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I am so sad to see a man who had great morals and of sound character reduced himself to a BITTER, envious and mudslinger. Yesterday on Spotlight TV he claimed the PPP is clueless, not a Party for the Working Class Bla Bla Bla. This is the same man who only about a year ago praised the Party, it's History, it's Leaders. He went on to say that Prez Ramotar should not talk about possible Rigging of Election, that he must concentrate on other things. Mr Nagamootoo, Prez Ramotar is CAPABLE of doing many things at the same time. Please dont judge him by your standard. Mr Nagamootoo was your mouth stitched weeks after the Election when PNC/KFC was claiming FRAUD, Rioting in the Streete, Refused to ACCEPT the results, caused a NATION to be fearful, Businesses had to shut down. Where were you MR Nagamootoo and your hypocritical lecture about fairness, rul of law and other BS????

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Sir Nehru, politics is a serious game and Guyanese still don't understand how this game is being played. When Moses joined the AFC he has to speak and act on his party behalf and go against his own principles. He may walk like a man, talk like a man, but he's not the man we once knew. We must let go of him and centered out focus on people who sees Guyana for all its greatness and promises. The oppositions are partners in crime and their sole mission is to dismantle the PPP and the President. Moses, however, is part of the opposition. Did you get my message? 


Serving the People how??? You are full of SHIT. Moses cant so squat for the Guyanese People. Running around with a few Kites for Easter is NOT serving the People of Guyana. In fact, his selfish act has done DAMAGE to Guyana. He was more concerned with "ME" and to hell with the consequences for his selfishness. Look at his Video from 2006 and you will see what he thinks about someone jumping Ship.

Originally Posted by Nehru:

Serving the People how??? You are full of SHIT. Moses cant so squat for the Guyanese People. Running around with a few Kites for Easter is NOT serving the People of Guyana. In fact, his selfish act has done DAMAGE to Guyana. He was more concerned with "ME" and to hell with the consequences for his selfishness. Look at his Video from 2006 and you will see what he thinks about someone jumping Ship.



You are not very intelligent. 

And your response shows without a doubt that you are.Originally Posted by PRK:
Originally Posted by Nehru:

Serving the People how??? You are full of SHIT. Moses cant so squat for the Guyanese People. Running around with a few Kites for Easter is NOT serving the People of Guyana. In fact, his selfish act has done DAMAGE to Guyana. He was more concerned with "ME" and to hell with the consequences for his selfishness. Look at his Video from 2006 and you will see what he thinks about someone jumping Ship.



You are not very intelligent. 


Originally Posted by PRK:

Mr Nagamootoo is a brave and courageous man who stays in Guyana and serve the people. He proved Jagdeo and Ramoutar wrong by winning several seats for the AFC. Moses changed Guyana for the better. Which of you two opportunistic dunces can ever accomplish something like that? 

Mr. Magamootoo dedicated his life to politics and I am not denying that. He was seen by Guyanese as a political symbol of the working class. When he spoke publicly that he will NEVER be a neemakaram to leave the PPP and join the AFC, and turn around and did the opposite, that's when the Guyanese people lost confidence in him. Politics don't have friends nor foes. People have the right to critized politicians when they screw up and praise them when they support policies that work in the greater good for the nation. The same way you (PRK) view Jagdeo and Ramotar the same way we see Moses. They say a slip of a tongue could sink a ship, as with George Bush Sr., when he said "read my lips"..."no more new taxes". If moses political life is over, or he intend to pursue his political ambition, his voice and action will always be against the ruling party. Therefore, we cannot see Moses in the same light as we saw him when he was a die-hard PPPites. PRK, don't get carried away and taint the english language with name calling. You're an intelligent person.


