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Position of AFC leaders on Agricola as it happened – Reviewing the Email Threads

November 3, 2012 | By | Filed Under Letters 



Guyana’s President and his Prime Minister led the PPP/C pack that accused the Alliance for Change (AFC), more particularly Chairman Nigel Hughes and I, with planning and organizing the unrest and violence in Agricola on Thursday, October 11, 2012.
The PPP’s imagination ran wild. They placed me in a Chinese shop in Agricola, directing violence against children and others, mainly Indo-Guyanese!  They repeated their lies and slander almost daily since.
So, where were other AFC leaders and I on Thursday, October 11?
For myself, I was in my Law Chambers until 2 p.m when I left for a Parliamentary Management Committee meeting at Parliament Buildings, and I remained there until about 4 p.m. The meeting was chaired by Speaker Raphael Trotman and included PPP’s MPs Gail Teixiera and Indra Chandarpal.
After the meeting, I headed straight for home, looking forward with excitement to that evening’s US vice-presidential debate. At about 6 p.m I was reading an email from VP Joe Biden on what to expect in the debate, when my secretary called to say that she was caught up in traffic on the East Bank highway.
She was in company with her husband and their two infant daughters. I invited them to our home, and welcomed them to spend the night if they wanted. Just about then, my niece’s husband called that he was stuck in Providence, and my son shared a photo emailed by his friend showing fire on the roadway at Agricola.
I immediately began to email AFC leaders, requesting that we share information on what’s happening in Agricola. I never left my home. I watched the debate, thought Biden won, and stayed up deep into the night to help put an AFC media statement out.
For the record, I am sharing my email interaction with other AFC leaders, as it took place between 6.00 p.m and 9.49 p.m. It makes poignant reading, and exposes those who have wrongly and wickedly maligned us:-
Moses Nagamootoo: Hey, can we share info on what’s taking place on the ground? I got photos of fire on road and water cannon on its way.
Beverley Alert: Call Trevor. He is in Eccles.
Dominic Gaskin: I’ve been stuck here for three hours now. I’m in Houston. There must be a few thousand vehicles waiting patiently for the road to clear.
David Patterson: I feel your pain and applaud your patience. However several persons have already given up and decided to spend the night in town with friends and family. On another note, I spoke with Nigel a short while ago, and he has undertaken to draft a press statement for our review on this matter.
Moses Nagamootoo: We need intelligence on the ground. There would be lots of disinformation and infiltration to make this bad.
Khemraj Ramjattan: Just off a conversation with Nigel. Shared some thoughts on the Draft statement, which will be shared with all. Looks like situation bad on the ground. Traffic blocked badly. And robberies in the Village itself.
Moses Nagamootoo: We have to fully assess the situation but whilst we maintain our position in principle on Rohee and police killings, we do not condone violence or brigandage under the guise of protest. Protest must be organized and led not left to those either to exploit it or derail it.
Raphael Trotman: My reports are of chaos. Gun shots, tear smoke, people running, some beatings and robberies.
Khemraj Ramjattan: We have to persist with our position that Rohee must go and we will ensure through all legitimate avenues that he goes. However, we must not condone what is happening…inconvenience of other citizens, robberies, etc. This we must condemn.
Raphael Trotman: The perception out there is that it’s the AFC’s “protest”.
Moses Nagamootoo: That’s how it was presented on NCN. Luncheon was pouring gasoline on fire by saying govt would take everything thrown at it but won’t sack Rohee. The NCN spin was that Nigel wanted Rohee to go and therefore the protest was his/AFC.  Earlier NCN was saying that Nigel is behind the protest as they try to link ultimatum on Rohee. This is pre-emptive and suggests that the dirty tricks squad will infiltrate to debase AFC.
Khemraj Ramjattan: Mo, the statement of Shaq mom in Dem Waves explains why it happened. She said that since Luncheon want to rumble, she and Agricolans went back from Mag Ct to rumble.
It is obvious that the tactless and belligerent mouthings of Roger at his Press Conference which started this. He even began singing “we never will remove Rohee”. This was also insulting when he said that Rohee is best minister.
Moses Nagamootoo: I agree. This is Luncheon’s tactic to discredit Black people and distance Indians from AFC.
This is a la attack on presidential office when there was direction to “open de gate”. He would hope this gets worse.

