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VATICAN CITY—Pope Benedict XVI will resign on Feb. 28 for health reasons, according to Vatican spokesman Ciro Benedettini. The announcement Monday was a surprise.

The pope will step down two months before his 86th birthday after serving for almost eight years. Benedict is the 265 leader of the Roman Catholic Church.

A conclave of the church’s cardinals will be called in Rome to select a new Pope, Benedettini said.

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Originally Posted by Amral:

VATICAN CITY—Pope Benedict XVI will resign on Feb. 28 for health reasons, according to Vatican spokesman Ciro Benedettini. The announcement Monday was a surprise.

The pope will step down two months before his 86th birthday after serving for almost eight years. Benedict is the 265 leader of the Roman Catholic Church.

A conclave of the church’s cardinals will be called in Rome to select a new Pope, Benedettini said.

First thing I thought was "sex scandal".

Originally Posted by cain:

Why don't these guys put someone in who can go the distance. Wanna bet they'll place another one who's got one foot in the coffin, as Pope.

This is when British regret not being catholic. They would like to appoint a young British hooligan as a pope.


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