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If Trump were to win, it would be a huge rebuke to Obama. It would be a slap in the face to Paul Ryan and Mitch McConnell. Even with all three branches of government and a majority of Republican Governor mansions and State Houses, and now a Supreme Court that would be Republican. The market turbulence is only a start. Angry America would have spoken.

Kari posted:


The Hispanic and Black voters were not enough or enthusiastic enough (a rallying cry by Caribny). Hillary did not enthuse them enough and the angry whites were pissed at her ( a historic factor).

So now you understand that I am not as ignorant of blacks and you aren't the expert that you thought you were.

The GOP and the Dems ignored their bases, and now we have a tyrant.  Millions of dollars and a get out to vote and Hillary did worse than Kerry.

In fact Obama disguised a flaw in the Democratic party, and with him gone, its exposed again.

So Kari where is this demographic destiny that ensured the Democrats would win for ever. They became over dependent on millennials and minorities, whose lives haven't improved, so they didn't vote.

Hillary over played Trump the pervert and ignored the fact that working class white women prefer to pay their bills. She didn't emphasize the fact that Trump will NOT deliver this nirvana that he promises. So they see this rich man who will bring back the jobs that their parents had in the 70s.

Blacks, with median household income relative to whites, only slightly better than during the Reagan era, and expecting much more from Obama.

A friend of mine told me tonight that blacks loved Obama as a man. Revered Michelle, and wished that their kids behaved like the Obama girls. But they didn't see what difference Obama made on their lives.


So the Clintons are out of politics as is the Bush dynasty.

Maybe we can have an intelligent discussion on what should happen while Empire Trump fiddles.

The Democratic elites must cease to insult their most loyal support bases. Don't ignore them and then scream that you will be insulted if they don't do as they are told.

This is a rejection by America of Obama. Sorry Kari. I told you in 2010 that Obama should have spent more time on working to give Americans access to decent jobs and less on green energy and Obamacare.


Caribj never know which side his toast is buttered he just complain there is a shortage of butter. Ugli on the other hand is a dunce.

There is so many things wrong here that it is hard to list them...muslim ban, muslim registry, stop and frisk, alt right affinity, obamacare, roe vs wade, Trickle down economics, climate change as a Chinese invention, abrogation of trade laws....

Danyael posted:

Caribj never know which side his toast is buttered he just complain there is a shortage of butter. Ugli on the other hand is a dunce.

There is so many things wrong here that it is hard to list them...muslim ban, muslim registry, stop and frisk, alt right affinity, obamacare, roe vs wade, Trickle down economics, climate change as a Chinese invention, abrogation of trade laws....

Kari posted:

I don't think that anyone, including Trump supporters like Yuji and Caribny expected Trump to win, so don't go patting yourselves on the back.

And here we go. Hillary lost for the same reasons why I was afraid that she would

Did you all learn anything? NO!

Trump did BETTER than did Romney among white women, among blacks, and among Hispanics.

I WARNED you Danyael aboutd PA. Rendell, a man who is NOT a Trump supporter said that there is a hidden Trump vote in PA. You scoffed.

Well scoff again.

It is YOU and Kari who put this monster in power, and here you are screaming that I am a Trump supporter when there was NOT one kind word that I said about him, and BOTH of you know this as you would gave read my responses to baseman, yuji and others.

Both of you need to go and admit that you unconditionally backed a flawed candidate with a flawed strategy. Her center piece was about the fact that Trump  outsources and is responsible for Americans losing their jobs. She did NOT emphasize that.  WHY NOT?

Last edited by Former Member

What happened yesterday was the SAME thing that happen in the UK with Brexit. People vote, or don't vote, because of bread and butter issues. They don't care about climatic events that will occur 50 years from now if they cannot pay their mortgage now.

FACT. Many people are hurting and their voting, or not voting was reflected yesterday. Hillary did NOT address these concerns and neither did Obama. Trump did, even though he is a liar and now he is President Trump!

Hillary LOST many white women, and many minorities, who either voted for Trump, or didn't vote at all! DEAL WITH THAT instead of screaming at me.

caribny posted:
Danyael posted:

Caribj never know which side his toast is buttered he just complain there is a shortage of butter. Ugli on the other hand is a dunce.

There is so many things wrong here that it is hard to list them...muslim ban, muslim registry, stop and frisk, alt right affinity, obamacare, roe vs wade, Trickle down economics, climate change as a Chinese invention, abrogation of trade laws....

Kari posted:

I don't think that anyone, including Trump supporters like Yuji and Caribny expected Trump to win, so don't go patting yourselves on the back.

And here we go. Hillary lost for the same reasons why I was afraid that she would

Did you all learn anything? NO!

Trump did BETTER than did Romney among white women, among blacks, and among Hispanics.

I WARNED you Danyael aboutd PA. Rendell, a man who is NOT a Trump supporter said that there is a hidden Trump vote in PA. You scoffed.

Well scoff again.

It is YOU and Kari who put this monster in power, and here you are screaming that I am a Trump supporter when there was NOT one kind word that I said about him, and BOTH of you know this as you would gave read my responses to baseman, yuji and others.

Both of you need to go and admit that you unconditionally backed a flawed candidate with a flawed strategy. Her center piece was about the fact that Trump  outsources and is responsible for Americans losing their jobs. She did NOT emphasize that.  WHY NOT?

I relied on what people presented as their face. I did not plan for the fellow living in his mom's basement voting for race over what is right. Hillary did all the right things. She could have been dirty but that was not her way given she had 30 years of people doing it to her. She said he lied and he did. She said he did not have a viable plan and he does not. She said he has a distorted view of foreign policy and she is right. She said trickle down was a farce and it is. She said coal was dead and it was. She said she would build job in coal country by facilitating a green economy and that is all they can expect. Jobs will be outsourced. You cannot build a hanger here for a dollar when it can be made for 10 cents across the border. We need to take advantage of our superior technology and orient ourselves there

Danyael posted:
caribny posted:
Danyael posted:

Caribj never know which side his toast is buttered he just complain there is a shortage of butter. Ugli on the other hand is a dunce.