Beverly Alert: Can we say in our statement that Govt chief spokesman taunted grieving mothers. His callous remarks and jolly nature in a matter so serious taunted ordinary women and poor families to react.
Khemraj Ramjattan: We have to separate ourselves completely from that by saying we had nothing to do with that. It was Luncheon and his recklessness.
Beverly Alert: Gail on NCN with Anil, now.
Dominic Gaskin: Clearing up now. I’m now in Agricola but crawling
Khemraj Ramjattan: Be careful, Dominic
Moses Nagamootoo: Thanks. Email me when you pass……
Moses Nagamootoo: We must reiterate that Rohee must go. His retention as home affairs minister is a provocation and further undermines confidence in the security forces.
His retention mocks the grief of mothers who lose their beloved children ever so often by criminal police violence under the watch of Rohee who has failed to exercise general control and supervision of the public safety agencies.

At 9.49 p.m that fateful night, we issued our first statement in which AFC condemned the provocative and belligerent statements by Luncheon and also the blocking of the roadway at Agricola and subsequent robbery of innocent citizens on their way home. AFC pleaded for calm and asked citizens not to be provoked. The next day, Nigel and I at a news conference repeated our position.
The Government and its media blacked out and/or censored all AFC’s statements and instead continued unabated with their neo-fascist and racist propaganda attacks on our leaders, in  their insane drive to use Agricola as a massive diversion from their widespread corruption, escalating crime and growing social fears in Guyana.
Decent Guyanese must never allow this insult to their intelligence to pass!
Moses V. Nagamootoo,
AFC’s Vice-Chairman/Parliamentarian

Replies sorted oldest to newest

Mitwah, AFC has lost a lot of credibility and very few, except the diehards, actually listen to their excuses.  Many now view the AFC as a bitter anti-PPP foot-stool of the PNC.  You are now the bark behind the PNC bite.

Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Perhaps! Perhaps not!   The people now have a voice thru the AFC.

The last polls have the AFC below 5% support level.  Now, exactly whose voice you represent?

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Perhaps! Perhaps not!   The people now have a voice thru the AFC.

The last polls have the AFC below 5% support level.  Now, exactly whose voice you represent?

HEHEHEHE Imaginative Representation.


Nagamootoo and the other crooks now fabricating alibis in an attempt to convince the Guyanese public that they were not culpable for the unrest. But the people know better, mo fiah slow fiah is contrary to development and progress  in the nation. These rabble rousers will pay at the polls.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Perhaps! Perhaps not!   The people now have a voice thru the AFC.

The last polls have the AFC below 5% support level.  Now, exactly whose voice you represent?

this is totally false Baseman.


The AFC won close to 10% of the votes and it would have been more if Granger did not do their racial thing by running into Black villages and telling the people that this is the only chance for black people to win.


Further 3 days before the elections the BIG-RAT run up to Berbice and beg the people from the TV to give Uncle Donald one last chance.



Well black people and coolie people get conned again.






Originally Posted by Devindra:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Perhaps! Perhaps not!   The people now have a voice thru the AFC.

The last polls have the AFC below 5% support level.  Now, exactly whose voice you represent?

this is totally false Baseman.


The AFC won close to 10% of the votes and it would have been more if Granger did not do their racial thing by running into Black villages and telling the people that this is the only chance for black people to win.


Further 3 days before the elections the BIG-RAT run up to Berbice and beg the people from the TV to give Uncle Donald one last chance.



Well black people and coolie people get conned again.






Come on Gerhard, you were taken for a ride and it continues.  The writing was on the wall, plot in play, before the elections and you were too blind to see it.


Regarding the below 5%, I was referring to the recent poll which indicated PPPites who went AFC (Nagamootoo's constituency) have been shocked and disillusioned by the post-election stance of the AFC and will return "home".  Here it indicated less that 5% support.


Bhai, it's a tough reality when a party loses credibility. I heard the PPP stole the AFC action plan. Now they stood as a voice for the people, but how many people that is. This nonsense will played out until 2016. I hope by then Guyana will no longer experience the obstacle as they do today. 

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Devindra:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Mitwah:

Perhaps! Perhaps not!   The people now have a voice thru the AFC.

The last polls have the AFC below 5% support level.  Now, exactly whose voice you represent?

this is totally false Baseman.


The AFC won close to 10% of the votes and it would have been more if Granger did not do their racial thing by running into Black villages and telling the people that this is the only chance for black people to win.


Further 3 days before the elections the BIG-RAT run up to Berbice and beg the people from the TV to give Uncle Donald one last chance.



Well black people and coolie people get conned again.






Come on Gerhard, you were taken for a ride and it continues.  The writing was on the wall, plot in play, before the elections and you were too blind to see it.


