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Regional officer pays to settle indecent exposure matter

Posted By Staff Writer On October 16, 2014 @ 5:16 am In Local News | No Comments

Magistrate Sherdel Isaacs-Marcus on Monday dismissed the charge of indecent exposure against a regional development officer after the virtual complainant (VC) accepted $130,000 to settle the matter.

According to the facts of the case, Narine Chattergoon, 49, of Lot 120 Bath Settlement, West Coast Berbice exposed his genitals to a woman who he had invited to his Vryman’s Erven, New Amsterdam office after she enquired about a job.

The New Amsterdam Magistrate’s Court heard the VC decline to offer any evidence in the matter and the agreed sum of $130,000 was handed over resulting in the dismissal of the case.

Chattergoon was charged under Section 28 of the Sexual Offences Act Chapter 8:03. The court heard that in March 2014, at the Regional Democratic Council Vryman’s Erven office in New Amsterdam, the accused exposed his genitals to the woman.

Investigations revealed that on the day in question, the VC was at home awaiting the milk man when she saw the accused on his motorbike. She asked the man if he could help her to secure a job as a neighbourhood police and he told her to meet him at his office. When the woman told him that she could not afford to travel there, he gave her $300.

The woman subsequently went home, dressed and went to his office. When she asked for “Anil” the name given to her; the security guard indicated that she did not know anyone by that name and asked her to wait until she saw the man. Soon after, she saw Chattergoon entering the compound and followed him to his office.

The VC said that while in his office the man pretended to make a few phone calls, left the office, returned shortly after and attempted to kiss her and she pushed him away. According to the VC, Chattergoon then sat in his seat, fondled his genitals and then asked her to perform oral sex. The woman said she refused and left the man’s office in a state of shock.

Later, when police contacted Chattergoon with the allegations he denied knowledge of the accusations and later pleaded not guilty in court after the charge was read to him.

Article printed from Stabroek News:

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"Magistrate Sherdel Isaacs-Marcus on Monday dismissed the charge of indecent exposure against a regional development officer after the virtual complainant (VC) accepted $130,000 to settle the matter."





Does this shit really occur elsewhere?  Put out the cash and everything gets swept under the rug...which eventually comes out again.


This is the same shyte that was planned to go down with the Speaker, difference is, he declined to settle because of the obvious.




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