There is so many things wrong here that it is hard to list them...muslim ban, muslim registry, stop and frisk, alt right affinity, obamacare, roe vs wade, Trickle down economics, climate change as a Chinese invention, abrogation of trade laws....

Kari posted:

I don't think that anyone, including Trump supporters like Yuji and Caribny expected Trump to win, so don't go patting yourselves on the back.

And here we go. Hillary lost for the same reasons why I was afraid that she would

Did you all learn anything? NO!

Trump did BETTER than did Romney among white women, among blacks, and among Hispanics.

I WARNED you Danyael aboutd PA. Rendell, a man who is NOT a Trump supporter said that there is a hidden Trump vote in PA. You scoffed.

Well scoff again.

It is YOU and Kari who put this monster in power, and here you are screaming that I am a Trump supporter when there was NOT one kind word that I said about him, and BOTH of you know this as you would gave read my responses to baseman, yuji and others.

Both of you need to go and admit that you unconditionally backed a flawed candidate with a flawed strategy. Her center piece was about the fact that Trump  outsources and is responsible for Americans losing their jobs. She did NOT emphasize that.  WHY NOT?

I relied on what people presented as their face. I did not plan for the fellow living in his mom's basement voting for race over what is right. .

Did blacks and Hispanics vote race, by either not voting, or voting for Trump.

Hillary lost because she UNDER PERFORMED in traditional Democrat areas. It was pathetic last night when they tried to spin that they will win, based on the Detroit and Milwaukee vote, and the CNN commentators saying that with few votes left this was highly unlikely.

Milwaukee and Detroit and Flint are among the most depressed cities for blacks. Then your shock that they think that voting is a waste and so they stayed home, or went to their low paying jobs.


Flint is a hell hole but an anamoly in MI where obama rebuild the economy and rescued the auto industry and it now experiences the lowest unemployment rate. Those people defected because they liked the nativism that was for sale. I wait the buyers remorse we see in England.

Last edited by Former Member

Danyael the Democratic base don't know what trickle down economics is. They know that many of them aren't working, or if they are, have LOWER incomes than they did 15 years ago. More of them are part time or work as contractors.

Hillary did NOT deconstruct the notion that Trump is a successful businessman who will bring back jobs. We should have been seeing 24/7 of ads with Trumps ties being made in India, and furniture in Turkey.  No. It was all the stuff that only intellectual elites care about.

Did Hillary have people connected to these minority communities, or white working class in senior positions in her campaign team. Or did she have a bunch of bright white people who went to Yale and Harvard, and who don't have the slightest notion that of how these people.

A man screaming about Mexicans, and Trump didn't do worse with Latinos, some polls showing that he did better, than did Romney.

FACT. Not every Latino cares about the immigration issue.


caribny posted:

Danyael the Democratic base don't know what trickle down economics is. They know that many of them aren't working, or if they are, have LOWER incomes than they did 15 years ago. More of them are part time or work as contractors.

Hillary did NOT deconstruct the notion that Trump is a successful businessman who will bring back jobs. We should have been seeing 24/7 of ads with Trumps ties being made in India, and furniture in Turkey.  No. It was all the stuff that only intellectual elites care about.

Did Hillary have people connected to these minority communities, or white working class in senior positions in her campaign team. Or did she have a bunch of bright white people who went to Yale and Harvard, and who don't have the slightest notion that of how these people.

A man screaming about Mexicans, and Trump didn't do worse with Latinos, some polls showing that he did better, than did Romney.

FACT. Not every Latino cares about the immigration issue.


I see what Hillary said as light years beyond that that orangutan said and that is all that mattered. This was more than concern for self but an insidious undercurrent of racism that wanted a spokes person and found its voice in him so they roared.

caribny posted:
Danyael posted:

Caribj never know which side his toast is buttered he just complain there is a shortage of butter. Ugli on the other hand is a dunce.

There is so many things wrong here that it is hard to list them...muslim ban, muslim registry, stop and frisk, alt right affinity, obamacare, roe vs wade, Trickle down economics, climate change as a Chinese invention, abrogation of trade laws....

Kari posted:

I don't think that anyone, including Trump supporters like Yuji and Caribny expected Trump to win, so don't go patting yourselves on the back.

And here we go. Hillary lost for the same reasons why I was afraid that she would

Did you all learn anything? NO!

Trump did BETTER than did Romney among white women, among blacks, and among Hispanics.

I WARNED you Danyael aboutd PA. Rendell, a man who is NOT a Trump supporter said that there is a hidden Trump vote in PA. You scoffed.

Well scoff again.

It is YOU and Kari who put this monster in power, and here you are screaming that I am a Trump supporter when there was NOT one kind word that I said about him, and BOTH of you know this as you would gave read my responses to baseman, yuji and others.

Both of you need to go and admit that you unconditionally backed a flawed candidate with a flawed strategy. Her center piece was about the fact that Trump  outsources and is responsible for Americans losing their jobs. She did NOT emphasize that.  WHY NOT?

It was not about the candidate but what type of America voters wanted. the angry vision won the day.

Danyael posted:
caribny posted:


I see what Hillary said as light years beyond that that orangutan said and that is all that mattered.

Hmmm. Trump controls the Supreme Court, the Senate and the House and none of this matters.

Just nice speeches.  This is why Hillary lost!  Ordinary people deal with bread and butter issues, not pie in the sky dogma.


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