who says differently. So, which quran dey reading?

ba$eman posted:

The UK has for too long allowed Islamic hate speeches to go unchecked.  The youths attending those sermons have grown with this built up anger and we see it play out today.

I don't believe you can see this in the USA as the hate sermons there will not be tolerated here, not since 9/11.  The one home grown group I would be concerned about would be the Somalis!

The only other hatred are coming from false Imams like Pointblank and it's directed against non-Muslim Indians!  But such cowards run from a White Man's shadow like a cockroach in sunlight!

Pointblank might be an Imam, but who the hell are you, god. Maybe Trump best friend, who might destroy our world, before being taken out in a straitjacket.

Tola posted:
ba$eman posted:

The UK has for too long allowed Islamic hate speeches to go unchecked.  The youths attending those sermons have grown with this built up anger and we see it play out today.

I don't believe you can see this in the USA as the hate sermons there will not be tolerated here, not since 9/11.  The one home grown group I would be concerned about would be the Somalis!

The only other hatred are coming from false Imams like Pointblank and it's directed against non-Muslim Indians!  But such cowards run from a White Man's shadow like a cockroach in sunlight!

Pointblank might be an Imam, but who the hell are you, god. Maybe Trump best friend, who might destroy our world, before being taken out in a straitjacket.

Is Trump your new Jagdeo?  You need to face-up to the racist PNC dunces you supported to take power in Guyana.  They might destroy Guyana and Indians before you get a chance to grow senile and remember not what you did!

ba$eman posted:

The UK has for too long allowed Islamic hate speeches to go unchecked.  The youths attending those sermons have grown with this built up anger and we see it play out today.

I don't believe you can see this in the USA as the hate sermons there will not be tolerated here, not since 9/11.  The one home grown group I would be concerned about would be the Somalis!

The only other hatred are coming from false Imams like Pointblank and it's directed against non-Muslim Indians!  But such cowards run from a White Man's shadow like a cockroach in sunlight!

I agree. One remembers how Choudary and his crew used to spew all sorts of Islamic nonsense liberally in the streets. I am glad they locked his behind up

ba$eman posted:
Tola posted:
ba$eman posted:

The UK has for too long allowed Islamic hate speeches to go unchecked.  The youths attending those sermons have grown with this built up anger and we see it play out today.

I don't believe you can see this in the USA as the hate sermons there will not be tolerated here, not since 9/11.  The one home grown group I would be concerned about would be the Somalis!

The only other hatred are coming from false Imams like Pointblank and it's directed against non-Muslim Indians!  But such cowards run from a White Man's shadow like a cockroach in sunlight!

Pointblank might be an Imam, but who the hell are you, god. Maybe Trump best friend, who might destroy our world, before being taken out in a straitjacket.

Is Trump your new Jagdeo?  You need to face-up to the racist PNC dunces you supported to take power in Guyana.  They might destroy Guyana and Indians before you get a chance to grow senile and remember not what you did!

Racist PNC dunces, eh !! Similar to what your hero Trump is doing to destroy the world. You should ask Jagdeo the biggest racist dunce ever, what he did to the black communities in Berbice.

While you are at it, ask him also how the Indian teachers treated black students, including  kicking them out of cricket teams.

Like a good boy, you might say Jagdeo was not there, but his directive to Mutt and Jeff was as good as himself.

You got the contract to build the Trump wall yet ?

Last edited by Tola
Stormborn posted:
ba$eman posted:

The UK has for too long allowed Islamic hate speeches to go unchecked.  The youths attending those sermons have grown with this built up anger and we see it play out today.

I don't believe you can see this in the USA as the hate sermons there will not be tolerated here, not since 9/11.  The one home grown group I would be concerned about would be the Somalis!

The only other hatred are coming from false Imams like Pointblank and it's directed against non-Muslim Indians!  But such cowards run from a White Man's shadow like a cockroach in sunlight!

I agree. One remembers how Choudary and his crew used to spew all sorts of Islamic nonsense liberally in the streets. I am glad they locked his behind up

Thanks!  I take that as a feather in my cap that you agree. I hope you don't mind, but I was wearing my PPP cap!!

Now, you need to fess up and join Ms Anna Correia in the fight against PNC tyranny being unleashed against the innocent peoples of Guyana!

Tola posted:
ba$eman posted:
Tola posted:
ba$eman posted:

The UK has for too long allowed Islamic hate speeches to go unchecked.  The youths attending those sermons have grown with this built up anger and we see it play out today.

I don't believe you can see this in the USA as the hate sermons there will not be tolerated here, not since 9/11.  The one home grown group I would be concerned about would be the Somalis!

The only other hatred are coming from false Imams like Pointblank and it's directed against non-Muslim Indians!  But such cowards run from a White Man's shadow like a cockroach in sunlight!

Pointblank might be an Imam, but who the hell are you, god. Maybe Trump best friend, who might destroy our world, before being taken out in a straitjacket.

Is Trump your new Jagdeo?  You need to face-up to the racist PNC dunces you supported to take power in Guyana.  They might destroy Guyana and Indians before you get a chance to grow senile and remember not what you did!

Racist PNC dunces, eh !! Similar to what your hero Trump is doing to destroy the world. You should ask Jagdeo the biggest racist dunce ever, what he did to the black communities in Berbice.

While you are at it, ask him also how the Indian teachers treated black students, including  kicking them out of cricket teams.

Like a good boy, you might say Jagdeo was not there, but his directive to Mutt and Jeff was as good as himself.

You got the contract to build the Trump wall yet ?

As I said, you all over the damn place like a bazzidy headless [old wet] fowl!!

Banna, even the learned D2 agrees with my comment!  What da rass me care wah yuh dunce rass think!


What else can I expect from as racist shit like you.

You like to plug in other poster's name  in your replies to make yourself look good., but even lipstick on Baseman will not make   Baseman look any  better, just more racist and get picked up by another guy ? 

You must be one of these Indian high class individuals, who think all others are below them. Are you one of these untouchables Baseman ?  Do you wash  your own backside ?  

How many others on GNI you been stalking by sniffing their backside odour ?

ba$eman posted:
Tola posted:

You must be one of these Indian high class........ Are you one of these untouchablesDo you wash  your own backside ?

Hehe, Tola, is wah yuh sayin' deh bai?  Did you take your meds?


So now you are ashamed of your own culture, hypocrite.  Its now getting clearer why you were kicked out of India.


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