Regarding the below 5%, I was referring to the recent poll which indicated PPPites who went AFC (Nagamootoo's constituency) have been shocked and disillusioned by the post-election stance of the AFC and will return "home".  Here it indicated less that 5% support.

Is that a BISRAM Poll, the man who make up the numbers in his car in Brooklyn?


baseman, you really accord yourself a lot of importance.  You seriously think I would create a fake profile just to engage you?  I have never penned a letter under a pseudonym and I don't need one to speak my mind.  I told you I was disappointed when I realised what kind of a person you really are, as it makes me sad for the future of my country.  But your racism is between you and your conscience.  I will do what I have to do regardless of people like you.  So, please, stop flattering yourself.  It is pathetic, at best.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:

Since Baseman blow gmoney's cover as divendra, he force him to surface like a hassa when you tickle their nest. ahahahah


Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

baseman, you really accord yourself a lot of importance.  You seriously think I would create a fake profile just to engage you?  I have never penned a letter under a pseudonym and I don't need one to speak my mind.  I told you I was disappointed when I realised what kind of a person you really are, as it makes me sad for the future of my country.  But your racism is between you and your conscience.  I will do what I have to do regardless of people like you.  So, please, stop flattering yourself.  It is pathetic, at best.

Gerhard, I don't feel flattered in anyway, I'm just a blogger on an obscure site that very few Guyanese even read.  I also don't know why you accuse me of racism when I did, and still do, support the position that more Afros be visible decision-making positions, jobs and educational opportunities.


What is disappointing is people like you who fell lock-step with the PNC and now have effectively become the new champions of "slo fiah mo fiah" mentality and behavior.  The Guyanese people (mostly Indians) will register this next time around.  You see my man, the Indians in the opposition, who have displayed an irrational hatred of the PPP, have shot themselves and the Party in their foot and as such will be relegated to irrelevance.


What is dangerous and disappointing is this attitude of "foaming from the mouth" with anger which will propel some of you to serve as unwitting agitators of mayhem and give the real pitbull, the PNC, the pretext to unleash their brand of politics on the masses.  This makes me, and many many others, sad for the future of the nation.


You see it's you, not me, will need to wrestle with your conscience should this spin out of control.

Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

baseman, you really accord yourself a lot of importance.  You seriously think I would create a fake profile just to engage you?  I have never penned a letter under a pseudonym and I don't need one to speak my mind.  I told you I was disappointed when I realised what kind of a person you really are, as it makes me sad for the future of my country.  But your racism is between you and your conscience.  I will do what I have to do regardless of people like you.  So, please, stop flattering yourself.  It is pathetic, at best.

Gerhard, I don't feel flattered in anyway, I'm just a blogger on an obscure site that very few Guyanese even read.  I also don't know why you accuse me of racism when I did, and still do, support the position that more Afros be visible decision-making positions, jobs and educational opportunities.


What is disappointing is people like you who fell lock-step with the PNC and now have effectively become the new champions of "slo fiah mo fiah" mentality and behavior.  The Guyanese people (mostly Indians) will register this next time around.  You see my man, the Indians in the opposition, who have displayed an irrational hatred of the PPP, have shot themselves and the Party in their foot and as such will be relegated to irrelevance.


What is dangerous and disappointing is this attitude of "foaming from the mouth" with anger which will propel some of you to serve as unwitting agitators of mayhem and give the real pitbull, the PNC, the pretext to unleash their brand of politics on the masses.  This makes me, and many many others, sad for the future of the nation.


You see it's you, not me, will need to wrestle with your conscience should this spin out of control.

It is EASY for a Donkey like GR to call anyone a Racist, that is all they have going for them. When you are SHAMELESS., HEARTLESS and POWER HUNGRY, you are more lethal than a Nuclear Bomb. These BASTARDS are dangerous to the PROGRESS of Guyana. With People like that among us, we have to be VERY careful!!!