Many in the party besides Moses were pissed at the Jagdeo/Ramotar arrangement.  Moses chose to put a fight in public by endorsing another party while the others like Ralph decided to lie low in the greater interests of the party and the nation itself. Ralph and others are well aware of what could happened had more voices like Moses went out in public and battle the party. It would've meant  a greater fiasco at the polls. The PPP got lucky that they did not lose the popular vote and find itself in the opposition. The PNC is waiting to seize any opportunity to get back into office.

Billy Ram Balgobin
Originally Posted by Nehru:

I am so sad to see a man who had great morals and of sound character reduced himself to a BITTER, envious and mudslinger. Yesterday on Spotlight TV he claimed the PPP is clueless, not a Party for the Working Class Bla Bla Bla. This is the same man who only about a year ago praised the Party, it's History, it's Leaders. He went on to say that Prez Ramotar should not talk about possible Rigging of Election, that he must concentrate on other things. Mr Nagamootoo, Prez Ramotar is CAPABLE of doing many things at the same time. Please dont judge him by your standard. Mr Nagamootoo was your mouth stitched weeks after the Election when PNC/KFC was claiming FRAUD, Rioting in the Streete, Refused to ACCEPT the results, caused a NATION to be fearful, Businesses had to shut down. Where were you MR Nagamootoo and your hypocritical lecture about fairness, rul of law and other BS????

He changed Guyana. He give us a lifeline to democracy. When the text is written it may be that he was indeed a Moses taking us to the promised land of Democracy. You are too engrossed being a mealy mouthed, bile spouting rodent to speak to the reality that for the first time there is a chance for accountable administration in Guyana.

Originally Posted by Billy Ram Balgobin:

Many in the party besides Moses were pissed at the Jagdeo/Ramotar arrangement.  Moses chose to put a fight in public by endorsing another party while the others like Ralph decided to lie low in the greater interests of the party and the nation itself. Ralph and others are well aware of what could happened had more voices like Moses went out in public and battle the party. It would've meant  a greater fiasco at the polls. The PPP got lucky that they did not lose the popular vote and find itself in the opposition. The PNC is waiting to seize any opportunity to get back into office.

Ah Yes! While  Ralph and  others  are  lying  low for  the  greater  good  of  the  party, we  have:


1.  The  horny gorilla,  Henry  Greene doling  out  cash  destined  for  feeding inlined  ranks and  mounting   woman  from  the  rear without  even the  slightest  peep  from  the  political  directorate.


2.  Back dated,  post dated  and  stale dated invoices  in  the  hundred  of  millions  of  dollars at  the  Ministry  of  Education with  undelivered,  part delivered and  never  delivered   inventories.


3. $90 millions dollars  still  not  yet fully  accounted  for  by  the  Police  and  M Of HA,  yet  Rohee has  the  gumption  to  call  for    disciplinary action  against  one  brave  soul  who dared  to speak  up.


4.  Inflated contracts.


5.  Substandard  works...


6. GUYSUCO, the  largest  employer  and  life  blood of   the  nation on  perpetual life support. 


From  Jagdeo's  own  lips " Navin  Chanderpal  is  a rum shop  drunk who  hardly  does  anything at the  Office  Of  the  President where  he  has  been  safely  ensconced for  the  past  five  years".  Strangely enough,  Navin  is  still  safely  ensconced  in  the  Office  Of  the President.  Think this  has  anything  to  do  with  keeping a low  profile? Naah !  Mere  coincidence!


Moses came on board with us and some went back to the PNC,it was to happen according to God"s Plan(voters =Volume/Average).Moses is Man enough to walk away from the Vultures and talk about it openly,Bhar-Wha Rat was stealing since he was born.Badlu Nah-Raw Ru need to visit the Jerry Springer show and use the pole,once a dunce always a dunce. 


It look like there is a change in Bowling..... Sharon has Stormed into the attack for GINA.

De Regular ******s, B@tty Boys and Godey Fellas have been replaced by an Under-cover lady.

Let us see how well or differently Sharon could survive among  De Vultures,Parasites, Prostitutes and Pimps.



Maybe.... Mama Cat could turn on De Vultures


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