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It is absolutely essential that the voice of the people be heard.


It is absolutely essential that the poor and the working class are at the centre of the developmental agenda in Guyana.


It is absolutely essential that the majority opposition actively campaign hard at getting their agenda issues on the table of reason and these be positioned in front of the Government not as another document but as part of a bargaining strategy.


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I was in Guyana recently and spoke to quite a few Guyanese.




* Guyanese are optimistic about the future of their country. 


* Guyanese are satisfied with Ramotar as President.


* Guyanese are satisfied with the PPP controlling the presidency and the opposition parties controlling parliament.


* Guyanese were in a typical holiday spirit---folks were upbeat---nobody wanted to really talk about the politicians


* Guyanese seem resigned to the fact that politicians will not contribute to progress in Guyana---they can only retard progress.





No political party will stop Guyana from moving forward.





50 million people in the richest country on the planet are on food stamps---they can't put food on the table. In Guyana there is no starvation---even the poorest of the poor can plant a kitchen garden or catch some patwa.




Thank you Rev Al for your points:


But can we look at it differently:


When the MDGs were brought into being by the world leaders, they identified six values that they thought were essential to human development:

(i)          individual freedoms (participatory governance);

(ii)          equality among individuals;

(iii)          solidarity to manage global challenges based on equity and social justice;

(iv)          tolerance of belief, cultural and language diversity;

(v)          respect for nature; and 

(vi)          shared responsibility to manage worldwide economic and social development.


Unfortunately many of these values are not capture in Guyana’s development model.


If the Ramotar administration want to get it right in 2013,  they need to look at his Development Strategy (is there one of this in place) in  a more holistic manner and engage a wider cross section of stakeholders in a more inclusive and genuine way.


It should not be another opportunity to talk but an opportunity to change lives.  It should not be another opportunity to write a document, but to work the plan.


Example, is the issue of democratic participation at all levels alive and well in Guyana?




Are the poor and the working class fully engaged in the development process and if not, how can we get them be more involved.


What happened to the Cabinet outreach process?


What happened to Local Government elections?


What happened to ordinary worker leaders through their UNIONS making representation at the highest level for the poor and the working class? 


Why not a NATIONAL WORKER’S CONFERENCE to bring all Unions, TUC, FITUG in the same room with the Government of Guyana, MPs, and other stakeholders such as the Private Sector, the local Government bodies, the Amerindian Association, the Women’s Group, the Youth Groups – to dialogue and discuss the needs of the poor and the working class and come away with a practical 1 year plan and 4 year plan, that can be actioned in 2013 and for the rest of the Ramotar term?


I am convinced in my conviction that there is a sharp disconnect between the ambitions of the administration and the ambitions of the people.


Until that re-connection happens, the Ramotar development model will remain loop-sided and un-impactful.


In Guyanese parlance – throwing good money after a bad cause.


After all why is a Government in place, if not to serve the people!


Local government election needs to be a priority. The people were denied local govt election for 18 years. Remember the PNC did the same for 20 years. PPP is now two years short. They need to have an independent procurement commission. The Ombudsman has to be reinstated and make sure Ministers declare assets. Just my two cents... 

Originally Posted by TK:

Local government election needs to be a priority. The people were denied local govt election for 18 years. Remember the PNC did the same for 20 years. PPP is now two years short. They need to have an independent procurement commission. The Ombudsman has to be reinstated and make sure Ministers declare assets. Just my two cents... 

WOW!!! It may be a sign of BETTER things to come. I AGREE WITH TK FULLY.

Originally Posted by SS:


After all why is a Government in place, if not to serve the people!



There is no government on this planet which serves the people--none!


Text books will tell you that governments ought to serve the people.


The reality is when politicians run for office they make a world of promises to the people---they claim that once in power they will be servants of the people---and the people usually belive them and elect them to office.


But once politicians get into office into office they fancy themselves as "masters of the people." Their promises to be "servants of the people" get thrown out the window--there is not a single politician alive who fancies himself a servant of the people.


When politicians get into office they will throw a bone to the masses---for example pensioners will get a small monthy increase. But for the most part politicians will give special considerations to the folks who provided the fundings for their campaigns. And after that politicians start working for their true masters---remember, politicians have masters too---the lobbyists and the folks who provide them with the gifts--the moola--the bribes--the under the table money--they payoffs and the payola.


That's reality Sase---politicians don't give a rat's a$$ about the people---they fancy themselves the masters of the people who put them in office---after they get into office they are consumed by power---and the monetary benefits that power brings.


I mentioned elsewhere Sase---there is no such thing as an honest politician---nice oxymoron---honest politician.


Anyway Sase, you can keep dreaming about politician representing the people---in the real world--that is never the case.



Originally Posted by Rev Al:
Originally Posted by SS:


After all why is a Government in place, if not to serve the people!



There is no government on this planet which serves the people--none!


Text books will tell you that governments ought to serve the people.


The reality is when politicians run for office they make a world of promises to the people---they claim that once in power they will be servants of the people---and the people usually belive them and elect them to office.


But once politicians get into office into office they fancy themselves as "masters of the people." Their promises to be "servants of the people" get thrown out the window--there is not a single politician alive who fancies himself a servant of the people.


When politicians get into office they will throw a bone to the masses---for example pensioners will get a small monthy increase. But for the most part politicians will give special considerations to the folks who provided the fundings for their campaigns. And after that politicians start working for their true masters---remember, politicians have masters too---the lobbyists and the folks who provide them with the gifts--the moola--the bribes--the under the table money--they payoffs and the payola.


That's reality Sase---politicians don't give a rat's a$$ about the people---they fancy themselves the masters of the people who put them in office---after they get into office they are consumed by power---and the monetary benefits that power brings.


I mentioned elsewhere Sase---there is no such thing as an honest politician---nice oxymoron---honest politician.


Anyway Sase, you can keep dreaming about politician representing the people---in the real world--that is never the case.



 Quit rattling inane nonsense. Governments are by definition constructs to serve the people. If those who administrate the office are self seeking as the PPP they fail to satisfy their office like the PPP has.


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