The Region Six administration will be launching an investigation into allegations that a councillor on the Regional Works Committee, who is attached to the Alliance For Change (AFC) has attempted to solicit bribes from a contractor.
Rohan Jaggassar is being accused of approaching Hardat Singh for monies on more than one occasion to sign an approval certificate for payment for work done.
In a statement, Singh, who is contracted to clean canals in Black Bush Polder, said he never paid any money to Jaggassar, despite several requests from the councillor.
The issue was brought to the Region Six Regional Democratic Council (RDC) on Thursday.
Regional Chairman David Armogan said the matter will be fully investigated, noting that it is the government that is normally accused of corruption by the opposition.
“Now it looks as though the opposition is working in cahoots with the contractors,” Armogan said.
A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) representative Jauvane Stephens congratulated the regional chairman for bringing the issue to the RDC, and urged a speedy investigation into the matter.
People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) Councillor Philip Rose supported the investigation, pointing out that corruption is plaguing society.
“All must take ownership and operate above board.”
Regional Vice Chairman and Works Committee head Baupaul Jagroo told the council that anyone found guilty of any such act should be expelled, while AFC Councillor Ervin Abullah in support of his colleagues said the investigators must look to see if the contractor’s work was poor, hence, the non-payment.
Jaggassar said the contractor produces the poorest quality work in the region and expects payment for it.
He, however, admitted to signing certificates indicating that the said contractor has produced work to Jaggassar’s satisfaction and should be paid.
The regional chairman said if that is so, then the AFC councillor may be guilty of fraud.
The investigating team is being headed by the regional executive officer and includes a member from each of the three political parties

Originally Posted by Nehru:
Originally Posted by baseman:
Originally Posted by Gerhard Ramsaroop:

baseman, you really accord yourself a lot of importance.  You seriously think I would create a fake profile just to engage you?  I have never penned a letter under a pseudonym and I don't need one to speak my mind.  I told you I was disappointed when I realised what kind of a person you really are, as it makes me sad for the future of my country.  But your racism is between you and your conscience.  I will do what I have to do regardless of people like you.  So, please, stop flattering yourself.  It is pathetic, at best.

Gerhard, I don't feel flattered in anyway, I'm just a blogger on an obscure site that very few Guyanese even read.  I also don't know why you accuse me of racism when I did, and still do, support the position that more Afros be visible decision-making positions, jobs and educational opportunities.


What is disappointing is people like you who fell lock-step with the PNC and now have effectively become the new champions of "slo fiah mo fiah" mentality and behavior.  The Guyanese people (mostly Indians) will register this next time around.  You see my man, the Indians in the opposition, who have displayed an irrational hatred of the PPP, have shot themselves and the Party in their foot and as such will be relegated to irrelevance.


What is dangerous and disappointing is this attitude of "foaming from the mouth" with anger which will propel some of you to serve as unwitting agitators of mayhem and give the real pitbull, the PNC, the pretext to unleash their brand of politics on the masses.  This makes me, and many many others, sad for the future of the nation.


You see it's you, not me, will need to wrestle with your conscience should this spin out of control.

It is EASY for a Donkey like GR to call anyone a Racist, that is all they have going for them. When you are SHAMELESS., HEARTLESS and POWER HUNGRY, you are more lethal than a Nuclear Bomb. These BASTARDS are dangerous to the PROGRESS of Guyana. With People like that among us, we have to be VERY careful!!!


I would not use those words to describe Gerhard. He was led astray by Satanic people. 


The AFC always brand those who oppose them as racist. It is a sad but true fact. This party lost the goodwill shown towards them by decent people because they chose to be the PNC sidekick.


The AFC lost a golden opportunity.


Originally Posted by warrior:

when i want a good laugh i come on this site a read what some of you low life collie ppp fools post,

Low life coolie? Don't dismiss the comments of Yusuf. The man is talking from the inside. Did you listen to waht he had to say?

Originally Posted by Nehru:

This SHAMELESS JUDAS wants to deflect blame for causing the deaths of three innocent youths. He has blood on his hands.

You head full ah hyena shit. What a drunk ignorant jackass. 

Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Lar:

Oh my..oh my!

This sounds sooo gay. Go ahead if you are trying to tell us something.

You rass want a jumbie lash nuh

Just waiting to see if anyone can figure our who I could be because so far I'm unable to.

Originally Posted by Lar:
Originally Posted by skeldon_man:
Originally Posted by Lar:

Oh my..oh my!

This sounds sooo gay. Go ahead if you are trying to tell us something.

You rass want a jumbie lash nuh

Just waiting to see if anyone can figure our who I could be because so far I'm unable to.

Unable to determine your sexuality? If yu ah give jumbie lash, dem ada jumbie must friken yu. Rass you look baad! Me have fu watch out.
Look like me have fu get wan tabeej. Mitwah yu tink yu can mek wan fu me or no anybady who no fuh mek wan.

Originally Posted by BGurd_See:
Originally Posted by Lar:

Nah I aint Mits, matter of fact my user name "Lar" is much closer to my real name, Colin.

Yes, lar and colon are close. hahaha


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